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Future Content - Upcoming Big Changes in PVP on November Patch

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  • Future Content - Upcoming Big Changes in PVP on November Patch

    Greetings Adventurers!

    NOTE: AFTER READING, call my attention if there's anything you don't understand the wordings, sentence, or concept below.
    This thread is a teaser or a reminder for upcoming PVP changes that makes you anticipate the future changes.

    I'm BlazingSkies that going to deliver the latest update from any future contents!

    Developer K had made notes on September 18 and 19, but I didn't share because it was about errors and compensation from their recent patch and has nothing to do in our server. And also I won't include their Chuseok exclusive Korean event anymore. *It's just about their Q and A from the previous thread I made in September 14. It's called Moonlight Event"

    Anyway Here's the report!

    Developer K's Notes Update 09.29.2017

    From Gyeongnam,

    I am really grateful that you enjoyed Dragon Nest 2017. I hope you have fun and happy Chuseok. Here's Kyoot Loleh!

    Developer K,

    I don't know what to say :* , I feel good when I talk with you guys!!

    What kind of patches do you want to talk about today?

    October Patch
    I have a lot of new patches on October update so stay tuned!
    In September, there was an excessive demand of playing in game because of many events.
    (Of course, there are some people who like it!)
    In October, I would like to lower the tension a bit so you guys can enjoy a little. I will announce it during Chuseok holiday to tell more!

    November patch: PvP Function Changes!

    This patch should have been promoted as soon as possible!!

    "PvP now is too old to be maintained and no balance patches are in progress. I will try to make full use of PvP content, which has become a completely alienated content."

    CURRENT PVP problems include:

    -Too old to maintain. *No specific details. Probably it meant about bugs, errors, and fixes.
    -Have been no balance patches in progress.
    -Alienated content *I guess most ppl are in PVE side nowadays.

    FUTURE PVP changes:

    -Includes a CACHE *costumes in PVP
    -Stay tuned for official announcement regarding changes after the holiday.

    PvP Unique Appearance Revealed for the First Time!​​​​​​ *CACHE

    Although I have still a lot to say, but I think I should be ready for work!

    Once again, hope you guys have a pleasant holiday and play within the week to complete the Moonlight Event(Korea Exclusive Event)..

    Thank you!

    -I will add this in my future content thread under Developer K's Notes Section, you can find it there if this thread gets buried
    -Stay Tuned to my threads for further future updates and changes!

    Last edited by BlazingSkies; 10-08-2017, 03:55 AM. Reason: UPDATED CHANGES

  • #2
    UPDATED picture and links.


    • #3
      I am sick, tired, and hurt when I play and developer always angrily crying "PVP IS DED, LUL"

      now I'm completely certain that developer dont really care about pvp stuff

      "october big pvp balance update" my ass

      oh well, good ride, you motherfucker.

      Edited : I hear there are some translation error on the pvp one, and I apologize for lashing out. but I still wont take back my point until they actually "give a damn" about pvp.
      until then you are still a motherfucker to me, motherfucker.
      Last edited by Antasena; 10-02-2017, 12:06 PM.


      • #4
        PvP Colosseum custumes? hmmm


        • BlazingSkies
          BlazingSkies commented
          Editing a comment
          Yes maybe, they use the term "CACHE" to showcase the unreleased costumes.

      • #5
        I have an idea about respawn mode but they have to modify the maps but if they do though it will at least prevent you getting killed by just respawning like seriously they need to fix that and create new maps for the dead and forgotten occupational war mode.

        Tales of Zestiria Combo Playlist:


        • #6
          I hope they would add more PvP modes (which can be used for guild and community events) like the racing and ghoul mode in the future.


          • #7
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20171003-022840.png
Views:	132
Size:	240.8 KB
ID:	94548

            to the OP i consulted an actual korean to translate the PVP patch section. thats Ecne (the top pvp lancea in korea dn), and thats what he said in the replies.


            • BlazingSkies
              BlazingSkies commented
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              xSiera That's just the same translation in here, he was just giving an example in that chat box the "possibilities" and has nothing to do with the official text. The notes in this thread are just teasers for the upcoming PVP changes(no specific information yet) in the future that I will gladly wait for the official and specific changes.
              Last edited by BlazingSkies; 10-07-2017, 04:42 PM.

          • #8
            I don't know why some of you have doubts in what I translated above. That's what it really meant, I may use different words but it's synonymous and understandable unlike those who use google translate and depend on Korean players who can't even make a simple proper English grammar writing in translating..

            If there's anything you don't understand, call my attention and I will enhance it for you!
            Last edited by BlazingSkies; 10-08-2017, 12:47 AM.


            • MakiseAmber
              MakiseAmber commented
              Editing a comment
              Tough day huh.. :/ *patpat*
              Last edited by MakiseAmber; 10-08-2017, 01:36 AM.

            • xSiera
              xSiera commented
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              obviously, if people misunderstood your translations, then they're not "synonymous and understandable" by any means. I sent the link of this post to my discord group, and all of them understood as "Developers do not care about PvP" when it's actually the opposite.

            • BlazingSkies
              BlazingSkies commented
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              and that's why you or them can call my attention so that they can be corrected.

              Not everyone can understand I wrote above yes, but it's understandable to those who can read properly. IF NOT like I said, I will enhance it for you.
              Last edited by BlazingSkies; 10-08-2017, 03:20 AM.

          • #9
            For anyone reading this sentence:

            PvP now is too old to be maintained and no balance patches are in progress. I will try to make full use of PvP content, which has become a completely alienated content.

            I will enhance it so that everyone can easily understand.

            CURRENT PVP problems include:
            -Too old to maintain. *No specific details. Probably it meant about bugs, errors, and fixes.
            -Have been no balance patches in progress.
            -Alienated content *I guess most ppl are in PVE side nowadays.

            FUTURE PVP changes:
            -Includes a CACHE *costumes in PVP
            -Stay tuned for official announcement regarding changes after the holiday.

            This thread is a teaser or a reminder for upcoming PVP changes that makes you anticipate the future changes.


            • Jeezus
              Jeezus commented
              Editing a comment
              oh btw Cache means Cash Item