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Regarding Eye Gacha Event (recommended for low budget player like me)

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  • Regarding Eye Gacha Event (recommended for low budget player like me)

    Here i am, a poorRM wanna share some tips for another low budget player like me . Im not asking something but just making answer about some question depends on Surprise Event S1(Now Eye Gacha Event) before some people burn their blue/yellow birds in-game XD. Before i explain, im making this post for low budget player. So, forgive me if im not explain all of method to join Gacha Event.

    "This tips is not recommended for rish people(budget player), IYKWIM"

    Let this begin,
    • What i need to prepare to join Eye Gacha Event?
    First, you need at least 5kCC thats amount can be bigger depends on how many char u want to join this event. Simply thing u need 5kCC/Character. Sorry, im not explain how and where u can buy that 5kCC since we playing SEA server means We are from different country with different currency and payment method of course. You can ask to your in-game friend or try google it to get the answer.
    • What should i buy to join that event?
    Click image for larger version  Name:	FireShot Capture 113 - Dragon Nest - The world's f_ - https___sea.dragonnest.com_news_notice_all_151.png Views:	1 Size:	22.3 KB ID:	136002

    From the picture above u can buy any from the following list, but depends on what we prepared before (5kCC) u should focus on the red area. "Daily Sales Gacha - Altea Gacha box package " thats what we need to buy.
    U can find this DSG(Daily Sales Gacha) under Daily Sales tab in Cash Shop, the price is 2.5kCC thats already include 5 altea gacha. But wait, to join the event u need at least 10 altea gacha and DSG have limit buy only 1 per day. So, its mean u need at least 2 day/Character. Here i try to explain with number o.o even im not smart in math :

    1 DSG = 2500CC = 5 altea gacha = 1 day (daily limit)

    To join the event u need at least 10gacha, then it should be

    2 DSG = 5000CC = 10 altea gacha = 2 day ( 1 DSG per day )

    Here the picture where u can find the Daily Sales Gacha - Altea Gacha box package :

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-05-15 20-47-21 Tue.jpg
Views:	102
Size:	154.7 KB
ID:	136065

    Well, from that method u can said that u already join to this event.

    Greetings to all of forumer and player, Hope this information can help player that lag of budget like me. Thank you & see u in another post (maybe).
    Last edited by ShadouDaisuke; 05-15-2018, 07:01 AM. Reason: Adding detailed picture & fix some word
    >> Why not helping some player <<
    ~ AlvElaine~
    Discord : ShadouDaisuke#1633

  • #2
    Up up up up up

    Dragon Nest SEA


    • #3
      Thank you for posting this!! I wanted to top-up too so this is a huge help..


      • ShadouDaisuke
        ShadouDaisuke commented
        Editing a comment
        Im glad if this information is useful, ty for ur respond.

    • #4
      Mm just thinking, if they buy conversion chest instead (which still cost 2k atm), they can sell a stack for 20k. 10kcc is usually valued at 20kg (or bit higher) and in this way they get back their gold (unless the plan's to save up real money instead of balance out lose and gain). Daily gachas ain't tradable, the cc spent on it is already bye-bye unless you're lucky


      • ShadouDaisuke
        ShadouDaisuke commented
        Editing a comment
        yup, we have many way to join this event. Thats why i only choose to explain for low budget player the simple and fast way to join the event

      • SadisticEin
        SadisticEin commented
        Editing a comment
        I see budget real money-wise?

    • #5
      Little Bump, still seeing bird everywhere only asking "how to join the gacha event"
      >> Why not helping some player <<
      ~ AlvElaine~
      Discord : ShadouDaisuke#1633

