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This is sad...

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  • #16
    if devs would stop worrying about gear and put effort in content people wouldnt be so stressed to play more grind because they feel they have to in order to keep up, or cut dn out of their laifu because its just too much boring slavework or $. tbh i think most of the old players are gone but the ones left are here to see how things play out(if u know what i mean ;c) and a lot of new players are just trying to enjoy the game. if they can stop giving us baby mechs, less focus on gear and more on having fun with content like in t4(even though what some ppl like to say about t4) they could turn things around.


    • Zazzarayq
      Zazzarayq commented
      Editing a comment
      I feel the same way after running the new SDN. I did have a lot of fun learning and clearing it, but I can't help but feel like the nest is missing the core of the original raid. I understand that it's a 4 man nest version and it's going to be more compact and forgiving, but the red markers on boss attacks are such a buzzkill... To me the markers are redundant and don't need to be there, but I suppose they are helpful for the newer players who are unfamiliar with SDN.
      Last edited by Zazzarayq; 04-15-2017, 01:00 PM.

  • #17
    Rip another F2P player gone Click image for larger version

Name:	ripDN.png
Views:	93
Size:	59.5 KB
ID:	64514


    • #18
      RIP OrangeBerry.. Im pretty sure devs are aware of what they are doing but it seems like they don't really care about anything as long as they earn $_$ till this game dies.


      • #19
        oh i didn't know thepauper was actually someone on dn...i instadeclined his friends request because we didn't have a mutual server/friend


        • #20
          Originally posted by Lemon View Post
          oh i didn't know thepauper was actually someone on dn...i instadeclined his friends request because we didn't have a mutual server/friend
          hes a great guy actually too bad you didn't get to know him. But he's reached his limit with this pay to win crap.Now we have U costume so they prob releasing L grade costume next.


          • #21
            Pls Make everything tradable Like Sea Server ))))


            • #22
              This game will have no future if they don't do something about it. Our friends leaving, f2p players leaving, we're all leaving. Now lets see the reaction on ED's face.


              • #23
                Originally posted by PvPE View Post
                This game will have no future if they don't do something about it. Our friends leaving, f2p players leaving, we're all leaving. Now lets see the reaction on ED's face.
                Wish they merge us with sea already big chance our friends would come back and make sea great since they lack competitive players in sea.


                • #24
                  lately i've started to actually feel what this game is doing to people emotionally.

                  it's that time for these people. the limit has been reached and now they are actually. like ACTUALLY backing out of the game and away from everything this new direction stands for.

                  i get that maybe this was one of the last things to come out that was heading in the still p2w/pay2earn easy power through using 2 fucking thousand dollars? from a single user?

                  there is.. no way. a normal person

                  want's to compete. with rich farking bastards in a game they feel passionate about though and the U costumes when shown the stats of these to the public. that's it. this is what's set off a huge trend.
                  where they create so much power imbalancing, but none of that power is obtainable through gameplay.

                  say it's like this.
                  there's two farmers in a certain village.

                  one of them is traditional and has been there for years. living and breathing with the people around them

                  and then. well guess what? so happens some foreign guy comes over from who knows where.
                  buy's up a part of land close and is like where. 'ok. how do i do this 'farming' business? anybody know how?'

                  while throwing cash at people for their services ofc to provide hi with what he needs to start farming.

                  the traditional farmer has made a home and workplace for himself over the year.

                  this new guy comes in and creates a spot for himself in a week.

                  time keeps going on. both of them continuing to work yet

                  the Rich new guy. buys another lot for another farm
                  how does he get the income to do such a thing? it wasn't from making profits that's for sure.

                  the only reason that happened was bc.
                  he thought 'wow . i kinda like these people and what they do. i wanna put more into the place'
                  but you see... his approach. isn't making things greater.

                  there's only so much to go around and people to be respected and such for they have long lived in this area growing their community from scratch... how can these people NOT feel jealously and envy?
                  not everybody is about love and peace here. just bc it's a different environment doesn't mean you have the right to dehumanize them.

                  i could and prolly should go into finer details about this but i am not willing to have to speak and hope for a future progress.
                  the people surrounding me are leaving. not bc of the hardships they face doing what they have been doing for the longest time, but they feel betrayed that all that time, sweat, blood and tears.
                  was covered in a matter of moments by some unknown fellow without a clue nor did he study about the area of work these people do before coming into their workspace.

                  all he did was show some cash and say 'gimmie what i want'

                  if i had to put it in a way the people around me feel when they are down in the dumps from what content is released in the cash shop these days at THOSE rates. (RNG? random number generated? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH! bc it's too pitiful to keep mocking your company!)

                  this would like local farmer. loved by all has successful business.
                  foreign investor looks to strive in this 'new' and 'interesting environment'
                  the Village elders allow the investors to disregard the policies that they had placed on the local to restrict their growth. obviously bc the elders want to sustain their power and control the village to their will.

                  now the investors. it's their place now.
                  with the Elder running of to use this money else where.

                  what of the traditional local farmers though?
                  eventual this new found money as well as the growth/speed of this newly found way of 'farming' out strips that of what they had before and even all they had access too.

                  see where i'm going with this? this isnt a fantastic setting i'm making up here.

                  stuff like this happens all over the world. only fucking bigots who just talk about sports all day in class are the ones who prolly can not grasp the magnitude of our current situation in this game atm.

                  doesn't matter though. no matter where you are, where you live, who you are and what you do

                  human naturally. will respond in a certain manner.

                  the end.

                  and the final message to those who quit to the rich buyers at this point prolly goes like this.

                  'you guys. can have your 'shitty land/game' to yourselves. i'm moving on to something that's worth my 'time'

                  and if you havn't quit? well neither does the old man on the rocking chair staring at kids go by. he don't move a fukn inch everyday and he still there after 10 years. nice
                  Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374


                  • Tara
                    Tara commented
                    Editing a comment
                    SomnangMao, Damn! I love your story. it expresses what we are all feeling very well, I think. People might think "Okay quit, so what?" But what ED doesnt realize is that with most of the f2p population gone, the whales aren't going to find it fun any more either. Or maybe they do realize it. And thats why they keep throwing lil scraps in terms of tiny events....

                    The content has become repetitive. they should do something that involves the whole of the game, the whole of the community, events that tie in into how the game works, etc... I remember when with Nexon some of the players came up with very creative events that were actually motivating to participate in.

                    Anyway, lot of wisdom in your story

                • #25
                  Originally posted by TheSomnangMao View Post
                  lately i've started to actually feel what this game is doing to people emotionally.

                  it's that time for these people. the limit has been reached and now they are actually. like ACTUALLY backing out of the game and away from everything this new direction stands for.

                  i get that maybe this was one of the last things to come out that was heading in the still p2w/pay2earn easy power through using 2 fucking thousand dollars? from a single user?

                  there is.. no way. a normal person

                  want's to compete. with rich farking bastards in a game they feel passionate about though and the U costumes when shown the stats of these to the public. that's it. this is what's set off a huge trend.
                  where they create so much power imbalancing, but none of that power is obtainable through gameplay.

                  say it's like this.
                  there's two farmers in a certain village.

                  one of them is traditional and has been there for years. living and breathing with the people around them

                  and then. well guess what? so happens some foreign guy comes over from who knows where.
                  buy's up a part of land close and is like where. 'ok. how do i do this 'farming' business? anybody know how?'

                  while throwing cash at people for their services ofc to provide hi with what he needs to start farming.

                  the traditional farmer has made a home and workplace for himself over the year.

                  this new guy comes in and creates a spot for himself in a week.

                  time keeps going on. both of them continuing to work yet

                  the Rich new guy. buys another lot for another farm
                  how does he get the income to do such a thing? it wasn't from making profits that's for sure.

                  the only reason that happened was bc.
                  he thought 'wow . i kinda like these people and what they do. i wanna put more into the place'
                  but you see... his approach. isn't making things greater.

                  there's only so much to go around and people to be respected and such for they have long lived in this area growing their community from scratch... how can these people NOT feel jealously and envy?
                  not everybody is about love and peace here. just bc it's a different environment doesn't mean you have the right to dehumanize them.

                  i could and prolly should go into finer details about this but i am not willing to have to speak and hope for a future progress.
                  the people surrounding me are leaving. not bc of the hardships they face doing what they have been doing for the longest time, but they feel betrayed that all that time, sweat, blood and tears.
                  was covered in a matter of moments by some unknown fellow without a clue nor did he study about the area of work these people do before coming into their workspace.

                  all he did was show some cash and say 'gimmie what i want'

                  if i had to put it in a way the people around me feel when they are down in the dumps from what content is released in the cash shop these days at THOSE rates. (RNG? random number generated? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH! bc it's too pitiful to keep mocking your company!)

                  this would like local farmer. loved by all has successful business.
                  foreign investor looks to strive in this 'new' and 'interesting environment'
                  the Village elders allow the investors to disregard the policies that they had placed on the local to restrict their growth. obviously bc the elders want to sustain their power and control the village to their will.

                  now the investors. it's their place now.
                  with the Elder running of to use this money else where.

                  what of the traditional local farmers though?
                  eventual this new found money as well as the growth/speed of this newly found way of 'farming' out strips that of what they had before and even all they had access too.

                  see where i'm going with this? this isnt a fantastic setting i'm making up here.

                  stuff like this happens all over the world. only fucking bigots who just talk about sports all day in class are the ones who prolly can not grasp the magnitude of our current situation in this game atm.

                  doesn't matter though. no matter where you are, where you live, who you are and what you do

                  human naturally. will respond in a certain manner.

                  the end.

                  and the final message to those who quit to the rich buyers at this point prolly goes like this.

                  'you guys. can have your 'shitty land/game' to yourselves. i'm moving on to something that's worth my 'time'

                  and if you havn't quit? well neither does the old man on the rocking chair staring at kids go by. he don't move a fukn inch everyday and he still there after 10 years. nice
                  lul you took the word and frustration out of my mouth...


                  • #26
                    damn, i cant believe orange quit the game, the most dedicated GP farmer and grinder in NA,
                    i dont see any future on this game anymore, they showing us how greedy they are,
                    too many ppl quitting the game now, even veterans, And ED dont care about them for sure,
                    sea server dont have that U costume but NA went ahead of sea,
                    look how ED desperate to milk americans i mean NA,
                    why dont they think of something good for player since most player wants to spend money on this game,
                    ED you dont need to milk US, cause player spend money automatically thru egg and making costumes, etc,
                    why not let EC be tradable
                    and thats good source of gold for players who spend money, isnt that fair?
                    thats one way for you ED of earning money from RICH player, so that way those who cant afford putting real money wont call you a $$ digger.
                    and STOP those bot from selling gold, those bot makes most of your player mad, cause its not fair to everyone,
                    you guys have automatic bot detection for apple farmer, but bot detection for gold selling, none? thats so rediculious,
                    follow your own rule ED.
                    anyway, good luck ED


                    • #27
                      Originally posted by Pounding

                      Really goes to show how amazing this game is!! The more p2w you make the game the more people will play it! ... jokes no one likes this game anymore, it's boring and repetitive, aint nothin to do but spend hella cash to get stronger w/o even playing the game lmfao RIP DN WONT BE MISSED

