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A Concerned Veteran

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  • #46
    Cause to him it doesn't matter if DN die or not. If you cant comprehend the situation DN NA in right now shows how ignorant you are also you wouldn't understand Zues frustration with the game anyway, only those who spend hours and hours on DN and been through varies cap would.


    • #47
      Originally posted by CraZyZeuS View Post

      Not sure why this matters to you and why it is causing you to over react. $2700 is not even half my monthly pay cheque. There are players who make way more than me as well. You don't have to be rich to afford it. You don't need to explain to me what millionaires think. I can tell you aren't one by your over reaction.
      You're delusional lol, your household income that your parents make is not your own money, you've barely turned 21 like I said.

      Again, still don't see what you have to prove with stating that $2700 is not even your monthly pay, when you live with your parents lol, hilarious lmao

      the salt is real, keep getting your guildies to post in your defense when you're helpless on the forums as you always do.
      Maybe remind them to spell your name as Zeus instead of Zues too.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Arushieru View Post

        You're delusional lol, your household income that your parents make is not your own money, you've barely turned 21 like I said.

        Again, still don't see what you have to prove with stating that $2700 is not even your monthly pay, when you live with your parents lol, hilarious lmao

        the salt is real, keep getting your guildies to post in your defense when you're helpless on the forums as you always do.
        Maybe remind them to spell your name as Zeus instead of Zues too.
        Nice pick up there oh I ain't his guildie we don't even talk I would love to see you in game your either a pay to win or a casual so this pay to win thing doesn't really doesn't affect you in anyway. We share a common view point that's all.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Arushieru View Post

          You're delusional lol, your household income that your parents make is not your own money, you've barely turned 21 like I said.

          Again, still don't see what you have to prove with stating that $2700 is not even your monthly pay, when you live with your parents lol, hilarious lmao

          the salt is real, keep getting your guildies to post in your defense when you're helpless on the forums as you always do.
          Maybe remind them to spell your name as Zeus instead of Zues too.
          You can live in your own fantasy world and believe your own story about me. I don't really need to prove to someone with poor reading comprehension skills my net worth.

          I'm just going to end it here since you are derailing the thread and this is not what this thread is about. This is for the community of NA, not me. What fun is a game when no one else you know continues? I've seen friends throughout the community quit this game at 40/50/60/70/80/90 cap and new players would step up as veterans. However, the amount we have left is only a fraction of what we used to and they are starting to leave as well.
          Dragon Nest Savior


          • #50
            Originally posted by CraZyZeuS View Post

            You can live in your own fantasy world and believe your own story about me.
            Directly quoting what you've told me and others isn't anything from a fantasy world, unless you yourself live in one


            • #51
              I agree to everything Zeus has said and stated, as a fellow guild and raid leader.
              It is really said to see friends that stayed with me for 40/50/60/70/80/90 cap, go now with the direction this game is heading.
              Many people have extracted their gear out of frustration and left, leaving no reason to return at all. Which they probably are right, but it's just sad.
              Even if nothing is being done about it, at the very least Zeus was raising a voice that most of us could agree or relate to.

              I am sorry that some players don't see the same way, but I too consider myself a veteran player and I have never given this much thought into quitting this game until now. I've always tried my best to stay with the game, telling myself that I would let my account and gold and character die with the game, but I may very well not last till then. Guildmates and teammates are disappearing. It takes so much effort, just to keep up with the game's grind to generate income gold, not to mention now there is now tons of stats available thru cash items worth over $300+ easily. Thus I must agree with Zeus here too
              Discord : Koko#8205


              • #52
                Originally posted by koko View Post
                I agree to everything Zeus has said and stated, as a fellow guild and raid leader.
                It is really said to see friends that stayed with me for 40/50/60/70/80/90 cap, go now with the direction this game is heading.
                Many people have extracted their gear out of frustration and left, leaving no reason to return at all. Which they probably are right, but it's just sad.
                Even if nothing is being done about it, at the very least Zeus was raising a voice that most of us could agree or relate to.

                I am sorry that some players don't see the same way, but I too consider myself a veteran player and I have never given this much thought into quitting this game until now. I've always tried my best to stay with the game, telling myself that I would let my account and gold and character die with the game, but I may very well not last till then. Guildmates and teammates are disappearing. It takes so much effort, just to keep up with the game's grind to generate income gold, not to mention now there is now tons of stats available thru cash items worth over $300+ easily. Thus I must agree with Zeus here too
                Guess the guild leader are more frustrated then others. Take times to train them and see how they grow. Seem like guild leader effort gone to waste.


                • #53
                  Hello. CraZyZeuS. This is Dean.

                  I read your post like 3 times. I can't gues how much you love DN, but I strongly feel you love DN as much as, or more than I do.

                  I esclated your post to my team and currently we all know what the users' main needs is.

                  We will consider your opinion seriously and we will try our best to improve DN.

                  Actually, we are not just ignoring what you are talking about and what you want. I know I'm not a best Game Manaer but not only me but also all people in our team work hard to give you better gaming experience.

                  Please wait us and believe us. We don't want to ruin DN NA. We will fix things step by step. Probably this will take long and probably many of you will leave us. But we will not give up this.

                  We will keep wrok for better DN NA.

                  Thank you.


                  • OneMysteriousGuy
                    OneMysteriousGuy commented
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                    Dean with the changes with the mentor system and Rune 8 man normal we can see your team is trying i commend your effort I'm also happy the fact you bring back volcano for the next cap however with 1 great changes you make come another bad changes like why are you removing DNP at this late in the game should of remove it like 1 or 2 month its been what 6 - months players get used to it by now then you give us a reason like bots come on if you guys want you can come up with ideas like do the 7 daily task to get free dnp.

                    Releasing U costume is not an issues but make it trad able in MP please its fine those hero set cant be trade but basic costume should be able to trade why is INA and others server can be trade but not ours what will the players think about ED. Are you abusing the fact that Americans are rich and able to milk money. Today I saw 3 party up on party list and this show a lot.

                    I love this game and trust me I be those few people that will be here until server shut down even the last 2 minute that's my love for DN been playing since 60 caps but if you add my hours up I been playing as much as these beta player. Please bring back daily DNP and please make U trad able on market that why I can convince my boys to come back to the game. Currently I promise my guys to take them on runes and carrying them nest every week to keep them from leaving.
                    Last edited by OneMysteriousGuy; 04-20-2017, 03:15 AM.

                  • Couplord
                    Couplord commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Hello Dean50, thank you for relaying to us the good news!

                    If this isn't alot to ask for, could we have the main problems of the game be addressed first? In my opinion the 2 main problems are as followed.

                    -Conversion costume can't be traded on the marketplace: Even if other EC items can't other costumes such as Engineer costume can, this costume is already allowed to be traded on marketplace on DN EU, and letting Conversion costume be able to be sold via marketplace will make tons of players happy and players could not call this game Pay to Win.

                    -The Economy: This server seems to have a huge gold problem, the only way players are able to get gold is by creating hundreds or thousands of characters to farm apples, this is done by planting a seed in the farm, and then 5 days later you collect it for 35 gold, once done on massive amounts of characters one is able to effortlessly farm a great amount of gold. Personally I believe This is a huge problem and only those who mass create accounts are getting sufficient amounts of gold, leaving the other players broke. We need to have gold generation events for F2P players, one that could put enough gold into this server to both make it better on the F2P players who actually do the daily content, and make account farming not as viable by decreasing the value of 35 gold... So that the entire server can have gold instead of the top 5% who farm accounts. ( Not to mention the possibility of bots farming this to sell gold to players VIA sites, you got rid of DNP due to bots right? Well what about this more pressing problem? )

                    Thank you very much for your time dedicated to helping this community.

                  • TheSomnangMao
                    TheSomnangMao commented
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                    i personally believe that IF the 80cap loot/drop system and abyss dungeon were brought back into the game it would increase the gold generation by a significant amount. this pretty much includes all that content 'they' decided was unnecessary such as collectibles, commissions + end of dungeon rewards which only now gives over blue armor/weapons which are are not resellable or reusable leading it to becoming a dead item.

                    it doesn't even sell to NPC's for much. it's worthless when compared to the older Epic and Nest gears that were available on demand, helped you with dmg through dungeons and could be re sold on the market and reused for your other characters if need be.

                • #54
                  Good enough for me Dean.


                  • #55

                    Can you tell your team to try and bring more story elemnets to dn? I feel like this game lost its "soul" over the years, as people focus on damage and gearing and getting stuff done fast. I think the content should be designed for players to "take it steady”

                    Click image for larger version

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                    The first example is the world map. Altera has a world map??! Yes Altera used to have a world map, and showed your location. Now it's been removed since 90 cap and there's no relation between all the areas. I think the team should invest in updating the map and putting it back in game because it really made the world seem alive and real. We should have new maps for the Vestinel realm, because right now I have no idea where the main quest takes place. I don't know where Merka and Rhadames are located.

                    Dark banquet HC is a really interesting dungeon. While it is cheesed with skill gems and relatively difficult otherwise, I enjoyed seeing the "evil side" of the Dimensional Rabbit who give gifts and sends assassins after you.

                    and conversion costumes sucks, there's no fix to the broken stats they give other than to 1) make stats equal to epic so you are simply paying for cosmetic privilege, 2) reduce ALL costume rarity stats, or 3) design content around normal stats
                    to be honest I don't know how your team will solve this one

                    finally the lack of localization is really saddening. Everything is in Korean or silent. With nexon we knew we were getting good translations even if the patches took longer. Now we get typos and bugs all the time. Nothing is organized we literally get copy paste from EU and SEA. Maybe this is Nexons fault for putting so much effort in the beginning but it really shows
                    Last edited by ceruulean; 04-20-2017, 01:43 AM.
                    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
                    Who guards the guardians?


                    • TheSomnangMao
                      TheSomnangMao commented
                      Editing a comment

                      ^please please. this is just a drop of water, but i believe if you taking baby steps this should be considered and doesn't sound too difficult on paper to pull it off.. right? :L

                      like. we need our newer 'interested and keen' customers/players to be allowed to bask in our game for longer and not get segregated bc they lack damage or don't follow the metagame of the community.

                      although there's a problem with it being too team dependent (look at league season 2 vs season 7, the casual experience has dropped in quality whereas the professional metagame has evolved so much you cannot deny it making it restrictive of your freedom in the game itself.) if no class is useless though or overshadowed completely by another then i find that wouldn't cause as much of a issue.

                      as it stands it could be said that you do not even need a team with how the meta is played out. particularly if said person/people were so strong that the enemies they face would eventually fall just to the 2 of them.... (2 man IDN)
                      Last edited by TheSomnangMao; 04-20-2017, 01:37 AM.

                  • #56

                    I don't know what kind of weed they were smoking while they were discussing this shit


                    • #57
                      There is nothing talking about bot gold,a dead and broken economic environment,

                      I never saw a game which GM allowed bot gold.

                      U really destroy this game.


                      • #58
                        Yah most "new" people are those who played the game in the past and decided to check it out again. They have memories of the old game where it was a lot more cohesive and popular. There are very few, truly new players. I wouldn't recommend this game in its current state because all the thing I liked about it BESIDES the combat system have disappeared. (Good voice acting/translations, not very p2w compared to maplestory at the time, active community)
                        Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
                        Who guards the guardians?


                        • #59
                          100% agree
                          Discord: MeeHox#9128
                          IGN: MeeHox (LK)


                          • #60

                            Srry i dont speak english, so hope u will understand me

                            I was playing in SEA server long time ago, i quit when cap 70 was relased, so i comeback and check the game like 3 weeks ago and wow dude now its so hard to get a fkn party for the lvl 93 nest, everybody want a super ultra power geared to run TKN HC wow.

                            The guild leader help me sometimes to run TKN PKN hc but he cant help all the guild members to run, so i try to join ramdom partys and got kicked just because i dont have Cash Equip or Legend equip +12, i remember when the first TKN PKN in cap 60 i run this nest with my equip +7 no suffix and now to run the last content i need MAX enchanced equip and Epic CASH costume.

                            today i try to run SDN with a random party, they dont know how the mechanics but i got kicked just for dont get a ultra power equip and cash equip feelsbadman.

                            I love the game and try to return to get some fun like old times, but i only do DQs and sometimes run TKN/PKN and sell the Harmony cubes to save gold to buy a 1 fkn piece of CASH costume, i only have 1.5k gold in 3 weeks so sad, i hope just ED can balance the game like old times.

                            well hope u all can understand me and srry for my bad english.


                            • TheSomnangMao
                              TheSomnangMao commented
                              Editing a comment
                              it's post and comments like yours actually that i treasure the most because it shows not the troubles of a geared/well established player but a common man in this world of Dragon Nest that stands today.

                              just a returnee player also from another server yet he feels the pain already. how come a game is causing him stress? is this what this games motive has become? to make players not feel happy and entertainment for their spent but to force them to feel hard labour of working in the coal mines?

                              is there not something we can do to revert the changes made without taking the consumers ability to use the product in a rewarding manner anymore?

                              this game just feel like when you sharpen a 2HB pencil and the lead keep breaking the over and over except sometimes the lead doesn't break after awhile. the truth behind the lead being broken inside though is because somebody dropped the pencil and shattered the inside. the only people that maintain and have that power is of course.


                            • Breamiin
                              Breamiin commented
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                              Hi Hielito, if you want to run nests feel free to PM me in game. My ign is Brea and I would gladly run you through any nests that you have and that I have as well! Its sad this community doesn't reach out and help people. I started in 70 cap and a very kind Abyss Walker helped me learn the game and took me through nests while I was leveling to cap. I wish to forward that person's kindness when there is so little of it lacking these days.

                            • ceruulean
                              ceruulean commented
                              Editing a comment
                              I assure you most people are nice and will run if you have basic gear (+6-+10 epics)
                              But the game is smaller so it becomes harder to find parties once you get kicked