I just found out about the account transfer from Nexon to EyeDentity from my family member. I spent a lot of NX on this game as well as on my family's accounts even though I haven't been playing for about six months now... (since new games came out for PS4/PC). I have recently been wanting to come back to this game but now the whole data transfer thing just started today. I'm really worried I lost all my stuff/characters.
Had I known about the account transfer earlier on through e-mails or have gotten some sort of notification, I would have jumped on to reclaim my account... I don't mind starting over but I don't want to lose my costumes that I have purchased over the years as well as my mounts. Is there anyway I can contact someone who may be able to assist me? I would greatly appreciate it!
I tried to go onto Nexon but the game is completely removed from their site. I'm worried I lost my chance since I haven't agreed to sign up either... (even though I would have agreed regardless if there was an agreement issued out or not)...
I just found out about the account transfer from Nexon to EyeDentity from my family member. I spent a lot of NX on this game as well as on my family's accounts even though I haven't been playing for about six months now... (since new games came out for PS4/PC). I have recently been wanting to come back to this game but now the whole data transfer thing just started today. I'm really worried I lost all my stuff/characters.
Had I known about the account transfer earlier on through e-mails or have gotten some sort of notification, I would have jumped on to reclaim my account... I don't mind starting over but I don't want to lose my costumes that I have purchased over the years as well as my mounts. Is there anyway I can contact someone who may be able to assist me? I would greatly appreciate it!
I tried to go onto Nexon but the game is completely removed from their site. I'm worried I lost my chance since I haven't agreed to sign up either... (even though I would have agreed regardless if there was an agreement issued out or not)...
