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Bug in new quest - an Extraordinary Plan

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  • Bug in new quest - an Extraordinary Plan

    Excuse me, can i ask. Is this bug or only me have problem like this? When i take the quest "an Extraordinary Plan", i know we should go to Phantom Forest Core to meet Grele of course. But when i try to do it i cant found Grele in this dungeon anyway. No sign, no secret way open, even if i kill the boss. This grele not show on the map. Im already try 3 different difficult in this map from normal~abyss but still same and i try to find location via quest list too, but still no sign of grele. If someone know how to fix it pls help me. Thank you in advance.

    Here the preview before i kill the boss in this PFC :

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-03-14 11-01-10 Wed.jpg
Views:	350
Size:	184.3 KB
ID:	126217
    >> Why not helping some player <<
    ~ AlvElaine~
    Discord : ShadouDaisuke#1633

  • #2
    I wonder if it's class related, I was able to finish the current main quest without any problem. Btw is this the part after talking to Shalica(?) n giving her fixed hologram n stuff ? If yes you're supposed to get a cutscene after clearing the dungeon, (some stuff happens here i dun wanna spoil) then you have to talk to Grele standing somewhere in mid along with Vernica


    • #3
      My friend has the same problem (class: Saint), the quest says he has to go to Phantom Forest Core but Grele isn't there.
      Going back and talking to Norfe, he noticed that he can't get his reward (Norfe offers some dragon jades for completing the quest). When he tries to select a jade and confirms, the game shows an error message saying "failed to select reward". Any advice?
      Here's a picture of the problem. His inventory is empty.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Mrs. Independent; 03-30-2018, 03:00 PM. Reason: Added picture


      • ShadouDaisuke
        ShadouDaisuke commented
        Editing a comment
        Till now still no solution. I always abandon and take it again but same problem always happen.