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Bugged Inventory

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  • Bugged Inventory

    My character's inventory cannot be sorted out.
    IGN: RyouRake
    Last edited by Rykibyou; 11-23-2017, 09:28 AM.

  • #2
    This happened to a friend of mine yesterday and she was unable to click her gestures as those were bugged and missing as well.
    Reinstalling the game worked for her.
    Hello Sir! Please free to mention me or send me a private message if you need any assistance! I will try my best to help you to the best that I can!

    -Subscribed to every forum section except Trades-

    Discord: Couplord#5195
    NA IGN: SirCoup


    • Rykibyou
      Rykibyou commented
      Editing a comment
      It doesn't work :V

    • Rykibyou
      Rykibyou commented
      Editing a comment
      The issue here, according to another post, is plate pouches were removed from the level up reward boxes (which I have already claimed and have yet to open them). The items are like ghost items, so they are not completely removed. Hopefully the devs can fully remove it.

  • #3
    Identifying the bugged slot and moving it out to storage works.

    I will put your name in the list.


    • Vaddix
      Vaddix commented
      Editing a comment
      my char`s inventory are still bugged

  • #4
    I'm having this issue too T_T
    I also cannot get items from my storage..
    IGN: Ruklem
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2017-11-26 11-05-48 Sun.jpg
Views:	178
Size:	142.4 KB
ID:	109161Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2017-11-26 11-05-38 Sun.jpg
Views:	173
Size:	131.5 KB
ID:	109162


    • #5
      I'm also having the same issue.
      can also please check mine GM


      • #6
        Day 7: Items in the inventory still cannot be sorted, been manually sorting it till now. (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)


        • #7
          I also have this problem in sorting, what's up with this? It started to happen after the cc to ed transfer, my IGN is LeionLight

