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Repair Fee is absolutely insane and retarded

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  • #16
    IMO they did this to combat botters and also to combat inflation, which both is a good thing. With these new systems, botters can't keep leaving mid game and expect to earn a lot of gold. Also will deter those FDC abusers at STS.

    DN also desperately needs a lot of gold sink because all these inflation made by the past Magni events (magni that gives gold as a reward) and also the T3 +20 Gacha Event, has made the economy much much worse. You know I found it funny that people got so mad with these repair fees when it is actually easy to get gold nowadays to balance it, eg. sell the magic/rare victory talismans/heraldries to NPC and you'll get lots of gold to pay for the fees, Hero Gold coins from daily tasks, etc.

    All in all, I'd say the new system is good. It forces players to play smartly and manage their resources better, which made the game much healthier and more fun.


    • BananaCredits
      BananaCredits commented
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      I highly doubt the effect of gold inflation from the CC era magni reward still exists today, it had been almost 2 years. The most recent gold pumping is from the Gosuk box craze, where for every 115 keys opened, about 20-100kg could be obtained, and imagine how many ten of thousands had been opened. Gold sink wise, the newly introduced accessory is a good gold sink. Else, the past Power Up Gear event is also another gold sink event. Although this repair fees increment is another gold sink, but the problem lies on it its so high, people yield negative income if they ever die once in the dungeon.

    • Lans Vahndreas
      Lans Vahndreas commented
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      SergeantAmerica Easy to get gold your head bald??? For new comers it's not that easy bruh. Try to create new account, new char from the scratch without transferring/ sending any source from your another account, without top up cc/ any cash related to buy item using real money!!!
      Proof me if you can gear ur newly created char in new account can fully geared with skilla & GDN acc Lv 3 in 6 months. I'll give you what do u want!!!

      Note: T&C applied!
      Last edited by Lans Vahndreas; 03-15-2019, 05:41 AM.

  • #17
    Originally posted by SergeantAmerica View Post
    IMO they did this to combat botters and also to combat inflation, which both is a good thing. With these new systems, botters can't keep leaving mid game and expect to earn a lot of gold. Also will deter those FDC abusers at STS.

    DN also desperately needs a lot of gold sink because all these inflation made by the past Magni events (magni that gives gold as a reward) and also the T3 +20 Gacha Event, has made the economy much much worse. You know I found it funny that people got so mad with these repair fees when it is actually easy to get gold nowadays to balance it, eg. sell the magic/rare victory talismans/heraldries to NPC and you'll get lots of gold to pay for the fees, Hero Gold coins from daily tasks, etc.

    All in all, I'd say the new system is good. It forces players to play smartly and manage their resources better, which made the game much healthier and more fun.
    Interesting POV with the matter but ultimately, I'll have to disagree.

    Short answer

    The new repair fee system is bullshit. There are other ways to solve current problems than introducing a heavy penalty that no one ever asked for.

    Long answer

    Firstly, implementing a heavy penalty in order to to remove "combat bots" is ineffective to the masses. Whilst I do not have data to support my claim, of my near decade experience with this game, I have never found these "combat bots" to be apparent. Even if they were, they barely bothered me as the times you'd bump into them were in insignificant dungeons and a quick boot would immediately solve the issue without having to penalize the entire community. Are "combat bots" even a significant problem rampant in the community that justifies the implementation of a heavy penalty everyone gets?

    Secondly, you're narrowing down the demographic to people who "combat bot" would be the only one's to leave mid-game. There are numerous players that would need to leave a normal dungeon mid-game. Here are some common reasons of leaving mid-game:

    (1) Forcefully disconnected by the server;
    (2) Real life matters;
    (3) Sudden power cut;
    (4) Sudden disconnect to your ISP;
    (5) Mistakenly chosen the wrong dungeon; and
    (6) Important guild event/run to attend to.

    The new repair fee system penalizes me if any of those were to happen to me and I don't think that's reasonable at all. I came to play the game at my own pace, not to feel locked up in a cage, forced to finish a dungeon or else I'll get whipped. That's not user friendly.

    Thirdly, whilst the gold sink idea is reasonable, the methodologies of achieving this gold sink (If ever it's needed, but that's a separate discussion) is not practical. The updated repair fee system affects EVERYONE, irregardless of your status in the game. This means that even new players who just got into the game and reached their max cap are at danger of getting a high penalty fee. Not only that, but players who don't care about the economy of the game (like me) are being affected of a system they barely don't care about. If you want to solve a gold sink issue, that's fine, but under no circumstances is it any fair to involve everyone in the community a system that's deterrent to them, especially to casual and new players. This is how you lose your players slowly.

    Finally, the repair fee system, assuming it were to solve the gold sink, would need to be retracted back to its original fee since the gold economy has now stabilized. The logic you speculated is this:

    [High amounts of gold -> Gold sink is needed -> Implement New Repair Fee to counteract against the high gold -> Gold amounts drop -> Gold economy stabilizes -> New Repair Fee still charges everyone high costs -> The costs outweigh the income overtime]

    This situation would then bring an opposite scenario to what we have now: A scarcity in income. When the gold economy stabilizes, then the need for the new repair fee system is not needed anymore, and thus would need to be removed completely.

    The entire repair system is lazy, ineffective, and an incompetent system that does more harm than good, both in the short-term and in the long-term. Not only that, penalizing players for dying basically makes everyone shy away from being a tank because the probability of you dying is highest when you main a role that PROMOTES you to be hit. A role that has been crucial in RPG's ever since it began is being shunned just because of a stupid repair fee. That just screams ED's inability to harmonize the classes roles together in a genre they planted themselves in (MMORPG).
    Last edited by GlassShard; 03-13-2019, 11:21 PM.


    • #18
      Originally posted by GlassShard View Post
      Firstly, implementing a heavy penalty in order to to remove "combat bots" is ineffective to the masses. Whilst I do not have data to support my claim, of my near decade experience with this game, I have never found these "combat bots" to be apparent. Even if they were, they barely bothered me as the times you'd bump into them were in insignificant dungeons and a quick boot would immediately solve the issue without having to penalize the entire community. Are "combat bots" even a significant problem rampant in the community that justifies the implementation of a heavy penalty everyone gets?
      And the problem is that both you and I do not have the data, and the only one who have data is ED themselves, so that means whatever changes they're doing, at least they must have a reason behind it. I know sometimes they fucked it up but at least they can see the bigger picture than us.

      What I'm saying is, why don't we cool ourselves down and see if it brings any positives changes after some time? Maybe give it like a few months to see if it's bad or good? From the game economy standpoint, I'd say the changes are definitely good, at least now DN have more gold sink (that is effective, judging by how many rants there is), and that's what's important, because they are important for the game economy, and the game economy is closely related to the overall health of the game.

      Originally posted by GlassShard View Post
      Thirdly, whilst the gold sink idea is reasonable, the methodologies of achieving this gold sink (If ever it's needed, but that's a separate discussion) is not practical. The updated repair fee system affects EVERYONE, irregardless of your status in the game. This means that even new players who just got into the game and reached their max cap are at danger of getting a high penalty fee. Not only that, but players who don't care about the economy of the game (like me) are being affected of a system they barely don't care about. If you want to solve a gold sink issue, that's fine, but under no circumstances is it any fair to involve everyone in the community a system that's deterrent to them, especially to casual and new players. This is how you lose your players slowly.
      And this is why there will always be a problem with changes to the economy like these new systems because *most* people just don't care, they just want to do their shit quickly, as much as they can, whenever they wanted. And this is precisely why they will never get what they wanted, because by not caring, they made it harder.

      If you understand a bit of economics, the problem is that, economy encompasses everything. Everything we do in the game, is linked to the economy. We can't do anything without affecting the economy, just like in the real world. Economy also dictates players motivation, eg. people doing nests because it gives them something that can be sold on the market. If you instead give them crap that they can't sell or use or basically have no values, why would they'd do that nest then? (no motivation)

      Also, changes that's good like this is often get rejected by the players because they feels it as "slightly inconvenient" (just like the repair fees). On the other hand, changes that are really bad, eg. the T3+20 Gacha Event, Magni Events, anything that inject bazillion of gold to the market, are viewed by the community as "good" and were fought to the nail and teeth, because it gives them OP items with (almost) zero efforts, while it actually wreck havoc to the economy later on. But hey, they don't care. And that's the problem.

      If you really care about DN and want to keep playing it, you need to see farther than the reason that it eats your gold reserves. Gold sink is necessary, nuff said. No MMO games will survive without gold sink, because when inflation is rampant, players will lose motivation. Everything will be so expensive that most of their effort are basically worthless, so why would you spend time doing something if it will become worthless? As easy as that.

      Originally posted by GlassShard View Post
      Finally, the repair fee system, assuming it were to solve the gold sink, would need to be retracted back to its original fee since the gold economy has now stabilized. The logic you speculated is this:

      [High amounts of gold -> Gold sink is needed -> Implement New Repair Fee to counteract against the high gold -> Gold amounts drop -> Gold economy stabilizes -> New Repair Fee still charges everyone high costs -> The costs outweigh the income overtime]

      This situation would then bring an opposite scenario to what we have now: A scarcity in income. When the gold economy stabilizes, then the need for the new repair fee system is not needed anymore, and thus would need to be removed completely.
      That is assuming that economy has stabilized, which is far from the truth. The truth is, all of those damages to the economy in the past is basically irrepairable. We're way past the point of no return now. I'm sure you must have noticed those crazy gold needed to enhance items right? The reason for that? Inflation. ED needs to remove so much gold from the economy just to keep it going worse. And sadly they've done a bad job on it, because instead of forcing people to enhance their equips manually, they instead opt to give people T3+20 basically for free (another rant of the fakkin Gacha Event), which made a lot of gold that potentially be removed, now still circulating in the market, basically made the inflation worse.


      • whitenoise1
        whitenoise1 commented
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        I mean these "gold sink" repair fees applies to everyone, not only to those who has millions of gold, to them it might be fine but what about new comers and those who barely makes anything? If they're just starting then they can't help but die or fail some nests. This isn't like taxes that is cut by a percentage of what you make. This is just plain raw amount. Just yesterday my DN crashed while I was doing a bulletin board quest in a nest TWICE so I had to pay 200 gold for the repair fee AND I wasted 600 FTG. I barely made any gold for the past 3 days that I came back playing. Multiple bugs are barely even fixed or noticed and now we have this to deal with.. and you want this to last for a month and see what happens? Okay.

      • Lans Vahndreas
        Lans Vahndreas commented
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        Then how about anyone who want to practicing Nests/ Raid Nests? Do you think clearing new content have to cleared smoothly without practicing?
        Till now there are people still don't know proper mechanics in GDN, and I belive there are also people still want to learn nest mechanic by practicing the nests itself. Ofcourse players would be experiencing die more than 2 or 3 times during practice. Plus if time is over and players automatically kicked out from nest. It consumed higher tax for Repair Fee than die 2 times in dungeon/ nests.

        So, the high tax of repair fee would be scarred most people to practice in nest/ want to test their ability in higher level nests.
        PUB PT would be more restricted to choose party member for nests. Afraid of stage failed/ wiped cz of someone don't know mech.
        Do you think geared people alwasy pro player? No, there are still many or some pro player with standard gear/ below geared.
        This is just most pub logic if geared sure pro player. Then they didn't give chance to another player with capability in nest with standard/ below geared char.

      • Mr.Shovels
        Mr.Shovels commented
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        You're missing a whole lot of points, this thread isn't discussing about a gold sink for the filthy rich, it is about how disappointing it will be for those who can't afford to keep paying the repair fee when they die especially the newbies and players who keeps dying because they don't know what to do on certain situations on a nest, you do know most of the players mindlessly just use their skills in order to look cool right? and disregard the fact that there should be a strategy behind it.

        DN is also suffering from a lot of issues now which is left unnoticed and unfixed by the game company, they are just letting it slide, and their customer support is crappy as usual, if you provide all the information they need for that bug, they will just say in your face to report it in the forums on the bug report section, how convenient is that?

        All of your points are just too obvious, it's not really something that is worth defending how crappy the game experience is on DN SEA, we aren't ranting about something, we are complaining about the mistakes made in the game, and you're just someone ignorant about these issues.

    • #19

      Short answer

      You're completely missing the point why everyone is dissatisfied with this patch and the new repair fee system.

      This thread isn't here to argue about the necessity of solving the gold sink. This thread, and majority of other similar threads, is here to tackle the effectiveness and how reasonable the system is, to which, from our findings, is pure bullshit. If you wanna solve the gold sink, fine, just don't use the repair fee that affects every single player as your solution.

      Long answer:

      Originally posted by SergeantAmerica View Post

      And the problem is that both you and I do not have the data, and the only one who have data is ED themselves, so that means whatever changes they're doing, at least they must have a reason behind it. I know sometimes they fucked it up but at least they can see the bigger picture than us.

      What I'm saying is, why don't we cool ourselves down and see if it brings any positives changes after some time? Maybe give it like a few months to see if it's bad or good? From the game economy standpoint, I'd say the changes are definitely good, at least now DN have more gold sink (that is effective, judging by how many rants there is), and that's what's important, because they are important for the game economy, and the game economy is closely related to the overall health of the game.
      The thing is though is that I don't need data to see through a terrible system that's implemented. Also, my main point of the data was just to see if combat bots are frequent or not. Another means of data gathering is through the use of player feedback, which, I have never seen an influx of people complaining about combat bots. As I stated in my previous arguments, even if combat bots are a significant issue, increasing the repair fee to an unreasonable amount is not the way to go. Also, you've been completely focusing on the economic result of things and disregarding the methodology of how they achieve it. Again, I don't mind if you want to solve the gold sink. The issue is that the way they go about it is ineffective and downright non-user friendly (As based on the rants).

      I find it surprising that you would use the criticisms, complaints, and ranting as a way to further say "It's working!!!", when the message we've been giving out clearly hasn't mainly been the economy. It's just us telling ED to lower down the repair fee because it's not doing anyone good, especially the casual and new players.

      Originally posted by SergeantAmerica View Post
      And this is why there will always be a problem with changes to the economy like these new systems because *most* people just don't care, they just want to do their shit quickly, as much as they can, whenever they wanted. And this is precisely why they will never get what they wanted, because by not caring, they made it harder.
      Annnnnnd, what's wrong with that?

      I fail to see how people who just want to finish stuff quickly and getting the optimal returns as an issue. Am I being penalized because I have a life outside this game? I've never heard someone who would gladly make their life harder and slower just for the sake of it.

      Are you telling me that the way I play is wrong? What's this about not caring about the game? We're simply appalled at the decision ED has done to raise a repair fee (Which, mind you, no one asked for) to unreasonable amounts. Thus far, people have been agreeing with me.

      Originally posted by SergeantAmerica View Post
      If you understand a bit of economics, the problem is that, economy encompasses everything. Everything we do in the game, is linked to the economy. We can't do anything without affecting the economy, just like in the real world. Economy also dictates players motivation, eg. people doing nests because it gives them something that can be sold on the market. If you instead give them crap that they can't sell or use or basically have no values, why would they'd do that nest then? (no motivation)
      If I wanted to get into a game about hardcore economics, I'd play Roller Coaster Tycoon, because at least the game is marketed that way. If I wanted to learn more about economics, I'd enroll in an economy course at university, because at least it's my decision to.

      However, I don't want to do either of those (And I assume the majority as well). Dragon Nest is not a game where the main focus is through economy. It might be part of the game but it will never be the focus of it. It's an MMORPG where you hop in to kill mobs, collect their loot, upgrade yourself, and have fun along the way. I honestly don't see why you're so stuck up with the economic value in this game when the main issue is that the repair fee is unreasonably high.

      Originally posted by SergeantAmerica View Post
      Also, changes that's good like this is often get rejected by the players because they feels it as "slightly inconvenient" (just like the repair fees). On the other hand, changes that are really bad, eg. the T3+20 Gacha Event, Magni Events, anything that inject bazillion of gold to the market, are viewed by the community as "good" and were fought to the nail and teeth, because it gives them OP items with (almost) zero efforts, while it actually wreck havoc to the economy later on. But hey, they don't care. And that's the problem.
      Straight up losing 1k gold because I disconnected twice (which is out of my control) is not slightly inconvenient lmao. Nor does my thread defend other changes (Those are for a different discussion). I literally listed common reasons why this would be deterrent to casual/new players and you just seem to bypass it:

      (1) Forcefully disconnected by the server;
      (2) Real life matters;
      (3) Sudden power cut;
      (4) Sudden disconnect to your ISP;
      (5) Mistakenly chosen the wrong dungeon; and
      (6) Important guild event/run to attend to.

      Originally posted by SergeantAmerica View Post
      If you really care about DN and want to keep playing it, you need to see farther than the reason that it eats your gold reserves.
      Yeah, and the reason for me complaining is because the fee is unreasonably high for casual/new players who doesn't even have gold reserves lol.

      Originally posted by SergeantAmerica View Post
      Gold sink is necessary, nuff said. No MMO games will survive without gold sink, because when inflation is rampant, players will lose motivation. Everything will be so expensive that most of their effort are basically worthless, so why would you spend time doing something if it will become worthless? As easy as that.
      My thread never argued of the necessity of Gold sink. My thread argued about how reasonable and effective the increase in repair fee is to casual/new players.

      Originally posted by SergeantAmerica View Post
      That is assuming that economy has stabilized, which is far from the truth. The truth is, all of those damages to the economy in the past is basically irrepairable. We're way past the point of no return now. I'm sure you must have noticed those crazy gold needed to enhance items right? The reason for that? Inflation. ED needs to remove so much gold from the economy just to keep it going worse. And sadly they've done a bad job on it, because instead of forcing people to enhance their equips manually, they instead opt to give people T3+20 basically for free (another rant of the fakkin Gacha Event), which made a lot of gold that potentially be removed, now still circulating in the market, basically made the inflation worse.
      So, instead of implementing a system that would lower down the input of gold, they're instead opting to increase the costs, lowering down income, AND forcing you to do this. That doesn't sound like the right way for me.

      Here's the issue:

      You look at this from an entire economical standpoint. Is that wrong? No, of course not but people don't come in Dragon Nest to be a business man or be an economist. Majority of the players just want to sit down and have fun with the game. The repair fee takes away this mindset for the following reasons:

      (1) It penalizes players whenever something out of their control happens (e.g: Disconnecting), thus demotivating them from running dungeons in the fear of losing even more of their gold.
      (2) The penalty is too high for casual or new players who just got back/got in/rarely play the game. The cost in enhancing our equipment is already depleting us faster than we could earn and now a penalty system that no one asked for (or was needed) is being implemented
      (3) No one cares about repair fees.

      Along with this, you're missing the main point of why we're complaining to ED. We're not complaining because we're against the gold sink. We're complaining because the repair fee increase is unreasonable and uncalled for. Not a single soul ever asked for this. If your main arguments just keep telling me "It's for gold sink!", then I have this rebuttal to you: Use another solution that isn't bullshit and poorly thought out of.


      I don't give a fuck about the gold sink man. Just don't charge me high amounts of gold for playing your game lmao. I just wanna play without having to worry about being heavily penalized.
      Last edited by GlassShard; 03-15-2019, 05:35 AM.


      • SergeantAmerica
        SergeantAmerica commented
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        Actually I do I think I'm over-reacted to some of your concern. I dunno why reading your *kinda* rant posts made me rant too. Some of your concern are actually valid, like the one you said that they shouldn't penalized players for something that isn't their mistakes, eg. being disconnected. That's one of the basic in game design that you shouldn't punish players for something that they didn't do. That will turn them off.

        Anyway, what I'm trying to say that these new system are just like that, they are "new" (at least here in SEA) so we need some more data (which means time) to see if they are effective or not, rather than making knee-jerk reaction to say that it isn't working. Any game economy is sadly really complex and so any changes, however small must have certain consequences, whether good or bad, and the only way to know is by testing it out, which means we need to give it time.

        Also about the changes being made to combat bots, I don't think they're working because I could still see the bots roaming in town So yeah I dunno which one works and which one is not anymore XD
        Last edited by SergeantAmerica; 03-18-2019, 10:04 PM.

      • Mr.Shovels
        Mr.Shovels commented
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        Ranting is different from giving your thoughts and opinion regarding the current state or the topic being discussed ingame right now.

        He's not ranting, and i'm not defending him, i'm just correcting you, if he were to rant then how come a lot of people are complaining to this absurd repair fee when you lose a bit of your durability? care to tell us if everyone on the server is ranting? because that's just gonna be plain stupid if you ask me to call them ranting

      • GlassShard
        GlassShard commented
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        SergeantAmerica It's fine. I started up this thread to rile up discussions (Bad or good), to at least get to hear some input from the community (Something which ED is lacking a lot within SEA). With regards to data, yes, we're quite lacking in it.

        I'm actually in the middle of creating a survey so we can all at least have a benchmark of where we stand right now in DN SEA. Along with this, I've learned a lot from the start of this thread and I'm not as against the repair fee (Since they'll remove penalizing you if you leave/DC) but, God damn, there has got to be a better alternative than this. As for the bots, I think there's a better and more effective solution than increasing the repair fee lmao (*Winkwink*GM's*Winkwink*).

        Mr.Shovels I think it's fine someone else has a different POV than majority of us. It gives an opportunity to see things in different angles. It's just that, in this one, I just can't agree with SergeantAmerica's arguments because, whilst his points in economy makes sense, economy isn't the main point of my arguments. I just don't want to be heavily penalized lmao.

    • #20
      Some input:
      A) ED has nothing to fix cause this is intended (and not a bug).
      B) This shiet-show of a change has been recently changed again in KR's Red Lotus Patch.

      Either we wait for Red Lotus to come or we riot (and quit) enough for ED to give a rat's ass about this. I personally sent a ticket and I hope that's going to bear fruit if enough people sends it. As for now, we wait.


      • #21
        Originally posted by Skyros View Post
        Some input:
        A) ED has nothing to fix cause this is intended (and not a bug).
        B) This shiet-show of a change has been recently changed again in KR's Red Lotus Patch.

        Either we wait for Red Lotus to come or we riot (and quit) enough for ED to give a rat's ass about this. I personally sent a ticket and I hope that's going to bear fruit if enough people sends it. As for now, we wait.
        Yeah, we've already gotten past the whole bug thing and are now just waiting for the fix to come in.


        • Skyros
          Skyros commented
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          I still hear peeps complaining about the 'repair fee bug' when it isn't a bug and just plain stupidity from the Devs.

        • GlassShard
          GlassShard commented
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          EDIT: I just checked in again and I'm legit paying even though I haven't died or left the game.

          It seems to actually BE a bug.
          Last edited by GlassShard; 03-16-2019, 12:31 AM.

      • #22
        "Oh no! Oh no! Don't die. Boom, oh no! 33g! Hahhaha! That's 33 g! T_T!"

        "Hey I'm gonna go floor 30. You guys wanna tag along? I'll carry you."
        "We intend to duo floor 15 only, just to spend remaining FTG. We're tired"
        "Ok, i'll carry you"
        "Floor 30? Sure? Ok, if we die, you pay our repair fee, deal?"

        Lol. Real talk. That's from our Discord. Insane isn't it?

        Hey, EG! Look what you made us do!
        Azonia Teh 110-pound Dancer
        BoRaCay Guild

        Semper Fidelis


        • BananaCredits
          BananaCredits commented
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          I guess the most effective way to teach people not to die or ghosting is through the hard way of inflating repair fees.

          Or maybe die = delete account is the better way.
          Or maybe adopt SAO system.

      • #23
        On NA running Loffy's Treasure Dungeon, I legit wasnt even hit in the entire thing and was charged over 200g for repair.

        This shit is crazy. I guess that'll teach me to use Scylla gear :/


        • atom100
          atom100 commented
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          1st time i run LCE ,i was surprised when it charged me 239g repair fee. now when running LCE i change my main weapon w/ neris. sub weapon and armors removed. repair fee is less than 1g.

      • #24
        Update on this:

        With the patch on fixing the repair fee upon leaving (Meaning they won't charge us anymore for Disconnecting or leaving), I'm actually okay with the idea of reducing the durability upon death (It's always been this way but the fee increased significantly). 2 reason why I'm okay with this rather than against it:

        (1) The patch also came with a damage fix. This means that the difficulty of the dungeons (or nests) should at least be reasonable (Unless you go up a level above your capabilities). Then dying should be, for the most part, majority of your decision. As for beginner's/new player's who are still trying to get into the game, the fee won't be as much as I'm sure new player's would start off with Neris (Which the World Remaster has set fee levels for every tier)

        (2) It incites meaning into dying in dungeons. Death should have a negative stigma towards it or else it's useless. It entices player's to actually have certain roles in the game that prevents you from dying. From my experience, I was elated that my job as a full support Guardian actually had purpose by provoking those high damaged mobs away from my teammates. I quite enjoyed my experience on that one.

        So, yeah, as long as they only set the repair fee when you die and balance out the damage on the dungeons and nests, I'd say it's a pretty reasonable (and actually improvement) implementation.


        • Mr.Shovels
          Mr.Shovels commented
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          I'm not so sure that it will work for most players that are already geared, 2 of my guild members actually dies a lot in nest since they are still learning the basics and parts of each and every nest in existence on fission maze, i just helped them do their Division Nest event to do 5 runs on each new division nest added at above Lab 15, we just did 16 and they already died 4 times in each nest, and i've noticed that the repair fee for their gear is still an insane amount, 19g per death with calypse t1 gear? still unfair for them, that's why i told them to remove atleast their armor and keep their weapons so they can still use their skills, and just learn and improve their instinct on dodging and learning from their mistakes, atleast even if they did die, it wouldn't cost that much gold to repair.

          I just hope that at some point they increase the gold reward the higher the LAB is so that players that are newbie and with low level gear gets to earn more gold than the ones they pay for the repair fee when they are carried out by other players with a much better gearing or equipment, and for us who has gear that costs us all the gold reward or even more on every nest run we do.

        • GlassShard
          GlassShard commented
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          I can't say much about nests because I despise going to them but in the aspect of dungeons, I think it's time we bring back the importance of party composition. Actually, I believe the high damage + death penalty encourages players to think about their party composition moreso than before. We can't just simply go in guns blazing as we used to back then. Who do you bring when enemies hit hard and you want them away from you? A tank. Who do you bring when you need heals consistently? A healer/support.

          It's stuff that restricts certain classes (E.g: DPS can't do their job because they die too quickly) that allows the Role-Playing in RPG to fit well as certain roles fill in the gap of other roles. My only issue with this is that the mobs HP is damn too high for a 1-2 DPS to take down (Considering a cookie cut party comp is a Tank, a healer, and 2 DPS).

          Also, yeah, make the rewards better in high dungeon difficulties. An increase in points is bullshit lmao (Not that great of an increase either).

        • Mr.Shovels
          Mr.Shovels commented
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          probably better off if they introduce a new crafting system to craft ancient grade equipment like the ones they introduced, but instead of being a drop reward from big invasion boss on a dungeon above Lab 3, probably better off if they drop the necessary crafting materials in order to be sure that others will have a chance of getting any of those since i've been grinding my ass on higher level of Labs while doing my main quest and still no sign of getting any of that ancient gear.

          I'm already thinking of replacing one of my gear for the Goddess Gear deep twilight box with a specific class tag on it to give me something that i need that i will be able to get from board game, i just hoped that i didn't wasted all of my board game coins from those jellies and the magic conversion keys that i'm not gonna be able to use even in the near future... ahh.. life