I had high hopes pre transfer about this game becoming a lot better, but honestly after every patch so far my hopes have been squashed repeatedly. The stats on costume items are getting crazier and crazier. I don't understand how people keep up without emptying their wallet every few months. The new set of Iona accessories in the new Iona Eggs are insanely broken compared to the accessories that were in last month's Dragon Eggs. Post transfer they released costume sets that completely invalidated every other one before it by a tremendous margin. It just sucks to see people support this practice in game with the barrage of egg system messages.I mean what's next? The next few months some other set is just going to come out that makes your old one obsolete again and again. And it's not that I can't afford it but it just feels stupid to dump money for virtual stats but then a few months later I could've spent the same amount and got better stats. I understand that they need some form of revenue stream to keep the game going, but this game's feels exploitative for the reasons above.
Then there's all the bugs. It was honestly dumb as hell that the gearmaster bug wasn't fixed within a few days and not just after the following update. Then there are all the M:IDs literally everywhere or broken NPCs like the commission board last month. What are they doing with all this money they're getting? There's barely any quality control. Spirits are STILL not fixed. The last two updates have been abysmal in the content department too and it's sad to see that cash shop related stuff is at the forefront of this update. We literally just got 1 reused Nest, some reused Daredevil Faire dungeons, and reused Rumble mode. There's just so little relevant content and things to do compared to a lot of mmos it's embarassing considering how much money they're getting from all this cash shop stuff they keep promoting and everyone keeps buying.
There are still no abyss dungeons for lower levels when it has been a constant complaint from new and old players. The older nest content is being left behind again so instead of opting to have lots of nests worth doing there are only a small handful. I don't understand why they don't update them so they keep up with the current cap. The new nightmare dungeon just feels like a place for them to dump old bosses and mobs. Time limited overpowered Genesis accessories that are basically only there as a desperate attempt to keep people playing. Nothing being done about the gold problems surrounding the game. Nothing being done about difficulty complaints. Why is there not a higher difficulty than Hardcore for every nest for players with more than above average gear? Dailies that just feel like you're gambling your time for a broken title. Those new engraving scrolls giving more advantage to cash users.There are so many other issues it would take forever to describe them all.
Dragon Nest right now just feels like a shell of its former self from years ago. They're just pushing so many people away from the game with their constantly increasing focus on cash items. It's like they don't care at all about retaining lots of players but only the ones who are already heavily invested in the game. The game was so much more active before but it feels like it's slowly being killed. It's a shame because under the mess there is a fun game to be had but they don't want to clean it up. They had a chance post transfer. The population was booming but the ship has sailed. It's unfortunate.
Then there's all the bugs. It was honestly dumb as hell that the gearmaster bug wasn't fixed within a few days and not just after the following update. Then there are all the M:IDs literally everywhere or broken NPCs like the commission board last month. What are they doing with all this money they're getting? There's barely any quality control. Spirits are STILL not fixed. The last two updates have been abysmal in the content department too and it's sad to see that cash shop related stuff is at the forefront of this update. We literally just got 1 reused Nest, some reused Daredevil Faire dungeons, and reused Rumble mode. There's just so little relevant content and things to do compared to a lot of mmos it's embarassing considering how much money they're getting from all this cash shop stuff they keep promoting and everyone keeps buying.
There are still no abyss dungeons for lower levels when it has been a constant complaint from new and old players. The older nest content is being left behind again so instead of opting to have lots of nests worth doing there are only a small handful. I don't understand why they don't update them so they keep up with the current cap. The new nightmare dungeon just feels like a place for them to dump old bosses and mobs. Time limited overpowered Genesis accessories that are basically only there as a desperate attempt to keep people playing. Nothing being done about the gold problems surrounding the game. Nothing being done about difficulty complaints. Why is there not a higher difficulty than Hardcore for every nest for players with more than above average gear? Dailies that just feel like you're gambling your time for a broken title. Those new engraving scrolls giving more advantage to cash users.There are so many other issues it would take forever to describe them all.
Dragon Nest right now just feels like a shell of its former self from years ago. They're just pushing so many people away from the game with their constantly increasing focus on cash items. It's like they don't care at all about retaining lots of players but only the ones who are already heavily invested in the game. The game was so much more active before but it feels like it's slowly being killed. It's a shame because under the mess there is a fun game to be had but they don't want to clean it up. They had a chance post transfer. The population was booming but the ship has sailed. It's unfortunate.