Hi, this isn't a provocation threat or such. Just a discussion to discuss with all dnsea players.
I know its late to talk about this topic but it has been almost a month since the day my account got scammed. I am still patiently waiting for ED to give update for this case of mine. I understand that they are still working on it, but for how long? How long ED usually takes time to update on the issue of compromised account and return it to the actual owner?
For those who doesn't know, your reports on any issues all go to Cherry Credits first before ED takes action. Means Cherry Credits will tell ED after they get your email. Your email WON'T go directly to ED.
So this takes too much time.. Even for banning the account temporarily takes too much time. The scammer already took and sold all the things in the account in just 2 days and that 2 days, Cherry Credits will only reply to the ticket that you have sent earlier. I sent my ticket on 10th Sep 2018 and Cherry replied on 12th Sep 2018. Below are the emails I sent to Cherry and still don't have any updates from ED.
I know its late to talk about this topic but it has been almost a month since the day my account got scammed. I am still patiently waiting for ED to give update for this case of mine. I understand that they are still working on it, but for how long? How long ED usually takes time to update on the issue of compromised account and return it to the actual owner?
For those who doesn't know, your reports on any issues all go to Cherry Credits first before ED takes action. Means Cherry Credits will tell ED after they get your email. Your email WON'T go directly to ED.
So this takes too much time.. Even for banning the account temporarily takes too much time. The scammer already took and sold all the things in the account in just 2 days and that 2 days, Cherry Credits will only reply to the ticket that you have sent earlier. I sent my ticket on 10th Sep 2018 and Cherry replied on 12th Sep 2018. Below are the emails I sent to Cherry and still don't have any updates from ED.
And just now I sent an email asking for the update again.
I wonder how fast they will take any action for getting back the compromised account and return it to the actual owner and why they said they aren't responsible for the lost though they usually take time 2 days to give a reply to the ticket? As I said earlier, the scammer already took and sell our things in just that 2 days.
Now new problem comes out. ED already gave out the rewards for Bling Bling Gacha Event and that account had joined the event too. If they return it to me after the rewards expired, are they still not responsible for the lost too?
I know a lot of players curious about this issue as well.
Tell me your opinion dnsea players. Any critiques are welcomed too. Don't trash talk here please.
Thank you.
I wonder how fast they will take any action for getting back the compromised account and return it to the actual owner and why they said they aren't responsible for the lost though they usually take time 2 days to give a reply to the ticket? As I said earlier, the scammer already took and sell our things in just that 2 days.
Now new problem comes out. ED already gave out the rewards for Bling Bling Gacha Event and that account had joined the event too. If they return it to me after the rewards expired, are they still not responsible for the lost too?
I know a lot of players curious about this issue as well.
Tell me your opinion dnsea players. Any critiques are welcomed too. Don't trash talk here please.
Thank you.