Hello everyone =)
It's been awhile since I've played Dragon Nest ^_^
And, well, Dragon Nest happens to be one of my most favorite played games all-time!
I really do love the combat and fast-paced action, anime graphics, and features Dragon Nest has.
And I REALLY want to get back into this game again!
But, it isn't fun without a guild!
And, I happen to be looking for an ACTIVE and FRIENDLY guild =D
I would love a supportive, helpful, and very friendly guild of people to be able to team up with and have a blast together.
Please add me to your ranks <3
I promise to be active in-game and work hard to achieve success for my character(s) and reach end-game and group up with you guys and help everyone/the guild out!
One very important thing, what is your guild's main timezone? Like, which timezone is most of the people in your guild in?
I would very much like a guild to be around my timezone, GMT -5, in the USA.
It's been awhile since I've played Dragon Nest ^_^
And, well, Dragon Nest happens to be one of my most favorite played games all-time!
I really do love the combat and fast-paced action, anime graphics, and features Dragon Nest has.
And I REALLY want to get back into this game again!
But, it isn't fun without a guild!
And, I happen to be looking for an ACTIVE and FRIENDLY guild =D
I would love a supportive, helpful, and very friendly guild of people to be able to team up with and have a blast together.
Please add me to your ranks <3
I promise to be active in-game and work hard to achieve success for my character(s) and reach end-game and group up with you guys and help everyone/the guild out!
One very important thing, what is your guild's main timezone? Like, which timezone is most of the people in your guild in?
I would very much like a guild to be around my timezone, GMT -5, in the USA.