Can I ask if how many days ED Typically replies in 1:1?
It would be great if they replied/mailed me that they acknowledged my issue.
You see, I got disconnected in Hit the Golden Goblin (sounds heartbreaking, yeah) and I was hoping for a refund of the coin, omg
ALSO, the abundance talisman costs 12k crystal points, imagine I have to grind days for that 10kpoints and additional 2k points uggghhh.
ALSO, I paid for buffs, maybe it won't cost that much to some rich players but thinking how much I've lost it really shattered my heart into pieces (LOL)
ALSO, If you ask for my internet connection, it is stable at that time, I run different nests before I opened my unique essence box and I decided to go goblin.
ALSO, I'm actually confused right now, I don't know if I'm mad, upset, sad or what. and I am thinking why.
Just, why,
It would be great if they replied/mailed me that they acknowledged my issue.
You see, I got disconnected in Hit the Golden Goblin (sounds heartbreaking, yeah) and I was hoping for a refund of the coin, omg
ALSO, the abundance talisman costs 12k crystal points, imagine I have to grind days for that 10kpoints and additional 2k points uggghhh.
ALSO, I paid for buffs, maybe it won't cost that much to some rich players but thinking how much I've lost it really shattered my heart into pieces (LOL)
ALSO, If you ask for my internet connection, it is stable at that time, I run different nests before I opened my unique essence box and I decided to go goblin.
ALSO, I'm actually confused right now, I don't know if I'm mad, upset, sad or what. and I am thinking why.
Just, why,