>> The submission of this topic is now closed <<
We would like to thank you for participating 2nd Anniversary Loading Page Art Contest!
There were too many favorites to choose from, but we have selected 2 IGNs as winners as we previously announced.
If you are not chosen this time, you will have a chance of being a winner next time!
We are so proud of announcing your wonderful works!
*Please read the [ IF YOU HAVE WON, PLEASE READ ] note below.
Here are the list of the 2 winners in alphabetical order:
Winner 1. Fautsy

Winner 2. Glestein

- Reward will be sent out to the IGN’s Special Storage on 27th September 18:00 HRS (GMT+8). The reward will be collectible for 1 week, until 4th October 18:00 HRS (GMT+8).
-The 2 submissions that have won will be used on our loading screen page from November update (If possible), and may be used for our event notices and posts. We are looking forward to working your awesome submissions into Dragon Nest SEA game server.
- Such posts will be used strictly for the purpose of notifying our events and used ONLY on our loading screen page or our official webpage. They will be in no way used for distribution or purposes of monetary gain.
- When any submissions are used for our posts, we will credit the artists' IGN.
- Please note that your work may be cropped and edited to fit into our loading screen or posts. For example, submission may be cropped, partially used, rearranged to conform to the post, used as collage, or colour/resolution adjusted to make it visibly clear. (Of course, we intend to limit editing as much as possible.)
- You can send us an inquiry through 1:1 inquire if you want your work to be excluded after an post has been posted on our official webpage. We will promptly take the post down to repect your wishes, and edit it out. (Please include your IGN on there so that we can verify)
Celebrate the 2nd Year Anniversary of Dragon Nest SEA with Eyedentity Games!
In September 7th 2017, the Dragon Nest SEA was newly launched with Eyedentity Games.
Come join our celebration - Participate in our Anniversary Facebook event
We are announcing the Loading Screen Art Contest for the Dragon Nest SEA, and we are excited to call all artists for a chance to win the amazing prizes!
Submission Period
Tuesday, 3rd September ~ 24th September 18:00 HRS (GMT+8)
Where & How EDITED
1. All entries must be digital artwork (jpg/png/GIF), 1280x700 pixels.
2. Post your submission on the comments of the Forum page post of this event during the submission period.
3. We do not recommend to have any texts at the edges of the image because there are cases where the text may be truncated.
Contest Winner Announcement Date
26th September, 2019 18:00 (GMT+8)
1. 100,000 DNP
2. “Drawing Dead and Loving it” Cover Title
3. 100,000 Crystal Point
Reward Date
Friday, 27th September 2019 18:00 HRS (GMT+8)
- You must leave your In-Game Name (IGN) when you submit to participate.
- Copies of other people’s work or photos will be excluded from the event, and submissions must be your original work. Accounts that have copied other people’s work may get banned from game.
- Submissions that contain contents that may upset others, such as lewd/pornographic/blood and gore depictions will be excluded. Since this page is accessible to all-ages and open to everyone, accounts with such submissions may get banned from the game in accordance with our policy.
- You must have at least one character that has achieved max level (Lv.95) to be eligible to win.
- Multiple submissions by one person is allowed, but only one will be selected as one of the winners when there are more than one submissions that have garnered the top number of likes.
- The number of Likes will be considered into the winner selection, but to avoid any unfairness that may arise and to account for uploading issue on forum, the ultimate selection will be based on GM’s choice.
- The 2 submissions that wins this event may be used for our event notices and posts, with the IGN stated. We are looking forward to working the adventurer’s awesome submissions into the event posts during September.
- Reward will be sent out to the IGN’s Special Storage on 27th September at 18:00 HRS (GMT+8). The reward will be collectable for 1 week, until 4th October 18:00 HRS (GMT+8).
- The number of winners may be expanded, if there are exceeding number of participants for this event.
- If you have a forum account, please participate through forum page. You can participate on the Forum page.
- If no entires met to the standard guide, we may not select the winner.
- Attached files are the winners' work of Loading Screen Contest of Dragon Nest Thailand server as reference.
We would like to thank you for participating 2nd Anniversary Loading Page Art Contest!
There were too many favorites to choose from, but we have selected 2 IGNs as winners as we previously announced.
If you are not chosen this time, you will have a chance of being a winner next time!
We are so proud of announcing your wonderful works!
*Please read the [ IF YOU HAVE WON, PLEASE READ ] note below.
Here are the list of the 2 winners in alphabetical order:
Winner 1. Fautsy
Winner 2. Glestein
- Reward will be sent out to the IGN’s Special Storage on 27th September 18:00 HRS (GMT+8). The reward will be collectible for 1 week, until 4th October 18:00 HRS (GMT+8).
-The 2 submissions that have won will be used on our loading screen page from November update (If possible), and may be used for our event notices and posts. We are looking forward to working your awesome submissions into Dragon Nest SEA game server.
- Such posts will be used strictly for the purpose of notifying our events and used ONLY on our loading screen page or our official webpage. They will be in no way used for distribution or purposes of monetary gain.
- When any submissions are used for our posts, we will credit the artists' IGN.
- Please note that your work may be cropped and edited to fit into our loading screen or posts. For example, submission may be cropped, partially used, rearranged to conform to the post, used as collage, or colour/resolution adjusted to make it visibly clear. (Of course, we intend to limit editing as much as possible.)
- You can send us an inquiry through 1:1 inquire if you want your work to be excluded after an post has been posted on our official webpage. We will promptly take the post down to repect your wishes, and edit it out. (Please include your IGN on there so that we can verify)
Celebrate the 2nd Year Anniversary of Dragon Nest SEA with Eyedentity Games!
In September 7th 2017, the Dragon Nest SEA was newly launched with Eyedentity Games.
Come join our celebration - Participate in our Anniversary Facebook event
We are announcing the Loading Screen Art Contest for the Dragon Nest SEA, and we are excited to call all artists for a chance to win the amazing prizes!
Submission Period
Tuesday, 3rd September ~ 24th September 18:00 HRS (GMT+8)
Where & How EDITED
1. All entries must be digital artwork (jpg/png/GIF), 1280x700 pixels.
2. Post your submission on the comments of the Forum page post of this event during the submission period.
3. We do not recommend to have any texts at the edges of the image because there are cases where the text may be truncated.
Contest Winner Announcement Date
26th September, 2019 18:00 (GMT+8)
1. 100,000 DNP
2. “Drawing Dead and Loving it” Cover Title
3. 100,000 Crystal Point
Reward Date
Friday, 27th September 2019 18:00 HRS (GMT+8)
- You must leave your In-Game Name (IGN) when you submit to participate.
- Copies of other people’s work or photos will be excluded from the event, and submissions must be your original work. Accounts that have copied other people’s work may get banned from game.
- Submissions that contain contents that may upset others, such as lewd/pornographic/blood and gore depictions will be excluded. Since this page is accessible to all-ages and open to everyone, accounts with such submissions may get banned from the game in accordance with our policy.
- You must have at least one character that has achieved max level (Lv.95) to be eligible to win.
- Multiple submissions by one person is allowed, but only one will be selected as one of the winners when there are more than one submissions that have garnered the top number of likes.
- The number of Likes will be considered into the winner selection, but to avoid any unfairness that may arise and to account for uploading issue on forum, the ultimate selection will be based on GM’s choice.
- The 2 submissions that wins this event may be used for our event notices and posts, with the IGN stated. We are looking forward to working the adventurer’s awesome submissions into the event posts during September.
- Reward will be sent out to the IGN’s Special Storage on 27th September at 18:00 HRS (GMT+8). The reward will be collectable for 1 week, until 4th October 18:00 HRS (GMT+8).
- The number of winners may be expanded, if there are exceeding number of participants for this event.
- If you have a forum account, please participate through forum page. You can participate on the Forum page.
- If no entires met to the standard guide, we may not select the winner.
- Attached files are the winners' work of Loading Screen Contest of Dragon Nest Thailand server as reference.