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Costume Preference Survey

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  • #16
    I know I am being greedy here but since you might or might not re-release the costumes here are a few which I have always wanted ; Musician Set , Chess Set , Ziyo and Noble . No harm in writing them out


    • #17
      OMG, I want the Chess Set, Musician, Anu Arendel, Vampire Set, and those KIMONOS (I forgot their set names but it's a magic grade one piece)
      I forgot the names of others but I really want those old costumes back (Hoping with updated stats)

      If ya'll gonna release those beautiful costumes back especially this December, I ain't gonna be shopping at the malls. Imma be shopping at the Cash Shop instead
      I LOVE REN
      by me ofc


      • #18
        ~medical team hype pls.
        Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.


        • #19
          Summer Costumes anyone?


          • #20
            You could tell ED to release costume extraction on NA, you know, their other server.


            • nvLite
              nvLite commented
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              Curious, what does this do? kindly share.

            • Shinon
              Shinon commented
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              SEA doesn't have costume extraction either

            • M26
              M26 commented
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              Yeah i'm also waiting for their cash extraction to extract my spare cash items to crystal points..

          • #21
            Please bring back this Mythology costumeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~♥♥♥♥

            gonna be sending hearts to ED ahaha *we not gonna shop in malls this Christmas if this will be realease, we gonna shop at the crystal store*


            • Faraway
              Faraway commented
              Editing a comment
              <10 characters filler>

          • #22
            Noblesse costume anyone?

            Nentias (Majesty) | Hivazen (Saleana) | Ankmara (Black Mara) | Almaruem (Smasher)


            • Faraway
              Faraway commented
              Editing a comment
              <10 characters filler>

          • #23
            I vote for re-releasing old epic costumes specially Musician, Medic, Mythology, Chess.
            They are all so well designed for both male and female character.
            But sadly, not all class have the equal chance to wear the same design-- talk about lancea and/or makina.
            DN Korea has been releasing old costumes in addition for later-released character such as Korean Hanbok v1 costume, Argenta costume, the list goes on.
            DN China even re-released much older costume i.e. Wedding v1 (sometimes called Vampire costume), Medic costume, etc.
            I vote so we may have the more chance to get those beautiful suits like DN Korea and DN China.


            • #24
              all i want in life is world peace. and wedding costumes to come out


              • #25
                Suggesting for this costume.

                The original Wedding V1 / Vampire Wedding (that never got released in SEA Server).

                DISCLAIMER: this following wall of text might trigger you

                Long story short, I'm against re-releasing costumes, but after all is said and done Crystal Point Shop costumes are intended to be re-releaseof old costumes.
                So re-release for Crystal Point Shop costumes is inevitable. (This maybe one of the major reason the costume I suggested here might not be in Crystal Point Store, but released in Cash Shop instead).

                However, even though the costumes must be a re-release, then the options of costume to be re-release must be carefully considered.
                For me the only costumes that should not be re-released in Crystal Point Shop are Epic Costumes, namely Costumes that needed to be crafted with Synthesis device.
                There are several reasons for this, namely:

                1. It is not something everyone can get their hands on
                2. It is something that you can only get by chance, through Synthesis (like opening Gacha Boxes)
                3. The Weapon Costume itself should only be available through Synthesis Weapon Coupon, from Gacha Boxes. (Stats aside, its costume we are talking here, so of course I meant the costume not the stats)
                4. Unfair for people that did Synthesis in the past, they might have spent a fortune to Synthesis to find the right colors that they want.

                Those are the main points, although there are more small reasons, but that's for another day.

                People might say, "But thats not fair for people that has not played the game when the costumes were released" and what not.
                This is simple however, re-release it on Synthesis instead of Crystal Point Shop, like what they did for Band Costumes. (This is an argument for another day)

                There are different platform for releasing costumes, and each are unique in their own (Crystal Point Shop, Cash Shop, Costume Synthesis).
                And I hope Tasha recognize this and not re-releasing costumes that are not meant for its platform, in this case the Crystal Point Shop.
                Attached Files
                Do unto others what you want others do unto you
                aLsylph | aLicht
                Sniper | Light Fury


                • #26
                  The Assassin Costume Package back in level 40 cap but sadly only the first 4 character has it. I want it to be upgraded at least to rare. I also happen to like the Wedding Costumes too.
                  ~ Dark Summoner from the Old Westwood~
                  -Chief Executor-


                  • #27
                    I was expecting ED to release the renewed stats of racing set this December
                    Just like you did to Circus Costume.
                    please? XD Looking forward to it.


                    • #28
                      The Medic set please

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	epic_05_medic.png
Views:	143
Size:	313.2 KB
ID:	152393


                      • #29


                        • Elisanell
                          Elisanell commented
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                          +1 to Ziyo costumes, I still have my Mauhon Fla costume but I want it in a higher grade.

                        • Hirai
                          Hirai commented
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                          +1 on Ziyo v1 costumes

                      • #30
                        Hi Tasha,

                        If possible, it would be nice to have the Mythical / Mythology Costume Set
                        Artillery - eDragons

