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Adding a new feature : Server Storage Count

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  • Adding a new feature : Server Storage Count

    As the title says, I'm suggesting a new feature which is the Server Storage Count. This feature applies for those non server storagable items , it make them server storagable but with counts similar to those with TH counts. Giving an example is the LRD accessory, medea or calypse which we can't put into server storage now, but with this feature we can add server storage count to this item like SS:1 or something so we can put it in our server storage. In this method , we can prevent player from abusing their items interchanging with each character and also it helps each each character to grow stronger by giving each other what they need.

    Don't know if I did explain it well or not but at least I know you know what I'm trying to suggest. Also, Thanks for the time reading it.

  • #2
    Ermm. no.
    Why would you suggest making accessories, or anything for that matter, have a limited server storage count? It completely defeats the purpose of encouraging players to play more with multiple characters by allowing the sharing of gears.
    Devs unified all the armors of all the classes into the same type.
    Devs unified all the gems for enhancement of all the classes into the same type.
    Devs made many things server storagable, such as plates, talismens, cash items, So that they can be shared among many characters, giving players the incentive to play more (which is in the best interest of the game)

    Why would you want to go back to the old ways and put the old restrictions back in again? There is absolutely no merit to your suggestion.

    In fact, counter to your suggestion, i would suggest DN allows the Hero Medea and 95L items to be server storagable as well.


    • #3
      I couldn't agree more iJumpUJump, i still don't understand why Hero Medea and 95L aren't server storagable, that's totaly going to the old ways.


      • #4
        Hmmm. Hey guys , it seems you're mistaken from what I'm trying to say. I didn't say make those server storagable items have limit but instead make those unserver storagable items got a count. In that case, we can put in on our server storage but with a limit. Plus , its already in fact that Hero Medea and Calypse are unserver storagable and i think devs are not planning to back out of that, so I'm suggesting this in order to make it up for that.


        • #5
          the devs did not permit of server storing certain items on server storage, there is a reason behind that, it definitely makes it unreasonable to allow such thing to happen even with a count limit, many will complain, many will hate etc etc.

          i'm already imagining a lot of bad mouths going to happen if they mistakenly put something they wanted in the server storage count, afterwards regret that they made a wrong move and they cant bring back their items to that character who had it the first place and they are now doomed, especially if it was a gear

