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+Winner announcement [CLOSED] [SEA_GM EVENT] Let's Play Match Game with Dragon Nest Sculpture!

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  • +Winner announcement [CLOSED] [SEA_GM EVENT] Let's Play Match Game with Dragon Nest Sculpture!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	winner.png
Views:	886
Size:	3.2 KB
ID:	167133


    Hello, this is [GM]Loren! Happy New Year again! Happy to be with all heroes in another year.

    Through this event, I want to find who has the eyes of an eagle at Dragon Nest SEA!

    So I collected sculptures from all over the town and made this game. Guess where these are in town!

    This time quiz will be so easy! I made it especially easy, hehe. ⊂◉‿◉つ

    The quiz has pre-released with this forum page edge, but submitting answers will be available from 10:30 AM on January 13 (GMT+8).
    Take your time to match all quiz and join after 13th January.

    [How To Play and Participate?]

    1. The quiz image will be uploaded with opening the official event Forum page.
    2. There will be all clues to clear the puzzle and you can leave the answer from 13th January 10:30 AM.
    3. The answer version image will be released at the same time as close to the event.

    [Participation Example]

    Please look at the question example below.

    1. Please download the 'actual quiz image' at first.
    2. Draw the line on it to show your answer.
    3. Upload the image file in the forum comment section with your IGN likely:

    IGN: [GM]Loren

    My answer is here! (+attaching image file)
    Click image for larger version  Name:	New_example.png Views:	1 Size:	363.9 KB ID:	166926

    [Event Date and Details]

    13th January 2020 10:30 AM ~ 20th January 10:30 AM (1 week, GMT+8)

    : The event page will open and close in time for the event.
    : The event winner will be announced on 20th January at 11:30 (GMT+8) and the reward will be sent on the same date at 18:00 (GMT+8).

    GM will select 'randomly' 5 participants who enter the character name clearly and all the correct answers.

    [Event Reward List]

    Magnifying Glass (20)
    Magic Wand (20)
    [GM] Messenger Blue Bird (20)
    FTG Recovery Potion (1500) (1)


    - Rewards will be given per character basis and participant character level limit is above 20.
    - Not allowed to participate on behalf of other players.
    - Only the English language is allowed for this time event.
    - Inappropriate IGN (In-Game Name) might not be eligible to receive the rewards.
    - Players who use language that encourages disputes, such as profanity or verbal abuse, may be sanctioned. (Ref. No: DN-COM-02)
    - Hints may be added if the quiz is monitored as not clear on the way.
    - GM's decision is final.

    [January Event Quiz] Click image for larger version  Name:	quiz_actual.jpg Views:	1 Size:	32.5 KB ID:	166907


    There are 5 winners who are promised,
    but if there are many participants, I am supposed to select additional winners as a surprise~ (>W<)

    Happy Gaming and Good Luck, everyone!

    [GM] Loren

  • #2
    IGN: peln


    • #3
      IGN: Equitas
      My answer is here!


      • #4
        IGN: iCytch


        • #5


          • #6
            IGN: 0JiroZen0


            • #7
              IGN: LostArm
              My answer is here!


              • #8
                IGN: Azonia
                Azonia Teh 110-pound Dancer
                BoRaCay Guild

                Semper Fidelis


                • #9
                  IGN: AzureGT
                  Here's the pic~


                  • #10
                    IGN :Remura

                    Early congrats to RNG winners!!


                    • #11
                      IGN : SpeedColie

                      Happy Gaming !!^^


                      • #12
                        IGN: xFelixyh

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Answer.jpg
Views:	415
Size:	49.4 KB
ID:	166983


                        • #13
                          IGN: SatouDesu


                          • #14
                            IGN: TheCurat0r
                            Attached Files


                            • #15

