Don't you think something is wrong here? It's been 2months since I came back. Do you think it's supposed to be this way? Everyone selling nest runs as a commodity. VERY SADDENING. You can hardly see any legit parties looking for members.
No announcement yet.
1. It is due to the grinding events this month (Sun Essence and Board Game). Rune and LBN gives a lot of the materials for the events, thus many are selling for the said nests. Before this we dont even have these Rune 4man or LBN svc, just for this month.
2. The event is character basis, therefore many are doing the event for their un-fightable sub chars as well, so there are a huge market for this kind of service."Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
- Albert Einstein
Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry
1) There are tons of party there who demands "OP gear" even on easy nests so it's hard for other people to join in. There's this time I used my sub for pub party, I can encounter entitled pubs who wear a single piece of slayer eq and +0 calypse weapons who treat you like dirt like you can't clear the nest without them. Well not all pub party are like that but most of them are... toxic. Those legit parties for nest, usually they party up with friends and guildmates instead of pubs so you will really barely see them around.
2) Atm there's an event going on and tbh by availing other people's service you can run the nest faster and still get tons of profit considering you can do more for a certain amount of time.
3) Some people wants to limit their subs to these nests and they don't even have that much gear (theano, or buttnaked usually), preparing for the server-storageable stones
4) Somehow similar with 2, when availing some service you can make your char stronger and when they are good enough, you can gain back your profit by being able to clear harder nest or maybe providing the service too.
I can get why some would dislike this kind of selling but usually when people see highly geared people looking for members they flock to them and don't even contribute during the nest runs at all. They just want to be carried. I even encounter people saying instead of selling service I should carry them. Seriously. By putting some charge on the run they can't abuse it plus the person gains gold for carrying them. Some won't even bother doing the nest if there's no profit on it (not everyone is happy to carry other people they don't know). You can also blame how DPS reliant current nests are, and how impatient these people are to finish the nests.
Thanks for the enlightenment. However, I cant help but to feel sad. I'm hoping most of this would stop along when the event ends. We can't deny the fact that nest services are good in some other way. But as of this moment, I feel like it's just plain abuse.
Haha yeah some indeed sell overpriced ones (1k and beyond) for manageable nest (4 man rudn, don't even need to dodge much there when you're geared). Tho in some way, svcers lose during this event at profit
Service(typically at 900g/person in RuDN 4 man full run) = 2700 per run
Buyer: pays 900g, gets 2k slayer for it, exchange for enhancement hammer (armor would be almost 6 pcs with a lil addition of slayer pts, 5 if no extra. This is the one imma use here since weapon one is not that profitable compare to this). Considering the lowest income, 5*800 = 4000. 4000-900(svc fee) - (4000*.03 TH fee) = 2980g
This reminds me of one ex-guildmates saying that "geared guildmates are compulsory to carry those ungeared guildmates in building their gears".
I feel like I'm playing an economics simulator than a fantasy action MMORPG at this point.
- DN SEA: Survey Results -
. . . _/\_ . . ..: A compilation of issues in Dragon Nest found by a player starting from scratch :.
IGN: PencilNote / Exatude / DHE45
You're right but that's because of DN's piss poor management of allowing players to have freedom in the market.
If you were present back at 24 - 40 cap, you'll understand what I mean.
Sadly to say I start playing at 50cap. But the system doesnt change much in term of the features (TH, trades, etc.). Just that the most significant change happened is presence of service.
I see.
You're correct. The system has never really changed from the past and now, what I'm saying is that the developer's removed certain aspects of the game (Crafting materials that could be farmed in regular dungeons) that allowed newer, lesser geared players to be able to still farm without having to rely on services. Here's the thing: Services is one of the ways that one can get gold easily, however, the amount of people within this bracket is significantly lower than the entire population. This is because those who are newer to the game have no other option other than to grind for days end, just to be "average".
I'm not saying services are bad (Because they aren't) but what I am saying is that the rise of services in the game (and the people availing it) is a signal that the game's difficulty scaling is too much for the new players.
If only ED would be kind enough to include the lower level nests on their events. Not only it will save players from the agony of resorting to the service thingy, but it will also make the old nests useful again, instead of being just a display in the GTS. It will also become a newbie friendly event.
that's nice! congratsand here i am, been years, yet i'm still a noob, its really hard to get good gear in the game if you weren't that much of a hardcore player that farms non-stop for items and gold, also, being in a friendly guild is a really great advantage, you already make friends with your guildies, you get stronger together.
Hello, I can speak in reference of my experience.
I conduct Free carries every now and then from before, you can check my thread on my signature. I also conducted free carries during MN event.- There are pubs in which they actually abuse you. In such way, that if you can't go to their demand, you are bad regardless if you are already carrying them.
- Example: you carry VN Norm then they demand VN Hell. You say no, they call you greedy. (I experienced this just recently)
- You get a lot of PMs asking for carries form time to time.
- As a carry, you get nothing from the run aside from the goodwill. Unfortunately, goodwill will not help you progress in the game. Reason why I understand SVCs.
- Carrying is optional and is not mandatory. If you yourself like to help these individuals and is capable of doing it for free, then you should. But it does not make SVCs bad.
SVCrs did invest in their gears, a return of investment is a factor.
I am still available however for carries such mentioned in my thread. I also do free carries in CH1 when I have time. Just not RuDN.
(1) This is a weak argument. The reason for this is because people on the internet can judge you irregardless of what you do. Not only that, the opinions and values of the pubs in DN SEA is extremely unreliable. The community calling you out as "greedy" absolutely means nothing and anyone can say that.
(2) That's the trade off when you're a decent and reliable source of power. It always has and always been this way even before 40 cap. The methodology just shifted in that carrying now has been advertised a lot and there are more players doing it out of the returns (Money or reputation).
(3) Incorrect. When you "carry" out of goodwill, you get nothing tangible out of it and that's because you yourself agreed to run with a party for the sole purpose of helping them out. If you help someone out purely of the intention of helping them out, you're not after anything. There's a reason why negotiations and agreements exists along with players with reputation.
(4) Of course, and so is a lot of things in a free to play game but that doesn't mean we can't voice out our opinions and criticize the current situation of the game. This is how we progress as a community and, hopefully, with the game itself.
Also, whilst OP thinks that service is bad, I think otherwise. Service runs are just another means/methodology of gaining money or publicly helping players out. My issue is this: The fact that service runs has diminished the community's mindset of doing the dirty work themselves and earning the items for themselves.
P.S: Hey, weren't you that Adept yesterday at DWC? If it was you, that was a fun match.
P.S.S: I was wondering why your IGN was familiar. You were that archer who asked me to draw a lot. (PencilNote here by the way)Last edited by GlassShard; 05-01-2018, 06:31 PM.
- There are pubs in which they actually abuse you. In such way, that if you can't go to their demand, you are bad regardless if you are already carrying them.
I honestly agree with some of nvLite 's approach.
1. They will demand higher difficulty of nests, which annoys me esp on CH 1 pubs. I know its my fault joining them, but they should be aware that my gears are from hardwork and not meant for doing hard stuffs w/out benefiting me. I know it sounds greedy but just accept it because I'm greedy.
2. They will PM you more often and they will say ' snob ' if you ignore them. If you reply to them and said, " I'm sorry I can't ", they will just say " ok " and they will bother you after an hour or a day. Sometimes, they will just add you as a friend out of nowhere. (auto-decline for me, unless I know them)
3. Rep sometimes proven Worthy esp on carrying runs, but not all the times. REP for me is for the sake of my popularity in my guild.
4. I honestly say that " I do RUDN Raid Services " and as a Guildmaster of our guild, I even tell my guildies to come over to my raid svc for free. But if they will CC to other chars not belong to our guild, i ask them for a cheap price instead. I even teach them to grow and be familiar with the said raid but sometimes its kinda frustrating when they want to join a raid PT as a DPS with neris stuffs.
PS. these are my opinions.Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.
problem is when you are carrying tix and was forced use it.. you dont have a choice but to finish the nest.. i quit pt after that though
thats y geared people has the right and qualifications to be a snob for these reasons..
i helped those people who got close to me when i was still weak (cause theyre willing to pt with me with low gears, and are also players like me who dont easily give up and struggles to finish nests)..
but for those people asking friend requests are ignored now (depends though)..
dont bother with them, let them say what they want..
in the end you can only improve and gain what you have now by relying mostly in yourself.. what now if theyre geared, i am sure that they wont have the confidence to do SVC runs and earn for themselves to advance. (cause doing SVC runs give you the fastest way to earn money & is already a norm in DN - the 1st MMO i played that got this system)
we still need to prepare for calypseT3 and forest dragon set and by the looks of these new contents, developers are trying to remove the concept of SVC by making new contents difficult.. sample this GDN, full PT of top geared players is just enough to finish the raid and the items that you will loot are non tradeable - meaning youll have to hunt them yourself with your own effort
so for now just take the money of those players giving their gold to you and advance your gears :P
i myself jumped items from T1 calypse+10 to T2 calypse+20 in just a week of doing svc runs with the help of these current events
btw how to tag a user?? ill just leave these replies here XD
I honestly don't get how hard it is to ignore someone when you're not in the mood to "carry" them.
I mean, I get it that you're anxious they might complain or tarnish your reputation but do you honestly believe anything they say actually has any merit? If there are people that believe the words of players like them, then that just means they're not worth your salt. There are benefits for establishing a reputation of your character (e.g: Fame) but there are also repercussions.
Those aren't my guildmates anyway. :3