Hello, developers and gms of this dragon nest hybrid f2p/p2w game. I just want to suggest some changes so this game will stop being shitty.
We appreciate the gifts we get during the leveling up part. We are very thankful for the random gear you generate for us when we reach 93. but the thing is that that gear
won't help us get a decent kick start in the game. Sure there's that growth guide but its not like we could afford them asap. New players won't be able to buy anything
productive for PvE. they won't be able to run any decent nests, not even those easy dungeons. Sure there are carries but cant depends on those because those people
won't always be there. Why not just give a full set decent +8 gear of armor and weapons. like decent enough to run the norms you know and daily at the very least. that way
new players can start farming their investments so they can follow the growth book or be able to enjoy the game. New players seem lost after they hit 93 they don't know
what to do and where to go. with the gears, they have they cant do anything. take my suggestion and reward those new players that hit 93 a +8 lvl93 epic gear set or
something. Be Original - Stop copy pasting stuff from sea. you have a developer team for a reason. Talk to each other, discuss how you can make dn na great again. we
understand nexon fucked everything up when they left but its never too late to start again and fix the shits. Yeah, it's all about the money but you need to understand that
people will play this game if its fun. for some reason you took away the daily dnps for (more gm events) where are the gm events there are some but it is not enough... we all
are delayed on the DNP savings. why do you have to make it so hard for everyone? Mightaswell make the game pay to play and make everything in the game very
satisfying like no more ftg system, everything in the cash shop goes free. You need to think hard with your team on how to make dn great again because you are losing a
lot of players. bye bye, money later it's gonna be just you alone paying up for the server to keep it alive. It's going to be sad when dn na gets shutdown and will no longer
exist. so while there's still time to make changes and good fixes to the game, why not do it now? cant depend on cherry credits all the time. ok, you get some contents
from there but when it comes to particular parts of the core of the game maybe you can do something unique right? give new players op as fuck costumes when they hit
93 so they can enjoy the game by being able to run decent nests and dungeons and dailies at the very least. You know the supply and demand in gold buying are so
high plus apple farming on millions of alts. people do that because the game's rates are so shit. it is not fair for the new players that they get shitty rewards thats not
going to help them to be productive in the game to enjoy it. there are so many things that needs to be fixed in the game, if u dont do these fixes and changes dn na will
never change and never be great again but it'll go down hill until you're our of profits. think hard about what you could do to make dn na great and fun to play. because
many people are leaving. Even those people who just hit level 93 are leaving they think they have finished the game once they hit 93. we are dn na eyedentity we have
our own ideas and thots. we must be unique and original. we dont have that much people unlike in other servers. I spent alto of time and effort and money in this game
because i love it. but its sad t see people leave and shit because the game is being shitty and dead. make a change please.
won't help us get a decent kick start in the game. Sure there's that growth guide but its not like we could afford them asap. New players won't be able to buy anything
productive for PvE. they won't be able to run any decent nests, not even those easy dungeons. Sure there are carries but cant depends on those because those people
won't always be there. Why not just give a full set decent +8 gear of armor and weapons. like decent enough to run the norms you know and daily at the very least. that way
new players can start farming their investments so they can follow the growth book or be able to enjoy the game. New players seem lost after they hit 93 they don't know
what to do and where to go. with the gears, they have they cant do anything. take my suggestion and reward those new players that hit 93 a +8 lvl93 epic gear set or
something. Be Original - Stop copy pasting stuff from sea. you have a developer team for a reason. Talk to each other, discuss how you can make dn na great again. we
understand nexon fucked everything up when they left but its never too late to start again and fix the shits. Yeah, it's all about the money but you need to understand that
people will play this game if its fun. for some reason you took away the daily dnps for (more gm events) where are the gm events there are some but it is not enough... we all
are delayed on the DNP savings. why do you have to make it so hard for everyone? Mightaswell make the game pay to play and make everything in the game very
satisfying like no more ftg system, everything in the cash shop goes free. You need to think hard with your team on how to make dn great again because you are losing a
lot of players. bye bye, money later it's gonna be just you alone paying up for the server to keep it alive. It's going to be sad when dn na gets shutdown and will no longer
exist. so while there's still time to make changes and good fixes to the game, why not do it now? cant depend on cherry credits all the time. ok, you get some contents
from there but when it comes to particular parts of the core of the game maybe you can do something unique right? give new players op as fuck costumes when they hit
93 so they can enjoy the game by being able to run decent nests and dungeons and dailies at the very least. You know the supply and demand in gold buying are so
high plus apple farming on millions of alts. people do that because the game's rates are so shit. it is not fair for the new players that they get shitty rewards thats not
going to help them to be productive in the game to enjoy it. there are so many things that needs to be fixed in the game, if u dont do these fixes and changes dn na will
never change and never be great again but it'll go down hill until you're our of profits. think hard about what you could do to make dn na great and fun to play. because
many people are leaving. Even those people who just hit level 93 are leaving they think they have finished the game once they hit 93. we are dn na eyedentity we have
our own ideas and thots. we must be unique and original. we dont have that much people unlike in other servers. I spent alto of time and effort and money in this game
because i love it. but its sad t see people leave and shit because the game is being shitty and dead. make a change please.