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Geraint earring/neck

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  • Geraint earring/neck

    march calendar is out and i wonder if anyone can provide a pic/stats of these accessories.

  • #2
    If it's the same with kDN, there will be no stat but 1 attack jade slot and 1 defence jade slot


    • NieLi
      NieLi commented
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      so if same with other server? no accessory stat but can put 2 legend jade slots? ty X1989

    • X1989
      X1989 commented
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      While I'm excited for this, I'm also worried if ED decides to change for SEA and instead we got some trashes.
      Let's hope I'm wrong

  • #3
    1 attack jade slot and defence jade slot. Those are good accessories if can afford unique jades or most preferably legend jades.


    • Celdris
      Celdris commented
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      Is it any better to genesis accessories tho?

    • EventHorizon
      EventHorizon commented
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      Celdris If you equip it with Legend Champ jades it will overthrow the stats of genesis.

  • #4
    I would also like to follow up a question if it is server storageable and sellable to TH.


    • EventHorizon
      EventHorizon commented
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      I think it's Bound to the character.

    • Xenocho
      Xenocho commented
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      Both no. And to answer your question above, that 1 more extra jade you put in better be more worth than Necklace's 10% ele, 5k stat, 550 FD and Earring's 10% CDMG and 550 FD. Other than that it's all good

    • Febri
      Febri commented
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      hi guys, which Legend accessory is better for neck between geraint necklace and refined genesis necklace if they release future patch and convert genesis accessories to level 95? can we put on jade legend to level 95 genesis accessory later?

  • #5
    can these accessories be crafted?


    • NasagiChan
      NasagiChan commented
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      nope.. they are special event acce. mostly for cash users only (and only worth if you have 2 legend jade at least. otherwise Genesis > Geraint)

  • #6
    Regarding on your question, sorry i can only provide the Gerraint Neklace picture stat and maybe including new L jade 6/7 stat. I got this picture from the player China Dragon Nest, he spent a total of 241200 RMB ( $48240 SGD ) being top 10 Donator to get 2 neklace btw thats a real gamer i think . So, here the picture :

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Gerraint Neklace copy.jpg
Views:	526
Size:	83.8 KB
ID:	125783

    Sauce : If u visit THIS LINK u can see DPS showcase too by him. and another awesome video about Gerraint Ring showcase

    #Note : I'm just adding DNSEA english translation from chinese text.

    Well, thats all. Thank you. if got the information about earring i will share too.
    >> Why not helping some player <<
    ~ AlvElaine~
    Discord : ShadouDaisuke#1633


    • Jeezus
      Jeezus commented
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      Dnsea doesnt follow China DN
      so we will be getting no stat but 2 jade slot geraint necklace and earring
      I shared 2 weeks ago on my page u can check it out there

    • ShadouDaisuke
      ShadouDaisuke commented
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      Owh sorry about it. Im just walking nowhere and found this. I remember if some people need a picture of that acc. I dunno if our DN not follow CDN

    • Knee
      Knee commented
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      CDN stuffs are notorious for their OP-ness.
      I remember there's people in CDN trying to make a +15 L eq coz +14 is too mainstream, that's how different CDN is compared to other servers.
      They even have something to lock their eq so that makes it harder for hackers to throw/sell their items off.