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[Guide] Freeze Everything - Elestra PVE Guide

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  • #16
    Yup. I been tinkering around too and I really liked the new ice cyclone. The huge change in animation as well as reliability makes it superb in almost all scenarios especially more if the boss is stationary. I tend to cast all 5 cyclones at once. There seems to be a smooth transitions when casting ice cyclone next to one another thus making it quite good to cast it all together.
    Just your average friendly neighbourhood noob.

    >Click Here for Elestra Guide


    • #17
      can you show heraldry? i am afraid i might purchase wrong ones since two of the same heraldry can't be equipped. talisman too. Those parts are what people like me have are not too good in understanding much
      Last edited by Sloth99; 05-26-2018, 08:57 PM.


      • #18
        Currently I have heraldy and talisman expansions and all my heraldry/talisman has 2nd stat.

        Life Vitality
        Concentration (Lv90) (Can be replaced/substitute by a Iron/Tent with 2nd stat)

        Element (5%)



        Life Vitality

        I hope this helps!
        Just your average friendly neighbourhood noob.

        >Click Here for Elestra Guide


        • Graupelle11
          Graupelle11 commented
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          Uhmm...I'm confused, why are you using bear plate and talisman for a sorc?

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          Because I can afford to with the expansion. Also which, they help with getting some STR for crit damage. Because of how the gears works, calypse as well as gdn/genesis gives quite a large amount of STR. So it's actually not totally useless.

      • #19
        hello, i recently change job to Elestra, idk if its just me but is the cmIII bugged? i cant seems to do the 3 icy shard at once after i use the glacial spike...
        and can i ask for a good rotation please. thanks

        ~Severalle | Zachura | Syliveth~


        • justlance
          justlance commented
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          You can also hold left click to spam :>

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          I didn't make an emphasis on skill rotation because you can literally used all skills and not go wrong. The only things you should be caution of is using Ice Sphere + Phoenix Storm before doing any DPS. Some rotations to keep in mind.

          Use Frozen Spikes and Chilling Mist generally whenever it is up.
          Try and use your Ice Cyclone x5 when you are at full bubbles.
          Always and only use Icy Shards if you have 3 charges.

          Glacial Spike, Freezing Field and Shatter are generally filler spells.

        • Severelle
          Severelle commented
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          thank u so much for the advice, and yah it greatly increased my dps. tho im still adjusting but its all been good now. thank you.

      • #20
        Hi guys! Elestra main here too and I just played this game recently (this May 2018 lol). Anyways, I would like to ask if i am doing things right. Currently I have 750k-870k magic attack but only have 29.2% ice attack. Is this good or do i have to invest more on ice attack? Thanks!


        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          Honestly speaking, even with the recent buffs to Elestra, Her dps is still far from the top. You will still end up as a sub-dps at best. I would honestly go for as high matk value as possible as Ice Barrier scales with matk. I will not stress how important and useful Ice Barrier is.

          I would, raise matk as high as possible and get as high ice attack from other source (not attack jades) as possible.

          *PS. Sorry for the late response, I have not been checking the forum here

        • agbasuka123
          agbasuka123 commented
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          Yeah I also read a lot about sorceress guide and was a bit sad to see a lot of people underestimating elestra for her low dps. But I still like her tho lol. Now I have 830k-928k matk and I can solo up to Lab 15 in div nest XD

          And luckily i invested more on matk since as you guys said that Ice Barrier scales with matk, which contributed greatly to my survivability in nest/dungeons.

          Anyways, thanks for the response guys!

          PS. I wanted to change job to another sorceress job last time, but I changed my mind since I got too attached to elestra LOL
          PPS. I liked the previous ice cyclone (the homing one). Hope they change it back :<

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          The old Ice Cyclone was complete crap tho imo. The casting animation was way slower and the tracking was horrible. Sometimes it would just get glitched and disappear or become horizontal and does 0 damage. Honestly, I like the new Ice Cyclone alot more and even often used it a DPS skill and it's one of my top DPS skill especially in long fights like dragon stage. It's now a stable and more reliable DPS skill

      • #21
        Hi, is it true Elestra cannot release Karahan choke? Is there a way to counter Karahan choke?
        ~Severalle | Zachura | Syliveth~


        • justlance
          justlance commented
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          Ignite works

        • Severelle
          Severelle commented
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          yah it's weird most of the time i don't feel its working, but sometimes it does. about ignite, do i have to put it on burn state before ignite release works?

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          Hmmm... that's interesting to know. I never knew that. My party always relied on a priest to detonate to release choke. I always tried using shatter but it has never worked so I accepted fate as it's useless. My pt never had a sally and I didn't add ignite so I never knew :P

      • #22
        nice sir.. this threads is very useful guide for those are newly and newbie like me thank you sir

        that's it i think elestra is powerful sorcerer rather than 5

        starting to buy job scroll and try to making elestra


        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          You're welcome. Unfortunately as powerful as Elestra seems, her DPS is still ranked the lowest among all the 5 sorcerer. But thinking of it this way, the DPS you boost on your party member can be kind of considered as yours. Making monster DPS even more monstrous.

        • justlance
          justlance commented
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          I agree on this. Whenever people whip out their DPS I'm like: "Can I take 20% of that DPS? :>"

        • DamnRegret
          DamnRegret commented
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          NoobiexD yeah you are true!

      • #23
        is it possible to go full crit build without gimping matk too much?


        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          Yes it is. Consider running attack jades with critical stats or chaos plate with matk + crit if you are lacking crit. Fatal plate is definitely a must. Wind plate is good if you have the slot expansions. Consider running wind + fatal talisman in the 175% as well to get sufficient crit value.

      • #24
        Just cleared my very first FDN run earlier today~~!

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-11-15 02-56-33 Thu.jpg
Views:	1000
Size:	202.1 KB
ID:	151082

        Thank you so much for the team in bringing me along. I have attached the video link as well so everyone can take a look. My DPS was somewhat on par with similarly or more geared members thus really showcase that even Elestra is capable of doing great DPS. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the nerf to ice barrier making it scales with HP instead of MATK.

        Just your average friendly neighbourhood noob.

        >Click Here for Elestra Guide


        • Severelle
          Severelle commented
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          hello, any advice on how to be an FDN ready Elestra? I think I have an okay gear but idk if my "okay" good enough for FDN or to be pick on a team. I tried applying for a team but I was told to get 60% defense, what other important stat I shud be focusing on?
          My town stat ATM HP: 8M Mattack: 3.8-4.2M Crt: Max CTD: Max FD: 85%. Mdef: 56% Def: 51%

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          Unfortunately, most people are still stuck under the presumption that an Elestra is incapable of dealing DPS. That is however untrue but at the same time, it is true to a certain degree. You are require to have very very high end gears to even do decent damage but at the same time still easily out-DPS by top DPS classes.

          I myself have only 55% PDEF in town. MDEF is irrelevant for FDN. The reason being, most DPS in FDN has been one shot-ed by certain attacks of the boss even with 10m+ HP and 65%+ PDEF. Which is why they prefer higher PDEF. I personally have not experienced this because my Ice barrier is good enough to tank the hits.

          Elestra has an innate 15% damage reduction and a 40% damage reduction from elemental shield, many classes such as ML, Flurry do not have access to. Which is why in terms of defense department, Elestra should have more freedom to have a lower PDEF as compared to normal other DPS. This is a fault with the mentality with most parties comparing Elestra and a normal DPS which I faced as well before formally joining the team.

          In terms of gearing department, naturally get as high as possible on your calpyse T3, lebria plate. I would suggest changing all your 3rd stat MATK/INT to PDEF to fit the requirement even though I feel it is unnecessary. Lastly, if you are able to afford L jades, go for 67k matk + 3.5% HP for attack jades and INT+VIT variant for defence jade. As the inevitable nerf to Ice Barrier will come causing the shield strength to be scaled off HP instead of MATK as your HP is on the low side.

      • #25
        Hi, may I ask :

        1) What Unique Attack Jades to use? I tried using 17k attk, 8.5% mattk, 3% hp Attack Jades and 17k attk, 8.5% ice, 3% hp Attack Jades. Seems like ice% gives me more dps? Even though I have more than 100%(after casting ice barrier) ice %?

        2) What's your Ice %? My town ice % is 80.10% with 3 ice % unique jades.

        3) What Legend Jades to look for?

        4) Why sometimes I can cast Freezing Field Instant 2x?

        Thank you in advance.


        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          1) You can consider using a formula of (Average MATK((Min MATK + Max MATK)/2) * (1+Ice Atk %) * (1+FD %)) to see an estimation of which can give an overall higher increase in values. I would suggest the matk build because ice barrier already give a huge amount of ice atk %. It get affected as well by buffs from team and other source. It is recommended to try to get a somewhat similar number of % for matk and ice atk so you can tally up your total % and compare.

          2) My town ice atk is 70% (100% with ice barrier). I have other sources to provide ice atk such as GDN Necklace, Conversion Armor & Weapon, Cash accessories, legend minion accessories and element talisman.

          3) For attack jades, I'll suggest 67k matk + 9.5% matk + 3.5% hp. For defence jade, previously i would suggest matk glass jade because of Ice Barrier matk scaling, but however, soon the nerf to Ice Barrier will come and it will scale off HP instead, for harder contents such as FDN and high floor of Trial Nest/Labyrinth/Fission Dungeon, I would suggest 21k matk + 11k int + 5.7k vit + 7% hp + 170k hp. You will surely lose out some DPS but a dead DPS is no DPS. Staying alive is quite important!

          4) It is a very weird bug in which I think Frost Wind hit was registered late allowing you to cast Freezing Field Instant again. But based on my experiences, the second Freezing Field Instant always does 0 damage. So if it were me, after casting it once, I will ignore it even if the hotkey shows that I can use it again

        • Naomi
          Naomi commented
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          Thank you SO much! You replied so fast!! I was busy with my final exams.. ><

          1) Ok. I changed 2 of my jades to matk %

          2) Ok. Mine is 70% too, but have to wear 2 ice % jades. GDN Necklace and element talisman checked.. wondering what should I focus on now.. probably legend attack jades > conversion armor > legend def jades?

          3) Noted!!

          4) Ahh.. it made me happy whenever I was able to cast it twice.. XD

          5) Do you have a video/written guide for skill rotations? I checked your youtube channel. I'm just wondering if I'm playing my Elestra at it's fullest potential.. :x
          My skill rotation is:
          Blink/Dash > Frost Wind > Glacial Field > Freezing Field EX instant > Frozen Spikes > Ice Sphere > Phoenix Storm > Chilling Mist > Frozen Spikes > Freezing Field > Glacial Spike > Icy Shards EX x3 > Icy Cyclone > Blink/Dash > Frost Wind > Freezing Field EX instant > Blizzard Storm @_@

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          Hi sorry. I didn't get a forum notification and I didn't check.

          2) Yeah. Ideally something like that along the line as Legend Attack jades are relatively cheap now. Conversion are really expensive.

          5) Made an earlier comment months ago but it's still valid. I'll copy and paste.

          I didn't make an emphasis on skill rotation because you can literally used all skills and not go wrong. The only things you should be caution of is using Ice Sphere + Phoenix Storm before doing any DPS. Some rotations to keep in mind.

          Use Frozen Spikes and Chilling Mist generally whenever it is up.
          Try and use your Ice Cyclone x5 when you are at full bubbles.
          Always and only use Icy Shards if you have 3 charges.

          Glacial Spike, Freezing Field and Shatter are generally filler spells.

          It's perfectly mine to mix in skills here and there because of how fast Elestra's skill cooldown, you can almost never run out of skills. Don't include Blizzard Storm. It's bad. I only ever use it for iframe.

      • #26
        uhmm is our Ice Barrier somehow bugged? I feel like I cant tank that much anymore.. can anyone confirm it maybe it's just me.
        ~Severalle | Zachura | Syliveth~


        • Severelle
          Severelle commented
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          i was searching my old screenshot because i know i had the ss of previous ice barrier and it was this (DN 2018-07-15 20-44-22 Sun)
          after patch it became

          how will it be a barrier now?

        • Severelle
          Severelle commented
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          wait uhmm did they patch the nerfing ady?

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          I do not know how you managed to get your Ice Barrier buff duration to be above 60 seconds (1 minute). I have tested several times that it is still at 60 seconds buff which is still scaling off MATK. Like I said, if the nerf to Ice Barrier which makes it scale off HP, the buff should last for 80 seconds. Although I have no other concrete evidence, I still strongly assume and believe that yes it still scales off MATK. But it breaks fairly easily leading me to a state of confusion regarding the state of Ice Barrier. Maybe we got some weird version where it last 60 seconds but scales with HP.

      • #27
        RIP Eles 2019. Ice Barrier nerf is here

        Ice Barrier strength reduced from 198% of MATK to 15% of HP

        Duration increased from 60 seconds to 80 seconds (who the hell actually cares about the duration increase)

        No longer grants a high SA - Biggest ouch
        Just your average friendly neighbourhood noob.

        >Click Here for Elestra Guide


        • justlance
          justlance commented
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          The SA nerf wasnt even in patch notes. Anyway. The skill description of barrier is not properly translated :/

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          Skills not being properly translated isn't new or the first time. In regards to the SA nerf, I think it has got to do with the tank shield nerf awhile back. Their shield (destroyer/guardian/defensio) became unspammable, no more SA and scale with % hp. So they decided to do the same to Elestra's Ice Barrier.

      • #28
        hello, NoobiexD have u been to FDN after the changes on our ice barrier?
        i fixed my gear and max my fd 2 weeks ago and i ady have max crit max ctd 9.4town hp def 63%. With that i wanted to try fdn or join fdn team but i am now hesitant with the changes of our ice barrier... the changes really pisses me off on gdn run so idk how or what will it be on fdn, it cud be worst. do u have any suggestion or tips? or shud i cj it other sorceress or play another class, the changes really affect my overall gameplay...
        thanks ill be looking forward for ur reply.
        ~Severalle | Zachura | Syliveth~


        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          Hi, i still consistently run at FDN weekly with my pt. One of the major con of the nerf isnt the HP nerf but the SA nerf. Now we are forced to experience what every other class experience as a rag doll who gets knocked everywhere. While the nerf is bad, it's not like totally unplayable. You have to be more mindful by many boss skills that does tons of damage like stomp, knockup etc etc.

          There are major differences between Eles and other sorc classes. Other sorc classes are purely DPS but Eles are capable of ice stacking consistently and many team consider that as invaluable.

          I run 55% PDEF and 8.9m town HP. My defensive stats are extremely low, if you inspected me from nest ranking, I'm still rocking a full DPS build and I can still survive and deal high DPS, provided I dodge mechanics and be mindful of bosses' attacks. You just need to get used to it. Having the Origin of Erosion that provides DEF % can help out if you find yourself dying a lot but not necessarily.

          Maybe because my PT has multiple lolis dispenser and we can KOS quite fast, I don't really face any MP issue. I tried blink MP plate before but it's barely helpful. I recommend sticking with a DPS plate.

          PS: I'm thinking of recording another run when I have my full set of Skilla at +10 (now missing gloves and shoes) because I'll have 7 mil+ max MATK in town. Waiting for an enhancement rate event now. So I guess you could look forward to that and see how i adapt to the nerf.
          Last edited by NoobiexD; 02-04-2019, 09:49 AM.

        • Severelle
          Severelle commented
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          NoobiexD justlance thanks for the reply and tips. and ill be looking forward to that new video NoobiexD.

        • NoobiexD
          NoobiexD commented
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          hello there Severelle, as said, I had a recording of the run and have uploaded @

          I wasn't playing perfectly all the time and I do end up tanking many many skills. The most important thing is to, not die in one hit.

      • #29
        Fellow Elestra rejoice~! The latest patch in kDN (May) has returned or at least increase the SA when casting Elestra's skills.

        The listed skills includes
        Icy Shards (Freezing Sword)
        Freezing Field
        Frozen Spikes
        Chilling Mist
        Ice Barrier
        Ice Sphere
        Glacial Field
        Ice Cyclone

        This should greatly help prevent Elestra skills from being easily interrupted like when we had Ice Barrier.
        Just your average friendly neighbourhood noob.

        >Click Here for Elestra Guide


        • #30
          Minor skill buffs to most skills and changes to Frost Wind and Glacial Spike

          Almost all the class should have a somewhat similar board damage change. So I doubt this will greatly push Elestra in terms of DPS department.

          Glacial Spike
          217% > 603%
          2287% with CM3 (1000% increase) > 2412% with CM3 (300% increase)

          Frost Wind
          253% > 1750%

          Glacial Wave
          314% > 333%

          3520 > 2973%

          Icy Shards (NEW: On Icy Shards Awakening, skill attack increase by 20%)
          Board: 2628% > 2219%
          EX: 3416% > 2884%
          NEW Awakening: 3416% > 3460%
          3 Consecutive: 10248% > 10380%

          2nd Icy Shard: 5124% > 5190%
          3rd Icy Shard: 6832% > 6920%
          Total Damage: 17759% > 17982%

          Freezing Field
          Board: 3260% 3308%
          EX: 5216% > 5292%

          Frozen Spikes
          Per Hit: 346% > 349%
          EX: 415% > 418%
          Explosion: 207% > 209%
          Total: 8300% > 8360%

          Chilling Mist
          Board: 4261% > 4290%
          EX: 10226% > 10296%
          Additional Hit: 1278%>1287%
          Total Damage: 11504% > 11583%

          Ice Sphere
          Per Hit: 42% > 43%
          Total Damage: 2352% > 2408%
          Last edited by NoobiexD; 05-14-2019, 07:54 AM.
          Just your average friendly neighbourhood noob.

          >Click Here for Elestra Guide

