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Australia and New Zealand: We want you! ♥

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  • Australia and New Zealand: We want you! ♥

    Hello! I am the angel Illusie van Waan! ♥ Wonderful Rewards Below:

    SEA has stolen many of you away from NA, and we were distressed at your absence.
    We know you went there for better connection/time-zone! ):

    But do not forget NA is still your true home! We would give our lives to protect your lands from disaster!
    Return to us ♥!

    Which American doesn't LOVE Australia in Finding Nemo or The Rescuers: Down Under, and which dutch-american doesn't appreciate the new sea's land!?

    This request is not without benefit to you:
    1. Leveling Event is 500% on Monday and Tuesday (10/1 - 10/2).
    2. Ability to enter dungeons with 0 FTG! (Can reach max in 1 day!).
    3. Higher Dungeon Drop Rate.
    4. Everything is worth thousands of gold (easily get past gold-sinks, such as enhancing).
    5. Exponentially better rewards in level-up boxes (obtain 4 pages of inventory FREE).
    6. FREE permanent 15% Wings and Mount upon reaching level 93 (Hero's Way Box; Red Ice Dragon Wings/Tail/Decal, etc.).
    7. Customizing-Items are available in Cash Shop (Eye-Color, Hair-Color, Style, Face-Type).
    8. We speak ENGLISH (you know you love our English ).
    9. Talk to Freya at level 95 to receive 16k Nest Points (use for getting all Skill-Crests instantly). SEA has this too.
    10. Free daily EYE-CASH (DNP) to buy Cash Shop items (500 DNP per day; buy costume, hidden crest slots, etc.).
    11. Lack of SCAMMERS :O
    12. We LOVE you! ♥

    In addition to these benefits I am personally giving away top-tier igns to whoever makes contact with me in game (Aizen, Vision, Luigi, Sephiroth, etc.).

    Remember that the United States was founded on Christian Principles, which has influenced our value of human rights! Most Asian countries believe that over-population is the source of all their problems, but Americans know that human suffering is largely produced through a temporary lack of resources, which are attainable (ex. from distant planets). Christians know that know that there is no over-population, that God provides the resources we need. Humans are therefore known to be rarer and more precious than the stars! ♥

    Because of this, God has blessed the United States, similar to Abraham ("I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”).
    Come accept the blessing offered to you too!

    tl;dr: Starting over is a pain, but NA welcomes you! ♥
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Illusie; 10-01-2018, 07:17 PM.

  • #2
    nice post, very charming, but many of us play on the sea server since the begining cap 24, there is no event in the world that would be worth so many years of farming. If they don't allow us to migrate there is no point playing this game anymore.


    • Illusie
      Illusie commented
      Editing a comment
      It might be a blessing in disguise ):! I'm optimistic.

      Although, I just brought a guy from Brazil to NA, and then this announcement happens to block him from both NA and SEA (lame!).

      But consider, Dragon Nest is still the best action-combat game (believe me, I tried BDO, BnS, Kririka, GW2, Mabinogi, Vindictus, etc.).
      That is why--for Australia and new Zealand--I want to turn a nightmare into a dream, if that's possible.

  • #3
    Can other countries from sea region also play na server?


    • Illusie
      Illusie commented
      Editing a comment
      Maybe not, if an ip ban actually happens :c

  • #4
    Alas, the NA server has also issued a notice that any players outside New Zealand, Australia, United States and Canada will be barred from entering the server, so where does that leave us Latin Americans? No, Nexon had the grand idea of IP blocking all latin american IPs and left a HUGE untapped market by itself which naturally went to the SEA and EU servers, and they'll have to live it down, thats what they get for making stupid decisions based racial profiling. At this point, after so many years of farming, grinding, training and spending, i am just tired of this shit (and i'll bet i'm not the only one). No amount of events and bonuses will make up for all the lost time. EyeDentity can fuck off with their game, and ill just fuck off with my money and time.


    • #5
      Only the first point I mentioned was an event, the other points are all permanent features of NA Server (intended to show how fast you can remake a character).

      Additional points should be mentioned:
      13. NA has functioning Ladder Seasons
      14. PvP Ranking System has gold and blue ranks at very-low experience requirements (You can attain blue rank in ~500k Exp, and Gold Rank at ~2mil Exp--compared to SEA server, which requires 4mil Exp for gold rank). Therefore, it will take less than half the time for a new player to acquire blue and gold ranks (less because of the arena boosters in pvp shop to bring you to 400k pts fast, which veteran SEA players didn't have access to).
      Last edited by Illusie; 10-01-2018, 08:26 PM.


      • #6
        Wow, way to be soft-core white supremacist. Let me be frank about NA server.

        1. NA server is widely accepted to have the worst management out of all the DN servers, as exemplified by the rarestone debacle (one of reasons behind the gold inflation) and many MANY poorly executed events.

        2. The game system isn't much different at level cap, which is where you will spend most of your time in anyway. FTG locks how many dungeons and nests you can run all the same. The grind toward top tier L gears are long, monotonous, and grueling for F2P players.

        3. Human nature doesn't change wherever you go. There are big gold buyers, elitists, and scammers in every server.

        4. Gold bots/buying is especially rampant in NA. Almost every good thing costs enormous amount of gold, making gearing up even harder for new players. A Gold Goblin Coin would result in enough gold for about 1 gem core.

        5. Ladder is pretty dead. Very few serious PvP players still play.

        This NA/SEA region lock shows how little ED understands about its player communities. South/Central American players constitute a sizable portion of active NA players. Without them, the underpopulated server will have even less active players.

        If you still want to start from zero in NA, just be aware that you will be thoroughly disappointed.
        Last edited by Aqua.Soo; 10-03-2018, 07:09 AM.


        • #7
          I tell the benefits of the server, offer free things to make everyone's transition easier, and now I have this person insult me as an enemy? Seriously...?

          Someone above me is acting hostile! ♥
          For some reason... o:<

          They don't want you to try out the NA server, which if you did you will quickly find all my points are accurate!
          I am suspicious of the intention of Aqua.Soo. Weird! ♥

          Now I have to battle against these strange statements. Such a waste of time! ):

          Here we go,
          Her points are actually all built in bias (you can easily read through the odd bitterness in her statements). Clearly she does not like Dragon Nest (while I think this is the best action game).
          Even the first sentence says white supremacy (some animus toward US I assume...?), while I value every person (didn't I say that? YES I DID! >:O).

          1. She's right that the server has more gold. You get more gold, so player market functions as normal. But this means that gold-sinks are eliminated (you can enhance without worrying about gold cost). Overall, this is a positive. You test it.
          2. Her second point is false, the game system is different. Drop rates are higher, and dungeons are accessible with 0 FTG. Since gold-sinks are eliminated, enhancing L gear is easier. You test it.
          3. Not sure why she says human nature doesn't change? The philosophies of societies are different across the globe. You know this, I know this. The backbone of your society makes a huge difference. The United States happens to be founded on Christian morality, which means we want to do what is right--due to our belief in God as judge over our actions. This is why we value human rights. You really want to compare living situations in US versus other countries? Look at Venezuela. Do they value human life? A society with love as the backbone is one you want to be in, trust me. Even though we have some bad people, it is nothing compared to other countries. We are not widespread in scammers as you will notice--scammers are extremely rare. You test it.
          4. Repeat number 2. You test it.
          5. Ladder is functional. All week long, in fact. It doesn't have a ton of players, but you'll find matches, and you'll have points for the ladder rewards (costumes, hector gear, etc.). You test it.

          Why do I have to argue about these things... ♥

