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[New Player] Efficient spending of EC.

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  • [New Player] Efficient spending of EC.

    Hello, I've recently joined DN with some of my friends. We're looking to spend some EC, with limited amount, to enjoy the progression and the content later.

    Since it's a limited amount, and we'd like to only spend it once, is there any untradeable EC items that can only be bought with EC? Maybe like costumes or something? Due to the typical MMORPG trust-issues, we'd like to avoid having to purchase anything with trust related things in the future with gold, possibly.
    - If not, what would be efficient things to purchase in EC?
    - Looking at purchase of ~$50, more or less

    Any replies would help as we're all completely new, wanting to put some money into this game.

    P.S. Also, how is GM(Gear Master) looking like in the end game? I've found some posts regarding GM, and it doesn't look too good, or liked later, as there's a lot of other classes that can fulfill GM's role better.

  • #2
    If you’re looking for a “one time” spending chance, here are a few things i recommend.

    - Player backpack / storage expansion
    This is a pretty useful thing tbh although its underrated, more space to keep your equips so you dont need to throw any items often while you are doing dungeons.

    - Seasonal costumes
    This will probably provide you with decent stats until you get epic costumes in the future when you earn $$ from game itself.

    - Cosmetics
    it might seem fucking stupid to spend on cosmetics such as eyes hair and shit but trust me, if you are satisfied with your character looks, you will gain more motivation to play it, which means over time you will be motivated to play better.

    As for GM, they are pretty much shit now, but you can play them if you like their playstyle, and judging you as a new player that only wants to spend once, by the time you are able to do end game content, i predict GM has already been boosted, so no worries.
    Last edited by Chelly; 11-08-2017, 06:21 PM.

    They appeared, gleaming and victorious. Our Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds,the ceremonial Naga drums. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. They were not stoic and silent. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.
    When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by divine blades.The drums,the Empire, fell silent forever.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chelly View Post
      it might seem fucking stupid to spend on cosmetics such as eyes hair and shit but trust me, if you are satisfied with your character looks, you will gain more motivation to play it
      +1 To this
      IGN: Adhelaida, KasumiDesu.

      How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95


      • #4
        Originally posted by ky5451 View Post
        Hello, I've recently joined DN with some of my friends. We're looking to spend some EC, with limited amount, to enjoy the progression and the content later.

        Since it's a limited amount, and we'd like to only spend it once, is there any untradeable EC items that can only be bought with EC? Maybe like costumes or something? Due to the typical MMORPG trust-issues, we'd like to avoid having to purchase anything with trust related things in the future with gold, possibly.
        - If not, what would be efficient things to purchase in EC?
        - Looking at purchase of ~$50, more or less

        Any replies would help as we're all completely new, wanting to put some money into this game.

        P.S. Also, how is GM(Gear Master) looking like in the end game? I've found some posts regarding GM, and it doesn't look too good, or liked later, as there's a lot of other classes that can fulfill GM's role better.
        Just curious are you from NA or SEA since you also post this thread on NA forum. like others said i will spend first on discounted storage and adventurers bag from lvl up box. then in 1 set rare costume with rare weapons since epic weapons not trade able here in SEA. GM is good for newbie since it is agi class , cheaper to gear. but if your planning and have the funding to gear it for endgame , GM is not good at the moment. perhaps a RM when it's available to create again.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ky5451 View Post
          Hello, I've recently joined DN with some of my friends. We're looking to spend some EC, with limited amount, to enjoy the progression and the content later.

          Since it's a limited amount, and we'd like to only spend it once, is there any untradeable EC items that can only be bought with EC? Maybe like costumes or something? Due to the typical MMORPG trust-issues, we'd like to avoid having to purchase anything with trust related things in the future with gold, possibly.
          - If not, what would be efficient things to purchase in EC?
          - Looking at purchase of ~$50, more or less

          Any replies would help as we're all completely new, wanting to put some money into this game.

          P.S. Also, how is GM(Gear Master) looking like in the end game? I've found some posts regarding GM, and it doesn't look too good, or liked later, as there's a lot of other classes that can fulfill GM's role better.
          My post may not be relevant but when you do manage to get some gold in game (perhaps via conversion of cash items sold for gold), please ask in forum again on how to spend it.

          Too many new players with limited budget spending on IDN and RDN HC service which they cannot afford long term.

          Gear Master is below average in terms of DPS (their key role) when geared with end-game content but can be fun to play. With low-gears, they have the advantage of being an AGI class and high crit, boosting DPS versus other classes with similar gear.

          It's ok if you have a group of friends to play with for nests etc. If you are the type to rely on public parties, choosing GM to main may lead you to a road of suffering as many of those parties favour 'HDPS' classes

          Last edited by Xenocho; 11-08-2017, 08:53 PM. Reason: Refer below
          Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
          Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
          Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


          • atom100
            atom100 commented
            Editing a comment
            Base on my experience Medea geared GM is better compared to other Medea geared non agi class because of way higher crit. perhaps when geared w/ end game gears GM is below average.

          • Xenocho
            Xenocho commented
            Editing a comment
            Hmm, that is correct. Understandable. Thanks Atom, I'll edit my post.

        • #6
          Make your character look lit fire, what's the point of slaying dragons if you don't look cool while doing it?


          • #7
            Have you top-up'd ady? If not, perhaps you can opt to EYET instead, to free all boundaries. AFAIK EYEC is very limited.

            Create CC account > buy cc > then buy EYET.

            Buy hallo boxes, sell them with nice amount of gold and perhaps start with some gear?
            Lorallite (Windwalker)

