So now that the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia and several states of the United States basically have lootboxes and other forms of in-game gambling under the radar what do you think the future holds for us?
The story so far: Australia has in fact declared gacha boxes do fall under the Victorian Legislation and are working to take action. Hawaii has declared that legislators from several parts of the United States are working on laws to put in place in 2018. In Belgium, the Minister of Justice has warned that these types of ingame purchases will be banned from the European Union. So basically DN NA and DN EU should remove gacha if they want to continue the service.
The story so far: Australia has in fact declared gacha boxes do fall under the Victorian Legislation and are working to take action. Hawaii has declared that legislators from several parts of the United States are working on laws to put in place in 2018. In Belgium, the Minister of Justice has warned that these types of ingame purchases will be banned from the European Union. So basically DN NA and DN EU should remove gacha if they want to continue the service.