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About the new Golden Goblin Dungeon

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  • About the new Golden Goblin Dungeon

    Forget about clearing all 14 weekly entry count for the Golden Goblin Dungeon, I can't even find a single piece of that blasted gold goblin coin after 1700 FTG worth of abyss runs, x3 VN norm and x3 VN HC.

    Not. Even. One.

    None of my guildmates has found one yet, and as far as I know, not a single player has boasted their lucky find via messenger birds. Not to mention that the one available for purchase in Kathy event store will cost you 10 coins instead of 6 coins as stated in the patch note (Ha! You played yourself, ED!)

    If any of you lucky players happen to come across one such ticket in your dungeon/nest runs, please share the screenshot here just to give other players any semblance of hope.
    Last edited by NearLawlet; 01-09-2018, 10:55 AM.

  • #2
    I saw several people shouting Gold Goblin coin already. And I also see it in my Rune normal run 8man. Too bad, I cannot win roll that though.
    zArAthena - Flurry. LafielHime - Black Mara. LukaLukaNF - Black Mara. zArZeratul - Raven. FaerieMoon - Arti


    • Rizqi Aditya
      Rizqi Aditya commented
      Editing a comment
      Oh so its drop item? not in gold chest that u choose from 4 chest?

    • zArAthena
      zArAthena commented
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      Yes, it is drop item.

  • #3
    i got one the first time i did DQ...last dungeon gave us Gold Rabbit (i didn't even notice i had it until we returned to town)

    as for how much you can get...i didn't know what to do the first time and was a bit confused on whatever is happening but all i got during the run was around 2.5kg...not much but im pretty sure if you're fast/strong enough you can prolly get a lot more...not to mention huge AOE is big advantage
    "Behind every mask lies a man who can't live in his own sins..."


    • #4
      Even in Gold Bunny the Chances of Getting the coin is slim . found 3 gold bunnies but still no coin ..


      • #5
        Rumors are that the coin drops at the same rate or even lower than a slayer equipment. RNG is not with us this patch.


        • #6
          Nothing new here. Farm hard or win the lottery.


          • #7
            You can get even up to 14k gold/Run if you have Talisman in 200% slot and 5% in combined skills. It's a matter of strategizing so you use all at one but so far after 16 VN HC , 3GGN HC not one blasted coin


            • #8
              I got GGC from Golden Dimensional Rabbit after clearing one of 95lvl DQ stages. Under Wednesday Hot spring 50% drop rate buff and with 5% from 'Gold Additional ATKainment' passive skill (Combined skill tab) I got 2,8 k gold there: however, I failed the time event and did not kill many big Goldblins.
              "Work hard if you want to live"
              — Argenta
              "Luckily you have me... We can go all dungeons if you want "
              — Comrade


              • SadisticEin
                SadisticEin commented
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                So lucky nerrysama @_@

              • KillianQ
                KillianQ commented
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                the big ones are pretty tough as well...didn't actually think of using the bonus gold skill beforehand as i was too excited to try it out...there goes my chance :/

            • #9
              4.6k gold earnt. Got the ticket via gold bunny. No talisman or whatever.


              • #10
                My guildmates just shared his findings from the Gold Rabbit box. Lots of adventurer key and dimensional fragments, a couple of cubes and high grade garnets, but no GGC ticket.

                This RNG over RNG system is getting too ridiculous for my taste... You already need a good amount of RNG just to spawn the box, and even that does not guarantee you from obtaining one GGC ticket. God knows how frustrating it must feel when you finally encountered one while in a nest, only to lose the dice roll against your party members.


                • #11
                  Why people complain about low drop of the gold goblin ticket? If it can drop easy, everyone can get the gold, you can RIP to the economy. Super inflation will coming. Just treat it as a bonus, nice to have, but no problem if don't. Just like the lottery, you don't expect to win lottery, and you don't frustrated when you don't win it.
                  zArAthena - Flurry. LafielHime - Black Mara. LukaLukaNF - Black Mara. zArZeratul - Raven. FaerieMoon - Arti


                  • theredgumball
                    theredgumball commented
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                    Even if the drop rate is very very low *even 0.5%*, it's still just an event, a BONUS/GIVEAWAY which is not actually intended to fix the existing gold scarcity in-game in the first place. Let's just be thankful somehow that we still have a chance to get some gold easily.

                  • NearLawlet
                    NearLawlet commented
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                    Err no, GGC is still a recurring feature even in current KDN. I'm pretty sure they intended this dungeon to be permanent, not just a part of an event that will be removed in the next game patch.

                  • zArAthena
                    zArAthena commented
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                    Let's say, you farming so hard in 6 months to get 400kg. This amount of gold supposed to able to purchase a whole set of 3rd CTD heraldry (10 plate). But then super inflation come, everything become more more expensive. With this 400kg now, you only able to buy 1 CTD plate. Happy? All your saving and effort in the past 6 months gone just like that.
                    Inflation should only keep at minimal. Super inflation only bring worst.
                    Contrast to many people believe, gold in SEA is not that scarce. We still have enough gold circulate in the economy. Legend equip supposed to be for rich people. You don't want make it become standard where everyone can wear Legend equip. Last but not least, enhance Calypse is much more cheaper than other Legend equip in the past.
                    Last edited by zArAthena; 01-10-2018, 10:40 AM.

                • #12
                  Originally posted by zArAthena View Post
                  Why people complain about low drop of the gold goblin ticket? If it can drop easy, everyone can get the gold, you can RIP to the economy. Super inflation will coming. Just treat it as a bonus, nice to have, but no problem if don't. Just like the lottery, you don't expect to win lottery, and you don't frustrated when you don't win it.
                  That my point.


                  • #13
                    I don't get why people are complaining about the drop rate. If the coin becomes common most likely gold will get inflated, also considering how many people zombie-run the dungeons for loffy boxes. Imagine your hard-earned gold beforehand become useless just because of 1 content/patch. I think gold goblin was placed there to help add some gold around, not to inflate it. As for the legend gear, we have hammers to avoid spending gold for it... seriously, enhancing them now is cheaper compare to the previous caps where the rate is horrible, can downgrade, and Berlin uses every opportunity to ruin your gear :0


                    • #14
                      Manage to get one ticket from GGN hell, and try the dungeon with abundance talisman.
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DN%202018-01-10%2023-59-14%20Wed.jpg?dl=0.jpg
Views:	590
Size:	217.8 KB
ID:	116419

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DN%202018-01-11%2000-19-09%20Thu.jpg?dl=0.jpg
Views:	551
Size:	176.8 KB
ID:	116420
                      zArAthena - Flurry. LafielHime - Black Mara. LukaLukaNF - Black Mara. zArZeratul - Raven. FaerieMoon - Arti


                      • #15
                        Got 1 coin from VN HC.
                        Easy 14kg.
                        Last edited by Fuggy; 01-10-2018, 10:46 AM.

