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Looking for Latest Guide in Leveling and Gearing Returnee Player here

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  • Looking for Latest Guide in Leveling and Gearing Returnee Player here

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a returnee player and thinking to create a new character as well.

    here are my inquiries

    1. which character suits the best for pve/pvp now?
    2. where should I level ? cuz I got confuse when I saw dungeons got floors now
    3. is there a guide for newbies/returnee in how to gear from scratch like step by step, or what should do I first? in this cap

    so far that's all for now, I hope you guys could help me thank you in advance.


  • #2
    1. There's no real answer to this because class balance changes nearly every month. A powerful specialization may become trash with just a single update, and vice versa. ED is nothing if not inconsistent. Choose whichever you like most and pray for the best.
    2. Any dungeons with short completion time, but most players tend to go with either Dark Tower Magic Institute (@Gray Ruins) or Closed Ice Valley (@Riverworth Wharf).
    3. Complete main quest CH 16 (for Mirage Jade), side quests (for Item Protection Magic Jelly) and bulletin mission quests (for Gold and Dungeon/Nest/BSTPoints).


    • RichyRichy
      RichyRichy commented
      Editing a comment
      You can buy mirage jade for 1 lotus crown in lotus crown shop in red lotus (NPC near bulletin board)

    • Pillary
      Pillary commented
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      He still need to finish the quest in Red lotus so that he can enhance the mirage jade

  • #3
    Originally posted by NearLawlet View Post
    1. There's no real answer to this because class balance changes nearly every month. A powerful specialization may become trash with just a single update, and vice versa. ED is nothing if not inconsistent. Choose whichever you like most and pray for the best.
    2. Any dungeons with short completion time, but most players tend to go with either Dark Tower Magic Institute (@Gray Ruins) or Closed Ice Valley (@Riverworth Wharf).
    3. Complete main quest CH 16 (for Mirage Jade), side quests (for Item Protection Magic Jelly) and bulletin mission quests (for Gold and Dungeon/Nest/BSTPoints).
    so I should better focus on my Main Quests/Side Quests first?

    and where should I spend my combined points? like Nest Points Stage Points etc ... what should I buy or farm ??


    • Skyros
      Skyros commented
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      A bit late but:

      Main Quests are good enough source of EXP for levelling. MQ is more time-consuming than dungeon grinding, however, you can get perks (most notably Crystal Points) when completing chapters. Side quests can also be done when levelling to gain Hero's Jelly (100 per side quest completed). A small tip is to try and finish all Calderock Town SQs while levelling as Saint Haven SQ's can be done while trying to complete Board Missions.

      For Combined Points here are the most notable items to get:

      Dungeon Points: Heraldry Box (for chances to get Epic Victory Heraldry with extra FD stat; Unique Victory Heraldry and Heroic Victory Heraldry) and Skill Heraldries
      Nest Points: Dragon Jade Box (for chances to get Unique and Legend Grade Victory Jades); Victory Jade Generator (get a random, non-storageable Legend Jade). Extracted Victory Powders can be attained by disassembling Unique and Legend Victory Jades
      Nightmare Point: Kinda useless for now but a big rework on the shop will come by a month or two
      Community Shop: Willpower Fragment (+10% Elem Atk when inside Nests and Dungeons); Boom Boom Drink (Leveling Epic Grade Pets)
      Crystal Points: A mish-mash of important stuff, however, I recommend saving CP for future as ED sometimes releases Epic Costumes in the CP shop for 300k points per set
      Blood, Sweat and Tears Points: All are pretty important stuff. Only buy what you need.

  • #4
    3. Starter guide. Refers to the Growth Guide (book icon below minimap) and Bulletin Board Mission (earning Blood Sweat Tear, BST point) are your best pals.

    General armour and weapon and accessories: Refers to Growth Guide (or picture below).
    Click image for larger version

Name:	kjhgfd.png
Views:	939
Size:	809.7 KB
ID:	165712
    Origin: BST store
    Cash Costume: TH (kinda cheap if you dont buy for Saint Regal set (highest stat and latest set)
    Cash Weapon: BST store (as most of them are untradeable, and tradeable one is expensive af)
    Cash accessories: BST store (very cheap, very recommended)
    Mount: BST store (buy the ostrich/chocobo one, 65k points)
    Pet: 2nd Anniversary event shop (storyteller Kathy at fountain)
    Heraldies: Dungeon point store (can get Hero version, aka higher stat), or buy Champion version (aka lower stat) from TH, kinda cheap
    Talisman: Nightmare point store (dont recommend to buy now, as Epic talisman is coming), TH (kinda cheap)
    Gold: BST missions
    Attached Files
    "Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
    - Albert Einstein

    Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry


    • #5
      Thank you so much for the wonderful tips I'll take note all of this it really helps me.

      A lot has change in the game got confuse what should I do hehehehe again thanks ♥

