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Discussion regarding the surprise event

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  • Discussion regarding the surprise event

    Many players are happy about the surprise event that turns out to be a MEDEA T2 +20 gear set for everybody whom participates to the event (Purchase 10 pcs of Gacha boxes, either altea or aisha)
    and also many are unhappy about it... mostly people who have worked hard to attain MEDEA T2 +20 and also people who just reached calypse tier 1, spent a lot of gold, resources, time and effort into gearing their characters up while for this day to come, everybody who participates to the event would get better gear than the average player who is working hard to reach Medea T2 +10 atleast...

    So, if the surprise event has consequences because the rewards are too great, as to people say, mostly they do not agree to this and wants to stay on top without competitions, how would you react if the surprise tier reward, the medea T2 +20 would actually revert into +10? or +0?

    For example:
    1. If a player does not convert their gear that they have received from the event within the stipulated time, lets say 2 weeks to 1 month, the gear would ultimately revert back to the said enhancement level
    2. reverted effect would only cause enhancement level reduction, the tier would be unaffected
    So what are your thoughts? this isn't a serious discussion about the surprise event! this is just something to find the reactions of people who disagrees to the surprise tier reward.

  • #2
    My thought will be there already a discussion thread opened. Why bother to open one more.
    "Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
    - Albert Einstein

    Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry


    • Otogiri
      Otogiri commented
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      seems like he hoard so much spera and wanna force people to buy op one .... no!

    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
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      i am very sorry... use me as you please then! shove me under the dirt! i won't resist!

    • BananaCredits
      BananaCredits commented
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      I would first tie you up tight, and then shove you my gallon of... sorry please forget what i said.

  • #3
    Try to be happy for other players. The game is meant to be played together, not to show your friend you much stronger you are than him or her. This event helps everyone. Be a sport and appreciate ED and the rewards as they are. Just be happy that everyone can now enjoy all the content the game has to offer.

    If they change the event rewards to +10. how would that benefit the people who already have calypse? Be glad that you can now gear up your subs without going through all the grinding and farming again. Image already added


    • MoonSplitterX
      MoonSplitterX commented
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      XenoSaber, Maybe you should try seeing my char first. Anyway, are you saying that you are gonna cry like a kid if when they bring the jelly dungeon to SEA?(because according to you, you spent a lot of gold buying jelly from the TH).

    • XenoSaber
      XenoSaber commented
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      Well mr.spoonfeeded, Firstly i did not say i dislike the decision made by ED.Second, I already have 2 full calypse chars that direct convert from RudnL, but still i understand other grinder effort. What i am trying to tell u is please think about the other’s feeling before you start a childish flame bait, for me u are just a spoonfeed kiddo who be so grateful about this event by spending that little 5k EyeT lmao, and laughing yo the others who suffer in their effort waste. Dont tell me you did not did flame bait, i saw you comment on other post. I did not cry baby my friend, as in i dont mind spending over 100k EyeT to get my equips than 5k, read my post clearly before u flamebait kappa. Besides that, U still did not proof me your effort too, what a funny keyboard warrior here.

    • MoonSplitterX
      MoonSplitterX commented
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      Terrible grammar aside, I have no interest in arguing with a kid who is jealous that other kids got the same toy as him. If you really like the rewards, why are you flaming so much? Grinders will still have an upper hand because you need to grind to get the materials required to upgrade calypse and buy converters. You cannot just buy them with cc. That is the proof of their dedication and effort. From what i can see you are too shallow to see the joy of newer players.

  • #4
    ok maybe it's a bad idea to actually create a thread to make people fight each other with their different opinions or some sort...


    • BananaCredits
      BananaCredits commented
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      Well this is what forum does, exchanging opinions.
      Well this is what SEA does, bashing each other.
      Well this is SEA forum, bashing each other opinions.

    • KillianQ
      KillianQ commented
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      if only it's possible to like a comment

  • #5
    People got a lot of emotion about the event reward being a Tier 2 + 20
    Some are angry about it, being the elitist that they are, so stingy when they, themselves, now got a T2 calypse + 20
    Of course, a lot are happy about it
    And here I am depressed about getting my hands on them.
    Just when I finally be able to get my hands on calypse equipment, I see no point on running RUDN HC anymore
    ~ Hurri can DANCE ~


    • myon
      myon commented
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      Pardon me but I am not assuming things.
      This is from a pub's point of view.
      Most of them got a higher enhancement of T2 medea on weaps, but barely on armors.

      Those people whom you were able to talk to right now might have their feelings broken because of the price of enhancement jellies
      That's just there to it.

    • Xenocho
      Xenocho commented
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      Well yes, the point is that the effort to get to +20 T2 was wasted and now, both time and gold spent is worth 5k CC only for the whole set.

    • myon
      myon commented
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      I won't take pity on what they feel right now. In fact, I admire their efforts to farm, whereas, here I am waiting for jelly dungeon to come here in SEA.
      Besides, it would be hypocrisy if they say that they feel bad about their effort wasted, yet, join in their sub chars in the event just to gear them.

  • #6
    ED has been extremely generous with the T2 +20 Medea set. I'm glad that newbies can catch up (and older players like me can ez gear our subs)

    Let me share my extremely uneeded opinion on things:

    1. As a Calpyse user who started enhancing from scratch, I'm not actually crying foul to those who will get ez T2 +20 set. Why? Because this was totally unexpected. Nobody expected this generosity from ED (*ehem*). Yes, I could be a newbie "spoonfed by ED". The truth is those newbies kind of aren't. Newbies don't go 'Ooh, imma wait for ED to give free T2 +20 Medea set'. As a new player who started from scratch, its in your goal to get that sweet Calypse and thus your time is built in farming gold and mats to get that. Yes, the levels of effort and costs may be unequal between players, but well, we did work to progress our gears and simply, the event worked in favor to people with less effort but try to think of this: in another couple of months, will those 'spoonfed players' get better than you? Probably not. You had the resources from farming, practical experience and drive, in another 3 months you will still be better than them. For all I know I could join a couple of subs for the Event so I can farm better with those daymn sweet gears.

    2. Most of the 'serious' playerbase already have at least +20 T1Medea gears. So, in general the ones who can profit most of this are complete newbies, ones looking for ez gears for their sub and illegal Gold sellers.

    3. 5kg and a sh*t-ton of Speras are hard to get for newbie and unexperienced players. Not to mention the Powerstones. Yes, newbs may get an easy start but a rough patch o' road made out of converters is gunna hit em like a truck. In retrospect, you can actually profit off the increasing Spera prices.

    4. Hell Mode SVCers are gonna wipe their arse with gold. More need for LGrade Powerstones = more demand. Well, this is still theoretical since the laws of supply and demand are applied.

    5. I'm not even mad cause Medea is not server-storageable. If sum newb falls out of love with a certain class, well, goodbye freebies. (Imagine the uproar if Medea can be server transferred. Too soon?)

    6. In the negative, look out for overgeared, confident newbs. World chat is going to be filled with "Don't party xxxxx cus he stoopid and dunno crap". DNSea is going to be full of those guys.

    Well, those are still all my opinion on the matter. Its pure, unadulterated dumb luck that newbs will get a damn nice headstart.

    As for me, well, hello subs, you guys are going to be helluva geared.


    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
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      well, KDN has the feature to transfer calypse, and medea gear on to a special server storage, but that requires a specific type of ticket that you need to purchase on the cash shop, they will still need to spend money... and this is a great trick for ED to get more income, but i doubt they will nerf a class just for that, they are currently just buffing up other class in order to leave out some of the class, it won't be noticeable but it is like nerfing in a subtle or discreet method that most players won't notice

    • myon
      myon commented
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      You're just overthinking a lot of stuffs

      1) Greedy rune +10 ~ +12 already had the advantage over T2 + 20 and it has been long since then.
      2) Why hating the new players so much? Of course, those who can't afford sh t had slowly farmed up their T1 medea + 20. Considering the time that had passed since Neris to Medea came in. Also, I, myself, already got a T2 medea +10, yet, I still availed on the 5k CC service since it would save me the trouble of buying IDK .. A LOT OF JELLIES to make my +10 to +20.
      3) This . yes, I agree with you on this. But not on those who participated on the event, but those who did not. People would raise the standard on .. NO T2 +20 medea = KICK
      4) Erm, I don't think that's the case. If anything, there will be a competition on doing Hell Service which, of course, would bring down the service fee. Well, probably not on MN Hell.
      5) ---
      6) We can always enjoy a popcorn. But seriously, that should be an Isolated case.

    • Skyros
      Skyros commented
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      myon I am not hating newbies, in contrary I am trying to find the positive and kind of disprove the "Newbies are getting spoonfed", "This event is useless and unfair to the older and more hardworking players" and "This is unfair cause I spent far more time and effort for T2 +20 than them lazy jackasses" statements (in an informal way to add).

      It seems like you misunderstood some of my statements. I wrote this off the top of my head and I'm not actually overthinking in any way (if I was overthinking well imagine the wall of text). Most of the fillers are my way to galvanize the players who were feeling 'cheated' and 'salty'.
      Last edited by Skyros; 03-29-2018, 08:49 PM.

  • #7
    many would benefit from this event... they just don't know it yet because their emotions are getting the best of them...

    Service runners would flourish with gold, they will earn a stable income once it is implemented, but not expecting all of these players would actually get to convert their gear into calypse.
    Traders would hoard in cheap spera today because of the news, after that it will subside after this week, and then before the rewards are given, they will hoard again, by the time the reward is given, then spera will hit the market at a high price, leaving players doubting if they should buy spera, ofc because of their excitement, they would just go for it, so that they can craft the converter, and be happy about how they have achieved calypse gear.

    new players would join in the fun without doubt of being kicked in the party, and this depends if they participated in the event, but they need to practice more if they don't have experience in the nest!

    the only negative impact would have ingame is for those new players who didn't know about the event, or who doesn't really care about reading things up... they would suffer the most because they will be left out by the crowd and they might get kicked out of public parties because they don't have the gear the party leader would require a party member to have, but if players are kind enough to carry the luggage, then there would be no problem with that


    • #8
      I'm very happy to see friends and guildmates who can take advantage of this. They can start relying less on my uber geared character and start doing well on their own. It's like letting your kids grow and do their own thing; heck I can join them when I'm around.
      We all hate Scammers and Hackers. Click [HERE] to learn more about their methods.


      • Mr.Shovels
        Mr.Shovels commented
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        but.. its like letting your little kids take "grow up steroids" pills... oh my

      • launcelot
        launcelot commented
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        If you consider that a game life is as fast as a human life, then yes, it's considered grow up on steroids. But if growth from 1-95 in-game you become strong in... 3 days, then the growth time is also different.

      • myon
        myon commented
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        And they would be asking, MOMMY, MOMMY, How do I use these things?
        Yeah, be prepared to still be there on how to teach em do their sh t.

        Don't expect anyone to feel their usefulness right away specially if they had accustomed to being carried.
        It will only make you sad.

    • #9
      what's so bad with the rewards? they're basically giving away a free item for free...if you already have one and participated then congratulations! you can have 2 geared chars in one go...if you don't then congratulations as well, you now have a geared character

      both players are gonna use that character to grind anyways to either A) convert their sets to calypse, B) gear a different character, or C) grind for something to sell

      if you're complaining about the TIME and MONEY you spent...then it's only your was YOU who decided to spend money or spend too much time...not the devs or Tasha or whoever is behind this event

      Hell, almost everyone's complaining about a free in-game item when CC literally gave mounts, epic costumes, and OP stuff which people HAD LITERALLY JUST BOUGHT.
      "Behind every mask lies a man who can't live in his own sins..."


      • Xenocho
        Xenocho commented
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        Hmm while your points valid, I cannot agree to one part: how can you downplay the effort of gearing up by farming as 'your fault because you had a choice?' Considering to do better in the game, some pour a lot more time than others to get to better gear such as Medea T2 +20. Surely if you worked very hard to get it and suddenly someone gets it for free you would feel upset no? Imagine working 20 years and a newcomer of 1 week gets promoted. Same feeling. Unlucky yes, but not their fault

      • XenoSaber
        XenoSaber commented
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        Xenocho Some people just dont anyhow know thinking from those grinder’s POV haha , chill and thats real life, internet just tok much kiddo haha. Well, at least those grinder can take advantage of this event and build subs to hunt the mats for enchaning their calypse tho, seems not bad.

    • #10
      The rewards are meant to be so great, what do we expect its gachalicous, about the consequences you said, you will force people to do it and for people who didnt do it after 2 weeks or 1 months will be having a problem enhancing ( because the price in TH for enhancing will be high ASF) this will ruin the game remember that why dont we just enjoy, we all participated in the event for another struggle? god no ~


      • Mr.Shovels
        Mr.Shovels commented
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        ruin the game? are you sure you know what you're talking about