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Minimal gear score/what gear should i use in slayer testing battleground?

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  • Minimal gear score/what gear should i use in slayer testing battleground?

    Hey guys real quick silly question from someone who played dragon nest not even a month yet, im not familiar with slayer testing battleground and i currently have +12 tier 1 medea set
    I've tried it back then once when i still only have hero neris +20 set but i remember i die very quickly and done very little dps, so what Minimal gear score/what gear should i use in slayer testing battleground?
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    I would say that minimum gear requirement is neris +10 and chiron accessory with full epic lvl 93 jade.

    I used to do daily slayer testing ground quest with Bleed Phantom with neris +10 equipment. The quest can be cleared with no issues, however, it takes time and you need to be very good at dodging boss skill.

    Edit: Just participate gacha event and get medea tier 2+20 equipment, you should have no problems in clearing slayer testing ground efficiently.
    Last edited by Zoros; 05-26-2018, 09:39 PM.


    • #3
      they have changed the boss toughness on slayer testing ground and is now possible to complete with a character geared with neris +10 and a minimum of 200~300k Attack power, depending on your abilities to use the class and gameplay + which class you are using (Eg. semi dps tanks can finish it fine while taking blows from the enemy boss, while high DPS class but have low defense and HP will have a hard time dealing with an agile and swift boss like the Wolf and Thief Boss Igalia, which the 2 of them moves around much and has unpredictable attacks especially the wolf which just strikes down faster than you can process which way to dodge)

      slayer testing ground is required to complete the Daily Task (Complete 1 slayer testing ground entry) and the other Daily Task (Complete 10 dungeon runs on any difficulty) since it is a dungeon.

      i would say just complete it once, and make use of all the possible runs you can do while you have FTG on Abyss dungeon to keep on earning more Gold, this way you can atleast earn a minimum of 500 gold if you would rather complete all the Daily Task, additionally, while completing all the Daily Task at hand, there are these weekly tasks that requires you to complete daily tasks, while doing Daily Task each day, you would notice that the progress on your weekly task will also move forward, the rewards would be gold as well.

