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How's the PvP lag compared to Nexon PvP servers?

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  • #16
    Unplayable for me, I'm getting red bar like no tomorrow, it only happens when one or more person is on the internet,
    But if no one is on, its fine..... odd... coz this never happen at nexon to me D:


    • #17
      so far i've experienced WAY more glitchy evades/skills than before. i tried to eagle dive 3 times in a row, one immediately after the other (when skills glitch the cd isnt triggered) and each cast resulted in floating in the air and doing absolutely nothing. not sure if this is directly caused by lag so this may just be an issue with the skill itself


      • #18
        Same thing, but a bit less of air casting.
        Gears : Gear Master


        • #19
          no difference
          Click image for larger version

Name:	41e9b91b0792478a9be9eab6c99463bb.png
Views:	228
Size:	279.1 KB
ID:	11437


          • #20
            its worse now, depending where you live.


            • #21
              It's a lot better for me
              But I haven't PvPed a ton yet.

              Edit: Might help to post a general location, too.

              Loc: Bay Area, CA


              • #22
                Australia here (not like it matters, bad is still bad) but it's better. Went from 356ms to 286ms.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Goodwill View Post
                  Australia here (not like it matters, bad is still bad) but it's better. Went from 356ms to 286ms.
                  dat some fucking dodonet right there


                  • Goodwill
                    Goodwill commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Our internet should be dodo and go extinct.

                • #24
                  PvP feels a lot better for me compared to before, but there's still some lag, which can be attributed to poor netcode rather than mass packet loss under Nexon.

                  Notably, I can consistently roll out of Gravity Crush now, which was a tactic that existed in every version but ours up until the transfer.


                  • #25

                    Yo my net is swag nbn. dont ass o ciate dodo with me wao.


                    • #26
                      I haven't done any real pvp yet, but I think I was getting 130ms. By comparison I get 30ms for League.


                      • #27
                        Originally posted by Booyaah View Post
                        I haven't done any real pvp yet, but I think I was getting 130ms. By comparison I get 30ms for League.
                        thats because league servers are located in chicago and dn servers are in cali somewhere. Also league servers are massive due to more than 25 million monthly players which is insane compared to dns population numbers. theres absolutely no way you can compare them.

                        in contrast even though i have kept the same ping in dn it has become a lot less inconsistent and all i experience are connection and coding issues no server issues anymore.
                        OG Salad and full time memer.


                        • #28
                          Update: There is less ghosting for me, but my get-up attack and evades are failing more than ever before, particularly Aerial Evasion.

                          I try to use my evades lag-failing as a means of reminding myself that I'm not utilizing them optimally (This happens to be the case honestly, more times than not), but no sometimes lag really just conquers all, it's like love.

