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This needs to be added!

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  • This needs to be added!

    Im aware of many dragonest updates from long time but i miss some good things that is really good for future! heres are some of my suggestions! below.


    this may help resolving problems of players more quickly than making them creates a ticket for real! even 1 staff is enough to handle 1 issue such as about problems of players ingame! like that adding list of customer turn to talk a staff! like that so they can play what ever they want until there turn comes! and add a function that the chat will automaticly ended after 5 minutes of no respond! that was not much work at all! it saves time! just make 1 staff to handle the live support then the rest goes for a thinking of new updates again for dragonest! making staff to work for tickets is way more harder! for real! im sure that 1-2 staffs to handle live support wasn't so hard! because not all problems of players are that big to wait until 2 days or less just to get the're problem solve somes are just having some little bug or just found a bot like that! do we really think we have to wait that long just to report a bot! dragonest is surely has many staff to handle! especially when it comes to bot! it helps staff to get rid of bots more faster! so they can't earn gold than much! because banning ip of bots wasn't a big deal ! the're was to many players of dn uses a internet cafe! which they could by pass such a ip ban by just changing place to play right? i just suggest its more easier! having a live support than making players to create a ticket just to get there little problems solve! not all players problem was on FaQ at all! also this is a great idea for fixing bugs more earilier if that was only a little mistake on coding


    LadyBirth Must have! more times to resu! 1 wasn't enough if i may add! especially for those who was not so good with mechanics! maybe turning it to 3 was a good! just like at other nest called mist-nest just look if they die once! even just at stage 2 is hard to kill! without a team cause u don't know the boss really different mechanics everytime! its kind of hard to remember! sometimes it gives a suprise attack that is totally random that can kill u even if u do the mechanics! doing that will increase chances of players to clear stage and memorize the mechanics even to theres hope of flower u can't get it everyday for real u can only get it in a week about 5-8 i get every week just kind of hard to get to if ur lazy to spam


    This may help players to report scammers ingame more easily so gm can punish them more easily its good adding 1 gm to be online to be active and answer all this questions! this may help! E.g gold sellers account sellers scammers etc anything that agains policy! to get punished more faster this will increase making a fair community of dragonest! because having a clean game is really good! without no one dis obeys the policy!

    ill think on more i just can't think of more now! kind of my mind is getting crazy! well i will think of more things! just in few days to be a suggestion!

    if u think my suggestions are bad or good feel free to comment ill think about it so we can discuss whats bad in it!

  • #2
    good suggestions re: customer service but i don't think ED has (or is willing to) the financial capabilities to support this.
    I'm a slow learner, that's true. But I learn.

    I do not need to be watched over or minded or cared for. I'm not a child.
    I am the Lady of Winterfell, and I am home.


    • #3
      just a suggestion for your mechanics problem try to do a low level laby (jsut enough that u cant 1 hit the boss) damage the boss slowly and just watch what mechanics will trigger at certain HP almost all of the boss will stop for a moment and do an animation before it starts the mech (better if you off all your skill effects so u can clearly see the animation), can probably memorize all nest within the week (except the fcking frog at GN it teleports too much and before u know it he's in the air and gonna smash the ground )
      IGN: GeneGen & GeneGen2


      • #4
        ya im aware about ur idea theredgumball but u know if they really want fast support they should do it


        • #5
          btw geeeen17 i know the mechanics im only aware of those new players! who lack inteligence about this stuff


          • #6
            I am all up for this but in reality, this is wishful thinking. Other better off MMOs can barely do this due to the expense of running a live support (the only MMO that I know of running live support is WoW and it's a subscription-type MMO). Free-to-play MMOs have little to no funding.
            As for the resu count, I kind of agree to increase the count for lower levels. I suggest to increase resu count to 3 for F20 and below. (Since F21 is basically old Hell Modes). The downfall of having too much resu is the expense of Resu Hearts. IMO, having 1 resu per stage promotes skillful play. I like the Flower of Hope also as it resus you without affecting the resu hearts.
            If you are looking to abolish Gold Selling/Abuse, then having a GM call function is not the way to do it. There are 'black markets' that operate outside the game. Only fools would shout selling gold.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DeathTaste View Post
              btw geeeen17 i know the mechanics im only aware of those new players! who lack inteligence about this stuff
              There was once a difficulty mode called "Practice Mode", where you choose a stage on a nest, and practice learning your skill rotations and the boss mechanics. It was often applies to Red Dragon Nest, Desert Dragon Nest, Rune Dragon Nest, Ice Dragon Nest, and etc.. No need to worry about the resu, since you could just press F12, go to Stage Entrance, and return to the stage of the nest that you desire to practice again. Upon going to the nest, there will be debuffs, and your buffs might not apply, and there will be no rewards (Because of course you went to that mode for training).
              Last edited by Agent3554; 09-18-2018, 10:40 PM.


              • #8
                Skyros Well i mean't about the gm function call ingame was about those who sells even in black market applies that! because gm can pretend to be a buyer at black market and instanly ban the seller! wasn't that so hard! any player can give an info about a player whos selling! also its impossible for a person to sell items or gold! without using social medias account! if that added! this also helps players to trick sellers to get rid of them! cause they can send a chat script of ur chat records with a seller or hacker or any type of breaking policy things that players does!


                • Skyros
                  Skyros commented
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                  That's a gray moral area sir. I hear reports of a certain GM doing that but some sellers are tricky as they use dummy accounts (social media and in-game). It's called a 'black market' for a reason.

              • #9
                Good suggestions however this would only happen in players DREAMS...
                I believe their current Customer Support doesn't even work right. So this is defnitely just a dream...
                Discord: DarkB1ad3r #5361


                • MARtsuki
                  MARtsuki commented
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                  it might not, if u donate more to the game so that they have financial stability to hire more customer service;
                  or u can also volunteer yourself to be the one with free of charge
                  then what u call a dream can become reality

                • darkb1ader
                  darkb1ader commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Try buying CC as well so you can donate too.
                  FYI I "donated" in this game did you?

              • #10
                " GM CALL FUNCTION INGAME: "

                Are you making a meme or what?

                Remember there are 2 sides of a story.

                I hope your IDEAL GM will see through that.

                Anyways, good luck with your suggestion
                as well as reading replies here on forums.
                Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.


                • #11
                  Hello there good sir,

                  1st idea: Well this isn't so bad, live support might actually help us, REALLY it might. Tickets are also good because live supports require's a big investment, I can't say it's not necessary at all, but it ain't URGENT as well. Besides it ain't that bad to wait 2-3 days no play time if you fck something up right? I mean what do people usually send tickets for? hacked accounts? forgotten password and email? scammed accounts? Aren't those our own responsibility in the first place to avoid? I do believe as well that there are other reasons to file a ticket aside from those, but most of them are the ones I've initially stated. So please don't hate them for having a delay, they're doing their best is a probably a better thing to say.

                  2nd idea: Okay so this one is really out of the question, try not to say this thing again. Think of it as a motivation or a push, you gotta get gud. AND if you're one of those people who would say they're just playing this game casually, then stfu. Either dodge well or die. Although that stage 2 of MN sometimes gets bugged, those moving fire walls, but I think they fixed it now. Got a crappy laptop/computer/internet connection? Can't do anything about that, game can't change just because you got bad devices and services, that's just greedy of you to ask. and btw, you could buy those darn flowers with points if ever you do run out. I won't hate you for being bad at mechanics, or anyone who's bad in mechanics, I do believe in the essence of learning, and everyone deserves to improve in their own way even if that means using 8 flowers a week. When I see people struggling in Labyrinth mechanics, I teach them, HDPS or neris users, I treat them the same. If they reply abruptly or kindly, its their decision and I won't mind at all getting those replies. There's always time to improve and to memorize the mechanics, if you feel crap for dying, then remember that feeling. Failing doesn't mean you're not learning, even if how many times it happens. Just feel free and have fun, no one's judging you.

                  3rd idea: Oke same as the first one. I know I know, there are mmorpgs out there with 1 - 2 GMs always online, Cabal for example. Oke so here's my question for you, if you're given the chance to be a GM in DN SEA, would you last a day and come back again tomorrow? Seeing how toxic people are nowadays? Imagine this scenario, a korean GM, or what ever he/she is, reading "putang ina mo" "bobo ka *insert random ign here*" "penge gold GM" "PUTANG INA MO" "scammer si ganito paki ban" "penge items GM" "babi suka" "kontol" "idiot la" "NANI?!" , seriously brudda, I want to hear your honest thoughts about this. I'd pass my resignation letter after a day.

                  If you want a good game, then start from yourselves, people are cancer, toxic and will judge you, community's fucked up, that's why DN is dying. Stop blaming or putting dead weights to those who's doing there job maintaining this game. That's just so disgusting. If the people you're serving for are good, then it's conscience that would go and attack the management team if they're not giving their best to support us. Don't you think my good sir? Sorry for the words btw. <3
                  Last edited by mrpotatom; 09-19-2018, 07:32 PM.
                  FUYAKAI DESU!!!


                  • #12
                    mrpotatom well thats not a bad thing! for me i know what u feel! but for real to be honest if they make me GM! i don't think ill be offline all day! cause i play about minimum of 12 hours a day! maximum of 15-17 hours! im pretty active to! well thats not the point! well some of my suggestions i think will might help other players in the future!

