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How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95

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  • How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95

    1. Introduction
    2. Skill Build
    3. Gear Step System
    4. Steam System
    5. Gameplay
    6. Gears
    7. Some Q & A
    8. Credits

    9. Awakening

    1. Introduction
    Hello there, Im playing Machina (IGN: KasumiDesu) since her release in DN SEA. She was born like Ruina but after Machina's last ''revamp'' i couldnt afford a Skill up heraldry every month for Duck which i needed (cause of my 300ms ping) if i wanted to explode her potential so i Jobchanged to Defensio and i liked a lot and started to understand her gameplay to the point that i can already make this guide to help the people with their eyes on this class. This topic also can serve as discussing place for Defensio community.

    2. Skill Build

    Default Skill Build
    Click image for larger version  Name:	dbjux0.png Views:	1 Size:	211.7 KB ID:	96475

    Personal Skill Build Click image for larger version  Name:	2yvql8y.png Views:	1 Size:	211.8 KB ID:	97065

    Filler/Utility Skills

    Body Check -> Can be follow with Duck.

    Fly By -> Rocket Jump Ultimate version, Because run is too mainstream. Best for fast travelling at stages (it was funny to do it at RDN 1st stage bridge), can be follow with Beyond The Wall or Right Click to cast Lariat, also can be used from Bounding Reaction.

    Flow Up -> Increase target's all damages received by 20%, CD 10s, duration 10s. Better to use it before start the wiri(deal DPS)

    Flow Trough -> Useful for kick stuff. Some proofs:

    Flying Knee Kick -> Useful for moving while in the air

    Beat Down -> Good filler skill. With EX can be charged, hence, stay at air for a longer time to evade stomps if need.

    Leap Over -> Good filler skill. With EX can be cancel with Left Click to flies immediately, also can be followed with spacebar when already flying to go back in the air.

    Air Shove -> Air Block without CD, invincible for 0.3s when block is succesful. With EX can be used from land and can cancel other skills, also creates 3 recovery circles at random areas which reduces 20% of dmg received for 8s.

    Beyond The Wall -> Beautiful buff. Can only be used on air, need to use Left Click to the shield to be created. Creates a shield at a random area near the caster, shield durability is 20% of HP, increase Physical Defense based on 40% user's Physical ATK (Description is wrong since Machina's release). CD 10s, duration 10s. With EX can reduce enemy's ATK by 20% for 10s. With CM II can active Beat Down Ins which doesnt share CD with the normal one. This shield CANT BE REMOVED by boss's wipe buffs skills/mechs. I dont get this skill at a 100% about the protection that give so ill leave this here for you to judge:

    Howl Charging Protection Test (The Destro was 3.4m HP)

    Beyond The Wall Protection Test (Me 3.2m HP)

    Beyond The Wall Protection Test No. 2

    Deus Ex Machina -> Just for ocasionals saves purposes. Iframe when casting the tornado on the Knuckle Gear.

    Man To Man -> Just for ocasionals sacrifices purposes. Reduce damage of allies within the shield by 20% at lvl 1, 30% lvl 2 BUT the user receive around the 10% of the damage recieve by their allies. Some tests:

    Overclock -> Heals 1.5% of total HP every 0.5s, can be cancelled by entering Left Click. Good.

    Class Mastery II -> When Beyond The Wall is used, Beat Down EX changes to Instant for a while and can be used quickly and immediately, doesnt share CD with Beat Down. Own atk increased by 18%.

    Main Skills

    Taunting Blow -> Hit to leave a Mark with provocation effect which can be detonated using Right Click after using it, has iframe when detonating, provocation effect lasts 10s. With EX additional hit occurs to increase Mark's explosions damage and explode automatically after 15s, also mark last for more 5s. Does the 60-70% of your total damage.

    Repair -> Removes 10 debuffs, can be used in any situation, invincible for 0.5s, recovers all active skills CD by 7 including the own CD.

    Class Mastery III -> Lariat's damage and attack area are increased. After using Lariat, use Taunting Blow EX to activate it immediately when the mark explosions occurs and more explosions will occur. Lariat's atk increased by 300%. Taunting Blow EX's mark explosion is increased by 1.
    Last edited by Adhelaida; 05-19-2018, 08:25 PM.
    IGN: Adhelaida, KasumiDesu.

    How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95

  • #2
    3. Gear Step System

    Duck -> Boxing pose. Most relevant passive for Machina's Gear Steps System. Enter spacebar after using one of the among 3 Gear Steps to use Duck and reduce all Gear Steps CD by 90%. It can also be activated by entering spacebar after Body Check, has iframe, i disclaim the duration but i can tell its really short. This skill is lag's nemesis, Machinas with high ping (around 150+, correct me if im wrong) will need a Skill up heraldry for Duck to spam it like you were really boxing because due to your high ping 90% CD reduction on Gear Steps its not enough. Lucky for Defensios this is not that much neccesary (Ruinas with high ping needs this for sure) cause of her gameplay (what i will explain later). What i do when i needed is a mix of two Gear Steps, Foot Stomp>spacebar>Rock Away>spacebar>foot stomp>repeat, example:

    Foot Stomp -> Can also be used by entering Left Click after Duck. After Foot Stomp, use Left Click to follow with Flow Up and Right Click to follow with Flow Trough. This way will active Command Enhancement which gives 20%+ Damage for any of those 2 skills. Increase Action Speed by 25% for 10s.

    Rock Away -> Can also be used by entering Right Click after Duck. After Rock Away, use Left Click to follow with Flying Knee Kick and Right Click to follow with Kidney Blow. This way will active Command Enhancement which gives 20%+ Damage for any of those 2 skills. Increase Action Speed by 25% for 10s.

    Step Up -> Can also be used by entering Spacebar after Duck. After Step Up, use Left Click to follow with Beat Down and Right Click to follow with Leap Over. This way will active Command Enhancement which gives 20%+ Damage for any of those 2 skills. Increase Action Speed by 25% for 10s.

    .4. Steam System

    Class Mastery I -> When Gear Step is used attain 2 Steams. When Beyond The Wall and Air Shove are used attain 2 steams, if block from Air Shove is succesful gets 3 Steams, also Super Armour is greatly enhanced for 5s when Geat Step is used. Increase AGI by 50% and Final 40%.

    Overboost -> Final Damage +10%, Action Speed +15%, Defence power +22%. Consumes all Steams, can also be activated by using Gear Steps when you have 20 Steams, activate it from Gear Step Release doesnt share CD with the buff itself also Gear Steps's icon will turn yellow and has 10s CD, fully recovers Duck CD. CD 45s, duration 35s. Got to highlight that this buff CANT BE CANCELLED cause of another skill or being hit before fully cast or passing trough stages in a Nest/Dungeon, example:

    5. Gameplay

    Well! Defensio's gameplay used to depend on just one skill rotation which sometimes left a Defensio's DPS in just ilussions of what could have been if only the fr****ng boss didnt move for 2 seconds... Have been divided in two with the arrival of cap 95:

    1st rotation is to use Taunting Blow followed by 3 normal attacks then reset the CD with Repair and do it again, while Taunting Blow and Repair are on CD, fill with Beat Down EX usually used after Step Up to get the command enhance bonus and Leap Over EX followed by Beyond The Wall EX to trigger Beat Down EX instant, also can enter an Air Shove before the Beat Down Ins to get 2 more steams, Taunting Blow is ready again but now you will use Taunting Blow followed by Right Click to explode marks then reset the CD with Repair and do it again and now your rotation stacking x4 marks and exploding them its done.

    Pros about this rotation -> Very Nice High Boom Burst

    Cons about this rotation -> Needs a DPS window for a least 10s, if you didnt explode the marks at time your DPS will go down seriously.

    The 2nd rotation now with CM3 is just to trigger the explosions with Lariat then reset the CD with Repair then do it again. Marks cant stay with this method.

    Pros about this rotation -> Fast Nice DPS

    Cons about this rotation -> Lower Damage than x4 mark explosions method.

    So! Defensios right now need to judge when they have a DPS window of 10s or more to use the first and best rotation for a higher DPS and when dont to use the 2nd one for a not that high but still good and constant DPS. Heres a example of both:

    *Got to highlight that for Defensio with high ping, normal mark's explosion is visual bugged, you can see the hits but no the explosion. With CM3 you always see it.

    Defensio just need 7 skills on principal bar, example:

    *Note: This rotation is only to proof that you just need those 7 skills on your principal skill bar, nothing else, also i dont recommend to do it like this because its not healthy to your DPS.

    For a Defensio interested to be Tank, you just need to manage the time of the Marks and the shield with the help of Repair to not lose the aggro and not lose your life.

    6. Gears
    RuDN HC>Hero's Medea>RuDN Unique>Hero Neris
    *****IDNL>Hero Medea and beyond BUT it doesnt worth it at all to go for IDNL at this point for multiple reasons:
    1. Not that cheap to get full set even buying SVC
    2. Even if you get it easy, too expensive for a already obsolete set(For those who doesnt have it at least +10 and already Evo)
    3. If you have it but its not at least Evo +10 you still should go for Medea Unique>IDNL in terms of ATK Base but youll lose FD, Crit and CTD, BUT Cap 95 just arrived so be patient to future contents.

    Unique Heraldrys -> Chaos>Elevation>Attack>Striking>Origin with high AGI/3rd stat CTD>AGI

    Epic Heraldrys -> Wind/Destruc/Bear/Ultimate/Fatal like main, choose the best for you beetween Life/Health/Tent/Iron with 3rd stat FD>CTD>AGI (With a Nice spam of Beyond The Wall you wont need a Tent/Iron plate). And when you can, get Limitation/Concentration/Attack.

    Skill Heraldrys:
    Taunting Blow -> CD (Main)
    Repair -> CD (Main)
    Beat Down -> Dmg
    Leap Over -> Dmg

    Talismans -> Basically the same as with Epic Heraldrys, 2nd stat FD(for rich people)>AGI

    Jades -> AGI/VIT, if you reach an amount of Maximum HP where you think is enough for you to survive you can go HC and change some jades to AGI/CRIT
    For Weaps and Rings get a Conversion and Element Jades of the element you like the most, doesnt really matter unless you planning to go RuDN HC then you will need Dark or Ice for 1st boss, Light for the 2nd one and Fire for the 3rd one, Dragon whichever you want.

    Accesories -> Refined Genesis>Genesis>RuDN HC>IDN HC>Skill
    **********Cases where you have to go for a Skill Acc +1 Taunting Blow
    1. No Genesis Neck = Go Skill Neck 90 +1 TB
    2. Genesis Neck but no dual Genesis Ring = Go Skill Ring 93 +1 TB

    ONLY a Genesis Acc can more or less replace the +1 from a Skill Acc for Taunting Blow. Why did i say 'more or less'? Because even a Genesis Acc wont make your TB hits higher than a +1 for it but still boost your general dmg/stats so its not like you shouldnt go for Genesis Accs anymore. The best would be full genesis accs and a Skill Up Heraldry for TB
    Last edited by Adhelaida; 10-16-2017, 12:33 PM.
    IGN: Adhelaida, KasumiDesu.

    How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95


    • #3
      7. Some Q & A

      -Random Interviewer Guy: Hi Kasumi! I brought some questions for you about this so underrated class in DN's community, i hope you can give us some really fresh/splash/boom and specially objetives points of view about it.
      -Me: Ill do my best ^^

      Q: Is Defensio a DPS?
      A: Yah, but also a Tank

      Q: So... Is Defensio a Tank?
      A: Yah, but also a DPS

      Q: Ok...? Is Defensio Top Tier 1 DPS?
      A: D*** no.

      Q: (I knew it lol) Is Defensio expensive to gear?
      A: No, like every AGI class.

      Q: I see. Is Defensio better Tank than Guardian/Destroyer?
      A: No.

      Q: Can Defensio steal the Aggro from a Guardian/Destroyer?
      A: From Destro can, from Guardian im not sure.

      Q: Oh... So, why do you think is Defensio a so underrated class?
      A: Some people think is hard to use and not that High DPS

      Q: Oh! Is Defensio actually hard to use?
      A: I dont think so, for me has been really easy.

      Q: Hmm, are you a Genius?
      A: I dont think so xd

      Q: What about Defensio being a High DPS, it is or not?
      A: It is.

      Q: Lets talk about her sister. Is Defensio more DPS than her sister Ruina?
      A: I cant tell

      Q: But why?
      A: Now with CM3, both got a rise on their DPS, i cant properly tell which one is the high one now.

      Q: Oh! I see, well is ok. So, would you say is Defensio easier to use than her sister Ruina?
      A: For sure it is.

      Q: Ok, now to finish, what reasons can you give to make people got an eye on this class?
      A: Defensio is cheap to gear not only for being an AGI class, also due to her unpopularity her stuff at the Trading House is really cheap, her gameplay is pretty unique, with her skill Beyond The Wall your defense will get really high to make you tank almost everything, is fast, well played can stay permanently at a Super Armour state, has a self heal and a self cure.

      Q: Wait a second... arent Ruina an AGI class with unique gameplay too? And hasnt Ruina BTW, speed, the ability to stay perma at Super Armour if well played and a self heal too?
      A: Well... yeah but Defensio is faster and... has a self cure!

      Q: So? What about if Ruina's speed is enough for me? What about if i dont care about have a cure? Theres healers right? Thats their job.
      A: I guess but Defensio doesnt has the need to spend 4.8kCC monthly if have high ping for a Skill up heraldry for Duck

      Q: What the fu.... what about if im not poor and can afford that amount of money monthly? What about the people with low ping who doesnt need this? What can be their excuse to make a Defensio instead a Ruina?
      A: Oh! Well, Defensio is easier to play =>

      Q: ... Are you serious?
      A: What? Its true.

      Q: ... Nvm. So i decided to be a Defensio, but i also like to look fabulous, hows my options about that?
      A: Well... your options about it really sucks. Due to her unpopularity theres not that much costumes being sold at TH BUT due to the fact that theres not a lot of diversity of costumes for her yet, its way more easy to craft an Epic Costume than with any other class ^^.

      Q: So you're telling me that if i want to look fabulous with my Defensio the struggle is to find/craft the costume not only to buy it?
      A: Yes.

      -Random Interviewer Guy: THE INTERVIEW IS DONE!
      -Me: Wait! I have more stuff to share to the community!
      -Random Interviewer Guy: Shut Up!! Im out.
      -Me: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaait *Door closed abruptly*

      The point is, doesnt matter which one could be better, if youre curious about her just go to create her. Theres only one thing that i can promise you when you know how to play her well and is that you wont regret.

      I hope this guide can help you to reach the fully potential of your Defensio and enjoyed as much as me making it ^^

      *note: just to clarify which is better for those interested:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	giphy.gif
Views:	3743
Size:	1.21 MB
ID:	97067
      Last edited by Adhelaida; 10-18-2017, 03:43 PM.
      IGN: Adhelaida, KasumiDesu.

      How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95


      • #4
        8. Credits

        Special Thanks to DragonYODA for let me use his video showing both Skill Rotation for Defensio Cap 95. His youtube channel is

        Thanks to MikaListe for his videos playing Defensio/Ruina showing what Machinas are capable of. His youtube channel is


        16/10/17 - 10: 35 PM -> Overboost full skill's description missing.
        16/10/17 - 10: 35 PM -> Added more details about Duck
        16/10/17 - 10: 38 PM -> Added Video showing rotation with only 7 skills on skill bar.
        16/10/17 - 10: 57 PM -> Skill build section -> Defualt skill build to default
        16/10/17 - 10: 59 PM -> Accesories section -> DN HC to IDN HC
        17/10/17 - 11: 33 AM -> Added more details about Duck
        17/10/17 - 11:33 AM -> Added some details about Overboost
        17/10/17 - 11:36 AM -> Added some details about Taunting Blow
        Last edited by Adhelaida; 10-16-2017, 12:39 PM.
        IGN: Adhelaida, KasumiDesu.

        How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95


        • #5
          reserved just in case.
          IGN: Adhelaida, KasumiDesu.

          How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95


          • #6
            reserved just in case.
            IGN: Adhelaida, KasumiDesu.

            How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95


            • #7
              Great guide, we appreciate it thank you


              • #8
                Yey thank you, been waiting for defensio guide.
                Gloiii~! Gloiii~?
                Gloii~!! Gloiii~??
                Gloiii~!!! Gloiii~???
                Gloiii~!!!! ♥


                • Adhelaida
                  Adhelaida commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Np, on the contrary thanks for notice it and tell me, i already fixed it. What pictures are broken? Theres only 2 of skill build, 3 if you count the gif at the end as one and some vids, maybe you meant that a video cant be seen?

                • Gloiii
                  Gloiii commented
                  Editing a comment
                  the videos are fine, only the skill builds, well or maybe just my browser not loading it properly.

                  just in case here what shows in my browser

                  Last edited by Gloiii; 10-16-2017, 12:33 AM.

                • Adhelaida
                  Adhelaida commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Then probably is your browser, i can see it and apparently the other 2 guys that replied too

              • #9
                Originally posted by Adhelaida View Post
                Q: Ok, now to finish, what reasons can you give to make people got an eye on this class?
                A: Defensio is cheap to gear not only for being an AGI class, also due to her unpopularity her stuff at the Trading House is really cheap, her gameplay is pretty unique, with her skill Beyond The Wall your defense will get really high to make you tank almost everything, is fast, well played can stay permanently at a Super Armour state, has a self heal and a self cure.

                Q: Wait a second... arent Ruina an AGI class with unique gameplay too? And hasnt Ruina BTW, speed, the ability to stay perma at Super Armour if well played and a self heal too?
                A: Well... yeah but Defensio is faster and... has a self cure!
                Just to check... if I'm not wrong, BTW has no more super armor right? However a few of your posts mention that it does..
                Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
                Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
                Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


                • #10
                  Originally posted by Xenocho View Post

                  Just to check... if I'm not wrong, BTW has no more super armor right? However a few of your posts mention that it does..
                  Nono, i actually didnt say that the Super Armour im talking about comes from BTW, i just said that Machina can stay at SA state if played well. The Super Armour im talking about comes from Gear Steps due to Class Mastery I, SA for 5s every time you use them
                  Last edited by Adhelaida; 10-16-2017, 12:11 AM. Reason: i wrote SA stat no state lol
                  IGN: Adhelaida, KasumiDesu.

                  How To Defensio PVE Guide Cap 95


                  • #11
                    Going to leave this here in case some people haven't seen it already


                    • Adhelaida
                      Adhelaida commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Oh, im sorry, i didnt know about this, ill be more careful

                  • #12
                    Originally posted by Adhelaida View Post

                    Nono, i actually didnt say that the Super Armour im talking about comes from BTW, i just said that Machina can stay at SA state if played well. The Super Armour im talking about comes from Gear Steps due to Class Mastery I, SA for 5s every time you use them
                    Oh. Thanks for the clarification.
                    Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
                    Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
                    Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


                    • #13
                      Sticky here


                      • #14
                        Is the DPS from using TB glitch rotation higher than when using CM3 (Lariat+TB) rotation?

                        Comparing the number of TB hits on both rotations,

                        -TB glitch- (assuming I use TB a total of 4 times) has:
                        • 4x hits from when I press TB hotkey
                        • 2x 3-hit combo from charging gear passive
                        • 7x TB detonation damage

                        while -CM3 rotation- (assuming CM3 Lariat+TB combo is used 4 times) has:
                        • 4x hits from when I press TB hotkey
                        • 4x 3-hit combo from charging gear passive
                        • 8x TB detonation damage

                        -CM3 rotation- would win since TB normally takes more than 60% of DPS in skill rotations.

                        However, -CM3 rotation- loses on speed to the other rotation if I were to use "gear step+beat down," "leap over," and "BTW+beat down ins" during lariat/TB/repair cool down. To keep -CM3 rotation- closer to the ideal 10 seconds DPS time frame in which all skill cool downs (particularly lariat/TB/repair) would be finished after the last skill is used, it becomes necessary to either omit the charging gear on beat downs and leap over charging time or remove some of this skills from the rotation itself. Doing that also results to DPS dropping too.
                        Last edited by knshuran; 10-18-2017, 12:31 AM.


                        • Adhelaida
                          Adhelaida commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Yah, thats why you judge the sitaution whether if you can go for x4 marks rotation or just go with the CM3 rotation and not lose too much DPS

                      • #15
                        Your personal build picture does not show up


                        • Adhelaida
                          Adhelaida commented
                          Editing a comment
                          One day is fine another just nope wtf xd, thx for notice it let me know if can be seen already

                        • Fiie
                          Fiie commented
                          Editing a comment
                          fixed thanks