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Returning player with a question

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  • Returning player with a question

    Hello everyone, I've been away from Dragon Nest for nearly 2 years. I had played the Gearmaster, Defensio, and Light Fury classes, I just want to know how are these guys doing in today's game?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Gear Master still plays fairly on the DPS ranking and placing on the mid-tier lists, meaning she's not overpowered, but not weak enough to be discriminated on a random party pickups.

    Defensio now has provoke, better buffs and passives, she now has the ability to convert 50% of her VIT into attack power, not sure what skill will trigger it or if its a passive, but nonetheless she's still treated the same as many other tanks, just needed 1 tank or 2 in a party for practice, after that she's disregarded and replaced with another DPS or a Light fury, and considering the latest update includes a "elemental attribute" buff change for Assassin's Party Buff, he's more of a better companion on raid/nest, and if the assassin is a Light Fury, he's a permanent party member considering with all the supportive buffs he can provide the party, so the Tank class seems to be in vain now... except the Destroyer class, he's got better DPS than the 2 other tank (Guardian, and Defensio).

    Defensio actually now has the ability of Provoke, she also has the ability to debuff enemies, and the effect is actually reducing the attack power of the enemies affected by the debuff, she also has the ability to place a type of barrier on her party members that are in the area protecting them from damage but the durability still depends on her stats, like maximum HP, and there are certain skills that reduces her skill cooldown that buffs her team with shield and in the process making it a good skill to use to avoid any fatal damage that a party member will receive, she's the only tank class that can only do that, repeatedly use her support skill more often since the Guardian class doesn't have the ability to spam his guardian force anymore, so Defensio has the advantage, but among the Guardian and Destroyer, the other 2 tank class in the game, her DPS ranked among the 3 tank class, she's right in the middle, Destroyer being the strongest, and Guardian being a bit less of a DPS than Defensio, but in terms of having the ability to convert 50% of their VIT to attack power, Defensio might not be a good choice if you're not the type of player that knows their workaround on using a character (Plays aggressively, plans ahead what skill to be used)

    Light Fury is seemingly the best class for you to focus on right now, Assassin just got its party buff revamped and now increases elemental atk, they are already useful and a necessary class for raid/nest, they now an all-in-one class, has good DPS, good supportive buffs, with heals, and including the party buff? they are already better than the Saint (sadly saint still has better heals, but oh well)

    Although i recommend you to focus on the Light Fury class, if you're not really fond or like the way the class plays and is not your style, consider choosing gear master than defensio as defensio isn't that much effective on farming for goodies, gear master provides a good chance on finishing a dungeon run or nest pretty fast, also has a good set of skill to complete dungeons fast, yet again on nest as well, but if you were to choose light fury, you gotta know the things in game right now on what's new and what things should be done in order to get the most of it, especially the current event right now, its the Board Game.

    Mr.Shovel's Tips:
    1. Daily Task and Daily Quest! Daily Task is the new trend now! to access it and see the tasks needed to complete in order to get the goodies, press your hotkey for opening the Event's Tab menu (Default Hotkey: V ) and search for a tab with the title "Tasks" and carefully read all the requirements in order to complete them and receive the rewards.
      Daily Quest is accepted through the Priestess of Darkness NPC located on the West side of the map, check your map by pressing your map hotkey (Default Hotkey: M ) and look for the green exclamation point icon on the left side of the map.

      Daily Task when completed, certain Weekly tasks is also completed, well specifically 1 type of the weekly tasks, and yes there is a weekly task just below on the Daily Task tab on the left side of the "Task" tab on the Events Menu window, check on it and see all the requirements needed to complete them, you can just focus one type of weekly task to finish for the mean time, like doing lots of Fission Nest and stuff, since after Daily Quest and Daily Task, you will be left with nothing to do afterwards so you can do whatever you want to do with your life.
    2. I know you might ask where to farm gold? well you plant them in the soil and wait till it grows into a gold tree! funny how i made a joke there about gold right? hehe

      You get gold normally when you do your Daily Task, and Daily Quest, since it is required for you to go into dungeons and nests, and both of those stages gives you gold, but you get more Gold coins on doing Abyss dungeon using less FTG, and FTG is necessary in order for you to keep doing dungeon and nest runs since there is no more limit on doing Fission Nests, Maze, unless you ran out of FTG (seems to be complicated and things new to you, but you will get used to it) Fission Nest or Fission Maze naturally at the end of the stage after defeating the final boss, you will be rewarded with 35 gold, and you need 300 FTG to enter the Nests, so becareful and plan ahead where do you want to go.

      There are many other items you can obtain and can be sold for gold, like the "Hero's Gold Coin" where you can trade it for ingame currency gold, since it is rewarded as an "item" and not as currency, although you can just keep it that way and keep stacking those Hero's Gold coin, they are still worth the currency ingame, not just in that form, so becareful whenever you throw items out because you might accidentally throw a stack of those, its worth quite the money.
      Oh yeah, you get the Hero's Gold Coin only on doing Daily Tasks and Weekly Tasks.
    3. Gear Drops! yes, in the past you get the gear and buy it on TH, now the gear can be bought from the blacksmith, and that same gear can be upgraded into better ones, no need to have several ones and keep on upgrading it. There are 3 types of Gear available for the ones just beginning their adventure or just returned from a long retirement in the game: Neris, Medea and Calypse and if you noticed, its color coded, which means Neris is an epic grade gear, Medea is Unique, and Calypse is the Legend grade, there are 2 more other types of armors you can get, but as someone who doesn't have the budget and knowledge, you can't get it yet. Neris is your "Beginner's" gear, you can buy a set using your gold, you can buy them through a blacksmith located on the 2 sides of the map in Saint Haven. Medea Gears can be obtained through upgrading a Neris enhanced to +20 and upgrading it using a converter that can be crafted via blacksmith's crafting options. Same thing can be done with a Tier 2 Medea +20 gear, you can upgrade it to a Calypse gear using a different grade of converter (legend grade) still crafted on the blacksmith's crafting options.

      I forgot to tell you that there are Tiers on each type of Gear now implemented in the game, and the enhancement level is now capped at +20, neat right?
      Neris has only Tier 1, after that Medea Tier 1 (when upgraded from a Neris +20) and you can then upgrade Medea into its 2nd Tier using the same converter you used to upgrade your neris gear, but the medea tier 1 gear needs to be enhanced to +20 before it can be done, and then after that you will get a Medea Tier 2 +0, and then you will need to enhance your Medea Tier 2 +0 into +20 in order to upgrade it to a Calypse Tier 1 +0 using the Legend grade converter.
      Calypse gear has 3 tiers, and after Calypse Tier 3 +20 you can then upgrade it to the latest grade of gear, Skila! that's a gear as powerful as the Forest Dragon Weapon (craftable weapon, materials to craft the said weapon can be obtained through the Forest Dragon Nest, a Raid type of nest, really hard to do, needs atleast a Tier 3 calypse or Skila, and a lot of other factors to add you need an epic costume, accessories, heraldry with a good additional stats, rare talismans, etc etc) that said you can't get Forest Dragons Weapons, and oh btw, they are Ancient Grade weapons, so they are pretty much overpowering, and to add that, they have a skill effect once equipped, but i don't want to spoil it all in here, so you can check it and see for yourself at the blacksmith.

      In order for you to further understand the Gearing system in the current version of the game, you have to check your "Growth Guide" located just below the minimap, on your right side of the HUD screen.
    I've still got more tips for you... well this isn't exactly tips now, more like a mini guide, but anways, if you have any questions, you can just ask people here in the forums by posting on the Question and Answer section thread of the forum and not here on the General Discussion! since its inappropriate

    Or you can Pm me INGAME when i'm online.

    Crusader IGN: Guratoni
    Sniper Main IGN: Tomiaa

    P.S: I'm not a hardcore player so i don't have decent gear, so don't expect me to carry you around on nests, because i might die with you in the process
    Last edited by Mr.Shovels; 01-09-2019, 07:34 AM.


    • [SPeanut]s
      [SPeanut]s commented
      Editing a comment
      hello not to nitpick on defesnio ..but anyways, she cant convert vit into attack, her attacking prowess tho is kinda okay (?) if you try to play aggressively. Her niche is that she can reduce the cooldown on her shield means she can cast shield more often than other tanks. BUT her attack debuff on boss depends on the pilot so it may not always be present unlike other tanks. her buff is FD so its also a plus aaand i agree that healers are better suppork hahaha @ts

    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
      Editing a comment
      oh sorry about my mistake, was thinking that the developers actually added the ability to all tank class to convert 50% of their vit into attack power.
      I'm gonna go edit my post on Defensio, thanks

    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
      Editing a comment
      But honestly, Light Fury is the best choice to pick among the 3, considering the class is superior now in so many ways considering with the party buff revamp, any assassin class would be needed, and Light Fury is more like a Jack of all trades type of class now with the heals, buff, dps and the party buff.

  • #3
    Mr.Shovels Thank you so very much for such a magnificent explanation, I truly appreciate it. I suppose I'll start off as a Light Fury and use him to help gear up a Gearmaster as well. I'd like to play as a Defensio as well, however I'm afraid that'll have to wait for now.


    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
      Editing a comment
      Defensio is a great tank, don't get me wrong on that part, but unfortunately i'm telling you this as a personal advice and not as a whole or general suggestion, i'm only recommending you not to make Defensio as your main considering she needs a lot of love to take care of, and that you need good gear in order to feel her potential as a Tank class, she's not really much a good dps class as of now other than the Destroyer.

      Although in future updates, she's going to receive her other 1st specialization that branches on to another two 2nd specializations, her playstyle is more of a megaman type, i'm not sure if i will like it but i am a fan of Megaman since i've been playing the game since i was young, now i'm an old fool flirting around with little kids and telling them to shove me onto the ground... well anyways, if you like you can actually change job into any of those lass if you like in the future, so don't abandon all hope for your Defensio! ofc using a Change Job scroll to change into a different specialization will be delayed, you won't get the option from the start, like when they just implemented Lancea's new specializations, took 2 months of updates before it actually got implemented, so be sure to not waste your free CJ scroll from your level up achievement box.

      oh yeah, if you ever get the chance, try to pm me ingame, although i'm not gonna be online often but you can try to add me as a friend, here's 2 of my character's IGN:

      Crusader: Guratoni
      Sniper Main: Tomiaa

  • #4
    you came back 2 weeks late... and have to grind 200lapis ,300k gold and 50k lebrium points extra to get to the T3 +20 set that was almost given free to everyone else playing the game (some gachalicious event)


    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
      Editing a comment
      that's too OP from Master difficulty, it would be understandable if it was atleast 180m atleast, or 240m but 360? that's absurd.

      Like the Nest is made for people who already got Skila +20, no point for newbies doing new content then, it's only accessible for players who have the gear, not to mention the ability to actually get anything from the stage itself, it's hopeless to get a single gear in just a month.

    • Vesa23
      Vesa23 commented
      Editing a comment
      Mr.Shovels xenocho mention the hp in billions, not millions

    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
      Editing a comment
      oh yeah i used millions, sorry about that lol

  • #5
    Light fury, cuz holy assassin is so cool


    • Mr.Shovels
      Mr.Shovels commented
      Editing a comment
      yeah, light fury all the way! even though i don't use light fury its one of my favorite class to be in a party especially on raids.

      Can't use light fury coz, already got a guild member using it and i don't like having 2 or more of the same class in a party, its better if its bit of a mix