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A Concerned Veteran

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  • #16
    When someone like CraZyZeuS makes a thread like this, you know you burned down the building Eyedentity. I agree with all the stuff that Zeus said about the game. At this point, the game is just a pile of rot being sustained by cash sellers and whales.

    Our server is set aside by both Eyedentity and Cherry Credits. Eyedentity says they are hosting us but continue to make stupid decisions while CC close our tickets.


    • #17
      Who could've thought, a company that is way worse than Nexon?


      • #18
        can they just remove like, costume stats forever
        that would be great
        or make em not give anything more than 5% stat

        well of course thats not gonna happen, idk how the asian servers are faring cause i heard they are more p2w than us; tbh its probably the same complaints because the devs have responded with Rune dragon norm that can be cleared by casuals and HC which skyrockets in difficulty, f2p players will have to settle with uniques while the cash whales go for hc

        also bring back some form of SA break? at least for pve; other mmos u can interrupt the boss and DN has these capabilities programmed, but now its like, nah thats too imbalanced or complicated just throw dps checks and call it a day

        theres really no easy way, i bet the devs have all sorts of cool mech ideas planned but money is tight and they get scrapped
        Last edited by ceruulean; 04-15-2017, 09:56 PM.
        Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
        Who guards the guardians?


        • #19
          Originally posted by OneMysteriousGuy View Post

          It's quiet easy once you get the mech down and the difficulties is on par with granom hc. Back at 90 caps DDN prove to be more challenging then this crap.
          I don't know about you, but try playing in a party solely in Obsession Theanos. Those type of people often times do not have the luxury of even learning the mechanics because it's... that "difficult". More times than I can count, at least in Granom HC, pug parties are unable to take down the DPS check towers in the first boss. Sure, I guess for veterans and people geared up their butt holes thing this game is easy and boring, but I think the average user has a more difficult time and in that respect, more fun time. To people already bored of SDN, I just want to put into context, are you geared as previously stated or...?

          I mean, I'm not trying to discount that argument, just putting it into context some more.

          In regards to this game's direction, it's absolute shit. This most recent patch wasn't even a disguised cash grab like Rajuul weapons, but rather a blatant one. NA got shafted and has continued to get shafted. The direction we're headed is treading through more shit. SEA gets dual patches, more content per patch, while we have delayed Black Mara (we all thought it was in April, now it's in May), delayed Rune Dragon, and delayed Assassin Awakenings. If ED wants any hope of redeeming this server, I think patches need to be expedited and we need a lot more events, at least as much as SEA.
          TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


          • Tiyara
            Tiyara commented
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            I'm in theano gear with around 170k town damage and have cleared it somewhat with people around the same level of gear. The bar mechs and moves should be straightforward after a few runs.

            We're at the point where veterans have genesis + IDN Ls and easily reach over 300k town damage and burst all the content we have.

            Overall the nest is a lot better than daid imo (where every boss had a dps check variation)

          • aaron
            aaron commented
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            Tiyara, that seems to be like one in a million chance for me, if I were to play with pugs (which I often do, due to my hours of availability). Glad to hear that at least some people stick it out. I try teaching them, but without mastery of the class (which is somewhat difficult), a lot of randoms can't even pull their own weight on Granom HC.

            With that said, the only ones saying the game is super easy are the ones that are ridiculously geared. That's what L grade gear plus min-maxing cash items for maximum DPS does. I think I'm sufficiently geared myself, but I still find things like Granom HC difficult when I become the primary and often time sole DPS. All in all, I think this really enforces the number 3 of Zeus' opening post... but when people say they're getting bored, keep in mind they're often calibrating it for people like the random pugs I play with.

          • Celia
            Celia commented
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            It's especially hard when you have about an 80% chance that the players in your pug just made those characters 2 days ago and don't know how to play them yet.

        • #20
          I have to agree with a lot of the points brought up. I still enjoy some aspects of the game which is why I still continue to play, but the underlying and surface level problems are too difficult to ignore and brush off. The aggressive microtransaction model being employed is not sustainable or healthy for the game in the long run and the stats on costume items have gone very far past excessive. It makes it exceptionally difficult to recommend this game to others. It's a shame because there are aspects that are great but there are too many caveats that would turn away most people.

          For newer players I feel like it's also too difficult to catch up. If someone completely new were to hit 93 right now they would have a massively steep mountain to climb just to get somewhat in the area of the current "gear standards". I've seen too many people already working hard to gear up but giving up and leaving the game after a few weeks because you can't make good amount of gold or progress in gears in a reasonable amount of time unless you're already somewhat strong or get really lucky. The gearing system being poor and all over the place with no real smooth gradual progression to follow also doesn't help. Panpeito also brought up a great point about the disconnect between the new player leveling experience and the endgame.

          I just don't get the direction they're going in. The game in its current state is insular and stagnant. Where is the playerbase growth and retention? Where are the developers acknowledging that there are deep rooted problems in the game that require urgent repair and reevaluation? It's sad to see the same sort of criticisms month after month with no real plans by Eyedentity to hastily turn things around.
          Last edited by Tortellini; 04-16-2017, 12:19 AM.


          • #21
            Honestly GM's hes completely right about this post man, like I know you guys are thinking about the nice cash that flows in your pockets from this game but just imagine if you guys sat down and took the time to make this game great, we would have SO many players, this game has the best combat I have ever experienced by far but with all the bad perks that comes with the game it just kills everything...please come together and make DN great.
            Last edited by King; 04-16-2017, 04:49 AM.


            • #22
              I actually quit this month because of 2 things. 1 they absolutely class killed inquisitor in pvp and have made him useless(seriously, if u know how to pvp or know anything about pvp, look at how they "balanced" inquisitor.) and it forced me to go and try out pve, which for the most part i was actually enjoying since all my time in dn was spent in pvp, but then I realized what is the point in gearing up to do this content, i'm not motivated to gear and there feels like no incentive to do it. I don't think it's actually hard to gear and get lgrade equipment, BUT THAT DEPENDS ON U, VETERANS OF PVE. I think another problem with pve is that if u stop charging people for idn runs and try to carry undergeared people and HELP THEM, and stop trying to make a profit off of what keeps people from catching up lgrade players, equipment definately wouldn't be a problem. I think if the community came together and did mixed parties of geared ppl + non geared ppl doing idn runs, then everybody could get their pieces. I think the more costly thing is getting genesis and enhancing costs...
              That's my lil 2 cents
              Last edited by ImNotYourPal; 04-16-2017, 02:27 AM.


              • DivineLion
                DivineLion commented
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                Same, after the april 13 patch i stopped using my inquis for pvp

              • ImNotYourPal
                ImNotYourPal commented
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                Pvp inquis nerf was so disrespectful i quit the game lol. These fools don't know how to balance

              • Panpeito
                Panpeito commented
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                ImNotYourPal i dont think youd offend any vets nor need to apologize. its understandable to be frustrated. the game and its community are in serious need of change/revamp, but idk what needs to be done to fix it. i only know how to point out things ive noticed :weary:

            • #23
              The events feel unorganized and have no thought put into them. Mostly all of the new events were to get people to spend more money into the game and to make F2P players feel like shit so they could throw their money away.The guild base event can be translated to "The guild with the most money gets free stuff". They alsp had an event where you could play with GM's in IDN but only a certain few who can click fast enough can get in.
              “We don't inherit an identity; we get to invent it. And we get to re-invent ourselves as often as we like. And that means that every day, when you wake up in the morning, you have to decide what kind of person you want to be.” - Barry Schwartz


              • #24
                DN NA is at its death door go press N Guild and see how many people haven't log in since this month patch. Wish they give us an answer soon to what they going to do with our server. A picture is worth a thousand words
                Click image for larger version

Name:	DN.png
Views:	335
Size:	81.9 KB
ID:	64680
                Last edited by OneMysteriousGuy; 04-16-2017, 04:00 AM.


                • #25
                  Lol seems like you finally broke


                  • #26
                    I can agree to the majority of what Zeus is saying. An MMO is meant to braindead your time into pulling results, and it seems as though dungeoning, nesting, etc for a new player is not cutting the time needed to finish prepping for content being released. I have actually been watching a lot of activity going on in dragon nest and it seems to me that there are 1) less players able to buy raid runs because of income options in game is getting more extinct or getting more RNG based which is the definition of rage quit 2) even players able to afford raid runs after p2p for it they will have to find the income somehow to enhance it. Everyone knows how Lgrades work and that 33% no enchantment boost on L grade shit ain't helping nobody. Not to mention I understand that the route that dn has taken implementing more options for gear at cap for players getting diverse equipment for classes based on income, but were still not considering the Time (in game and in real life), the consistency ( with multiple characters/accounts) and the attempts that players make toward RNG and it taking 92433 more years to finally get barely caught up with a third stat crest ( depending on the crest )...
                    Last edited by NerdyTechnology; 04-16-2017, 08:15 AM.


                    • #27
                      eyedentity games has lost it!

                      game needs a major shakeup. ec gear stats need to be nerfed heavily or reworked from the ground up. too damn broken!!

                      taking too damn long to get any REAL change and they are bleeding players left and right

                      some of these complaints r not even exclusive to NA. It is a GLOBAL dragon nest issue!!!! It is sad to see how slow Eyedentity is on talking with their players!!

                      they need to show willingness to enact TRUE CHANGE and better dialogue with THEIR PLAYERS!!!!!

                      also sellin mentor slots if u wanna buy
                      It is not truth that matters, but victory. - Albert Einstein


                      • #28
                        at this point i dont even care about the contents.. just at least freaking fix the bugs and not fk us over and over.
                        AYY LMAO BAN HAMMER.png


                        • #29
                          Originally posted by Pounding

                          Their manager is obviously a jew so change gearing towards making this game less p2w has no chance so this game is most likely on its death bed.


                          • #30
                            preach it zeus!
                            Discord: xHerpaDoip#1316

