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A goodwill by EyedentityGames for another opportunity to seize the CherrySpirit. :<

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  • A goodwill by EyedentityGames for another opportunity to seize the CherrySpirit. :<

    Greetings to the dear fellow staffs and crews of our beloved, CherryCredits & EyedentityGames, i would like to request on behalf of all those who are unable to make it in these following occasions due to unfortunate reasons, to be granted another opportunity to be able to seize the "5th anniversary cherry spirit" given out during the 5th anniversary event itself/ the 6th anniversary 24-hours giveaway. The time allocated for the giveaway was 2300-2359, on a Sunday, 20 August, in which a handful of us could not have possibly make it. Please do understand where we are coming from, this miserable bunch of us; such as NSF(Booking in), Or the working class having to turn in for the night early for the next day, Or only can be online on the weekends only, etc... this restricts this particular group in an impossible way for us to ever be able to achieve/receive the rewards/event item without foregoing weighty consequences. As such, those loyal and dedicated players/patrons are always a milestone away from the latter bunch who happens to have the time to login and enjoy the benefits. As we all know, the memorable journey CherryCredits and the SEA Nesters have taken has come to a close abruptly, and an ache of melancholy still lingers in our heart regarding this matter. But yet again, we are ready to begin a new rite of passage with our new publisher: EyedentityGames. We would hope to actually to just be blessed an opened window of time as an opportunity to receive this 5th anniversary spirit one last time as a memento of our former publisher, whom so lovingly took care of us during these momentous 6 years. We humbly give thanks, and pray you grant us this first/last request of us as we look forward to our new journey together ahead. Thank you CherryCredits & EyedentityGames for everything.

    -an old nester.

  • #2
    +1 Totally concur!

    Forever your Majesty


    • #3
      That then completely negates the point of having an exclusive. I can understand why you'd want it if you did miss it but, it completely destroys any value the item might of had for some people who did get it.

      Think about it this way, you've just gotten mag black wings and then they're removed from the gacha, gone, can't be gotten anymore. Then a thread goes up and everyone gets a pair... As much as that example is exaggerated out the ass, it's the same concept. The item was an event reward and should be treated as a reward not just some pity prize for those who missed it.
      What to write here.


      • Claudia
        Claudia commented
        Editing a comment
        That's right. It will be unfair for those who stayed up all night just to get the reward. Like me.

    • #4
      That said, they already have stated that there will be an Hourly Reward Given event per hour, to which many have stayed awake for more than 24-hours in order to take all the rewards as much as they can with either their sub characters, dummy accounts, other sub accounts, other sub characters on their sub accounts which is probably taken a lot of effort, time and patience in order to actually take all the rewards within just an hour of repeated typing of your user and password details, and expect all the unexpected issues with the game itself, most of the time because lag, and because everybody logged in on their accounts, all the servers were full, many players have cleared out their schedule for that day, they should have been enjoying a good rest day but instead they took advantage of getting all the once in a lifetime rewards given by Cherry Credits.

      im sorry i do not support this actual petition to have a free cherry spirit, everybody had their time wasted on this event, even though you didn't had a single reward from the 24 hour event, doesn't mean your wish can be given a chance to happen, no i don't think so, reality is harsh, its not your fault if you haven't done the event, maybe try again next time.

