Heraldry Evolution
Introduction:Enhancement Heraldry are a Vital part of boosting your character's stats, power and the ability to survive Dungeons, Nests and Major Nests that does not only require coordination and tactics with your team but also the chance that there are times you will not be able to dodge or avoid being struck by mechanics in nests, that is why people choose to have more defense and HP than having all your plates focus on other stats that will slightly increase your damage output but leaves you vulnerable when tied to a corner and cannot avoid any mistakes and will be struck by a killing blow from the enemy boss in either nests, or dungeons.
Enhancement Heraldry has become a widely sold item on the Trading House and considered as one of the expensive items you need if you wanted to have all the boost you need to become one of the elites that has full additional stats on their heraldry, talismans and also acquiring a skill heraldry by purchasing a duration item on the cash shop.
The current Enhancement Heraldry are good enough, but not good enough if the stats on this current level cap have increased and has a huge difference from before, so level 95 jades, level 95 talismans wouldn't be enough to support the increase on FD, Critical Chance and Critical Damage cap increase, so i wondered what if you could refine heraldrys into a more powerful item that could be a game changer for everyone even for people who cannot afford good gears, because enhancement heraldrys does a great job of increasing most of a character's stats other than having better gear and accessories, talismans and dragon jades.
Evolution Heraldry Fragments
These are small fragmented parts of a once powerful item that the past seven heroes used to face the black dragon, now that you are part of the new seven heroes of the current generation, you will now be bestowed upon this once powerful enhancement, that can exceed the ones from the past.
I have thought of having Unique and Legend grade Heraldry, that will further increase the stats and percentage increased on that particular stat it gives to the character to further cope up the stat increase on this current level cap and to boost further the damage output of the players.
This Evolution Feature is only available for the level 95 Enhancement Heraldry that are called Champion, These Champion Enhancement Heraldry are easily obtained through HC of Volcano nest, VN is easily completed if players know the mechanics, there is no time limit and mechanics that requires time limit, as long as they can dodge, even if they have epic gears such as +20 Neris they can complete it but will take longer than usual than players that are geared with Medea or evolved ID gear or LGRu Gear
Evolution Heraldry Fragments are required to craft a more powerful Enhancement Heraldry, these fragments can be obtained through latest Nests (lvl93 Above) both Normal :
Evolution Neris Heraldry Fragment - Epic
Evolution Medea Heraldry Fragment - Unique
Evolution Calypse Heraldry Fragment - Legend
Epic grade Fragments are Tradable Through TH, Above the Epic Grades are bound to the player, Unique Grade fragments can be put on Server Storage except Legend Ones, Evolved Enhancement Heraldrys cannot be traded once Crafted.
When Refining/Crafting Enhancement Heraldry into a more powerful one, it requires the current level cap of jewel/Garnet , the Fragments and a Core which can only be obtained through Daily Task, but also can be bought through the Master-Apprentice Store that costs 1,000 Master-Apprentice Points a piece.
Evolution Heraldry Core is the shining gem on every plate, the Core is required on each level of rarity on the heraldry and does not have its definite grade requirements to fit the criteria of crafting a legend rarity enhancement heraldry
Evolution Heraldry Cores cannot be traded and bound to the user's inventory, cannot be put to Server Storage and can be sold for 50g per piece, not worth the price if you can improve your heraldry.
When Evolving a Regular Champion Enhancement Heraldry, it will Require 10 Cores, increases by x2 each Grade it evolved into, so for Unique it will require 20, then for Legend, it will require 40 Cores.
Fret Not, Evolved Enhancement Heraldry can be Refined into the next cap Heraldry, but will require a big investment as well but not as much as when you try to evolve your enhancement Heraldry from epic to legend, we will plan that in the future.
Heraldry Jewel Installment
H-Jewels are the Additional Stats engraved on enhancement Heraldry, the one people call it "3rd Stat" which is irrelevant, because it should be called "2nd stat" because... it is an additional stat on just 1 particular heraldry that enhances 1 particular stat.
H-Jewels are bought via Goddess Sparkle store, this is same as for engravings on costumes that increases the stats, these engravings can be installed into your enhancement heraldry to get the desired add-on stat without suffering from multiple crafting or searching of additional stats, ofc additional stats that can only be bought are VIT/PDEF/MDEF/PATK/MATK/HP/CRITC, STR/AGI/INT/FD Heraldry Jewels are only obtained through HC Raid Nests and these Jewels can be sold via TH to engrave them to your enhancement Heraldry.
any Additional stats already engraved to the Champion Enhancement Heraldry will stack with the engraving you wish to put on your heraldry, only works for evolved enhancement heraldry, cannot be used on regular heraldry.
All Engraved stats from the Heraldry Jewels onto the Evolved Enhancement Heraldry will have an indicated tooltip "Additional Stats:" to prevent confusion from stacking the stats from the heraldrys base enhancement stats.
Evolution Details
Evolved Enhancement Heraldry has a much higher stats given to the bearer than the regular ones, so im imagining it should be like this:
Evolved Wind Enhancement Heraldry
AGI : 1599
AGI : 12.50%
Additional stat: +20% Base Stat
Evolved Wind Enhancement Heraldry
AGI : 1999
AGI : 15.00%
Additional stat: +20% Base Stat
Evolved Wind Enhancement Heraldry
AGI : 2399
AGI : 20.00%
Additional stat: +20% Base Stat
so each evolution gives an additional 400 AGI and totals to 1200 AGI on the last evolution of the heraldry, and 20% base stat was added to the additional stats engraved on the heraldry for a total of 60% more stats added at the last evolution of the heraldry, and addition an additional 10% to the last evolution of the heraldry, given that even though each evolution below Legend Grade only added 2.50% of the percentage stats enhanced, that is to cope up with the resources and time expended by the player.
Fellowship Heraldry Refining
Fellowship Heraldrys cannot be evolved but only Refined (Chaos Fellowship Heraldry will be excluded from this feature) (only works on champion fellowship heraldry)
Striking, Attack, Origin, Elevation Fellowship Heraldry Can be Refined to have better stats, Heraldry Jewel Engraving also works with Fellowship Heraldry and stacks to the additional stats it has from the fellowship and will be indicated with "Additional Stats:"
Refining of the Fellowship Heraldry can be done by Spending a few amount of gold and highgrade garnets, Refinement will be random, so you will not know if the refined stats you have received from your fellowship heraldry is the highest limit that refinement can be given to that fellowship heraldry.
Refinement Costs 250g and 25 High Grade Garnet.
Thanks for Reading my topic, if you have any comments, suggestions or just wanted to share your opinion, please leave a reply on this thread, that would be great!