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Thank you tasha

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  • Thank you tasha

    People should know about what happened last time they release gacha, we almost quit because CC retard giving Opiest reward in game, well p2w players didnt support this kind of treatment.
    1. no more service/ lesser service, lesser money maker outside the game and more on focusing cash shop items this will help ED
    2. Helpful economy and decentless will be ease
    3. One thing people complain about is the past event which only for calypse people, but this time , the raids are open for each in everyone inside the game ( except for those newly enter in game after gacha event)
    4. Account selling will be lesser also. The number of people quitting in game will be lesser (BEST COMEBACK EVER)

    DEAR BUTT HURT PLAYERS : No more complains just because you earn real money in servicing ( i know you dont really use the money to top up in normal days but when rebate starts, from my p2w freind) , you chose this path were we arent welcome, you must know we struggle both golds and cash shop items, if we continue using medea the economy will only circling to gold to enhance but still not convince to top up because it is just a medea, i think this works must get a praise

    HANDS UP GUYZ ^^ tnx you

  • #2
    I'm sure it was a nice event and all, if you weren't considering the massive gold sink (5000 per converter, not including enhance cost).


    • #3
      this event is not a butthurt event ,you think how many player will topup on this event ?i think maybe 2out of 10?out side there , there is lots if so called poor player that are playing the game , hero medea set are out for so long already , and 80% of the sever player are still using neris +10 and chiron ring ,neck..etc

      well, even tho they buy 10 box and get medea t2+20 , do they afford to upgrade to calyps?
      even tho the player use time to upgrade to 95L , do they have nest/raid exp?

      by the time they learn nowsday mech on nest/raid , other MAYBE doing other new nest/raid svr already .

      PS.i meet so many player that don't even understand VN mech.

      no offensive , just my personal opinion.


      • #4
        my opinion is that they cant get through mech if they cant have exp from doing raids ( watching video isnt enough). Those people you mentioning are people who being abandoned in some nest watching players clearing raids and doing services. If they dont upgrade nothing will happen, this will be always Gold economy forever.


        • Mr.Shovels
          Mr.Shovels commented
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          you gotta learn how to walk before you learn how to run... if you get what i mean, then that's what happened to them in reversed

      • #5
        another one of those drama threads?! aren't this going to end! oh my goddess altea please help us!

        *whispers... im gonna shove my shovel up these people's buttocks if they don't stop


        • #6
          spending CC for gatcha consider a work but without sleepless. Anyway either for those who worked hard to get calypse what will happen anyway? Nothing will change quitting is not a way. Just enjoy the event


          • #7
            1. Lesser service? Wew Hell services will bloom like sakura in spring. And what outside money maker you mean? Do powerstones being sold in cash shop?
            2. ????
            3. Please understand, most people with Calypse doesn't bother to participate in the event, because their gears already better than the reward. Players that are complaining is those that paid a lot of effort and on half of the way to Calypse. Stop targeting Calypse users.
            Raids are always open for all, just that not all can defeat the raid. Learn the difference.
            4. Err... What is the relation between Medea reward and account selling?

            "Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
            - Albert Einstein

            Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry


            • newuseracc123
              newuseracc123 commented
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              Explore more sir/mem, were not in one country. U spoke like you know server consisting of.

            • marzial09
              marzial09 commented
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              Commended for this comment

            • BananaCredits
              BananaCredits commented
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              Sorry my mistake of misreading your sentence, making a hole for you to shoot all your bullet into me (sounds gay).
              Rather than explore more, why not you speak more proper English first? I know what server consisting of, atoms bro.

          • #8
            also, im just stating my appreciation, dont bring loser facts.


            • BananaCredits
              BananaCredits commented
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              Appreciation != Flaming others

            • Vaddix
              Vaddix commented
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              one of the bad things I see about this event are those scrubs getting cocky and getting full of themselves because this event went 101% favourable for them. The rewards arent given out yet and these people are already acting high and mighty, I wonder what will happen to those proud spirits of yours once ED ammended ther Tier 2 rewards.

              I am grateful about the rewards as it is now but the way this people talks makes me wish ED would change the rewards into Octagonal Waters instead. Remember, a garbage decorated with golds is still a mere garbage.

          • #9
            No one is being cocky here its just them saying thank you to ED for giving these rewards. Is thanking being cocky? And so what if they can't convert to Calypse and wont be able to ups? And its not like you guys know the nests before they get released just look on the bring side, your subs having these equipment its now ez for you to farm matterials


            • SadisticEin
              SadisticEin commented
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              "DEAR BUTT HURT PLAYERS : No more complains just because you earn real money in servicing" -TS