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Overrated player SHOUTOUT LIST

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  • Overrated player SHOUTOUT LIST

    Tired of people ruining underrated player shoutout list So I made this and guess i'll start, xinnis is bad oFelicia (both IW) is bad Michikos is bad (temp likes to spam) Spinner is bad (barb likes to spam) and pretty much most acros snipers and elementalists
    DeathlyShade 95 Raven
    95 DarkAvenger
    95 Guardian
    ShadeOfAbyss 95 AbyssWalker
    ????????? 95 BleedPhantom
    Your Favorite God Of Death

  • #2
    Keep this cancer off fourms.


    • #3
      hey thanks for the shoutout

      too bad that you leave every time you come close to feinting, but I wreck you ezpz with one spin

      im taking you to the laundromat for some free spin cycles shade

      A tale of autism and Incompetence


      • #4
        These people aren't overrated... you're just salty lmao


        • #5
          Deathlyshade, cry a bigger river, but thanks for the nice shout out, make me famous! since youre only skills are to cry, rant, and leave, its also funny how you, MISTICKILLER, like to complain about awakes but use a DA! so what clerics and tinks are going to be the target of your next verbal assault for their awakes? the Admins should see you for the flaming twat you are and ban you for even making this post. ASIDE from the fact your post is riddled with spelling errors youre the most pathetic weakest assassin out there, I vote you the Biggest Lil Bitch of NA shoutout
          Last edited by Bitezboi; 12-20-2016, 01:36 AM.


          • #6
            I wouldn't worry about it mistic. Trash supports trash, sure abort will be in here soon speaking as if he plays respectfully.


            • GodOfDeath
              GodOfDeath commented
              Editing a comment
              XD its fine I did make this page after xinnis needed Felicia to help "it" its all in the past now the point is they're garbage gg

          • #7
            -waits patiently for trashy responses from garbage-.....


            • #8
              can i be underrated?

