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Banned Accounts cause of FM bug

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  • Banned Accounts cause of FM bug

    I would like to start this topic off with Please reconsider the FM Bug Ban. Fission Maze is a very big part of the game, People helping friends, Service of FM boost just like level boosting, Guildies trying to aim for the next floor. There are TENS of reasons why, we players would run FM for more than 2 times. We are allowed to do that as far as i know. This Ban is unjustified greatly and is a kick in the face to all people who enjoy Dragon Nest. The FM bug was initially your mistake ED, yet you ban players who simply just ran FM, could've been innocent players, but that's not what I'm saying here. The bug was your fault and you punish the players for your mistakes? No fair warning was given other than "Operational polices" which god knows what, and "Refer to gameplay" (?).
    Please look into the matter again. Had players been warned, none would have risked getting banned even temporarily and the inventory wipe.

    You are applying your rules conditionally, there were instances before where people abused the bug, but you didn't ban anyone for example the 50% hp bug, why? because it was your mistake.
    What's so different in this case?
    People will be staying in-home for weeks due the quarantine, you eliminated the source of entertainment of so many people, because of your mistake, and conditional rule application.


    "Exploiting any bug in Dragon Nest to gain unfair advantage in the game. Communicating the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service."

    Punishment: "Fourteen (14) days Game Account Ban Mandatory Inventory Wipe for all characters."
    Last edited by HoiPotato; 03-18-2020, 05:56 AM. Reason: Opinions and grammer mistakes

  • #2
    yeah. thats kinda funny.
    knowing how DN has been run for few years, which "ninja patch" is exist.
    who knows that this is future content that related to minos equipment that we supposedly get last month or this month according to KR patch.
    they didn't even give any abnormal notice neither. I would say its fair if they ban if they put this notice after patch yesterday, or ban that do FM after notice has been given.
    but no, they banned my sub-id that run twice, yesterday.
    I don't really care since I play this casually, butI feel sorry to person with main chars that affect with this unprofessional move.
    moreover, people will play more active few days ahead due to forced-stay at home yet ED prohibit them to play the game for 1-2 weeks.
    thats cool


    • #3
      Wait What? You people run fission maze twice?


      • chibidanil
        chibidanil commented
        Editing a comment
        There are several reasons why people run FM more than once.
        One of them is to play/help/carry friends/guildmates
        If run more than once is illegal, they should have made this limited entry 1 per week

      • Deceptionist
        Deceptionist commented
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        i dont see justice to spam fission maze unless the player have many friends/guildmates to help(bless his heart), FM servicer or just bug abuser saving face.

    • #4
      There are people who sold FM Service or helping friends or guild. Joke so funny, Why didn't they do this for Pet Mod and Sally/Sniper Bug abuse? Have solid picture/video/ranking yet they didn't do shit


      • Imnotwibu
        Imnotwibu commented
        Editing a comment
        Cz ED won't here us dude

    • #5
      They should banned who runs many times FM after patch w/c is obvious bug exploiter, How about who clear it 2x or more before patch. good thing I only clear it once this week , I usually clear it 2x, once for the lab I can clear solo and another in a party in a higher lab where I can join.


      • #6
        FM? Fission Maze?


        • atom100
          atom100 commented
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          Ya, the 1 you clear to gain gold lotus crown , lebrium points and millions of hero experience once a week.

        • Mr.Shovels
          Mr.Shovels commented
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          Can you only do it once a week or twice a week? If so, players shouldn't be able to run it twice in a week if that's the regular weekly limit, but if they knew that they could do it one more time to even help a friend, i don't think that's the case of being "innocent" at this case i do think it is a bannable offense to be honest.

        • atom100
          atom100 commented
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          You can do it unlimited, and no ftg consume. it's harmless b4 since no chest selection or and drops when you clear it. the reward are given once per account by typing "shift /" every Saturday.

          Helping a friend is only an excuse, most are profiting thru service fee , specially increase business because of bug. 2x , 3x could be helping a friend. but more than 10x? you guess.
          Last edited by atom100; 03-18-2020, 10:04 PM.

      • #7
        Lol, ED is absolutely horrible at managing player expectations,

        A bug caused by them from not patching properly is bannable, while actual bug abusers who abused saleana and sniper skills to get the top in STG rankings got away scot free. (EVEN WITH EVIDENCE PROVIDED)

        complete bullcrap..


        • #8
          Sad to say...lost 1 week in grinding because of their mistake..
          I just Helped my Friend doing FM 8 for weekly
          then got banned?! Stupids!

          FM is already Abused before that bug... Many Strong players Doing Service for Gold.

          EYEDENTITY ITS YOUR FAULT!!!!! NOT OURS...Many people will quit because of that Stupid Sh*t Ban.


          • #9
            The fault falls both to ED and the players who abused the bug.

            First of all, I do agree with you this happens because of ED's usual mistakes, and YOU the player who exploit it for your own benefits.
            You people should already knew that there should be NO DROPS in FM which obviously a bug because there's nothing in the recent patch that says about it.

            And you still abused it because why not? FM doesn't consume FTG and you can farm there a jade and a dust. (Wow! unlimited easy farming)

            ED states that abusing in-game bugs is a serious offense (specially this issue).

            What ED did are wrong, but you're as wrong as them for abusing the bug.

            If you didn't knew about the bug then that's fine (you must be new here)
            BUT if you knew that it's a bug but still run it anyway (then it is intentional)

            P.S. I'm not on ED's side. I based my opinion as a third party.


            • RoRiBeam
              RoRiBeam commented
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              I admit that I overlooked the part "Users who played Fission Maze 2 to 19 times > 7 days ban"
              That sounds ridiculous even for me.

              But that doesn't changed the fact that other people took the opportunity and abused it.

              Guilty or not guilty is just typical thing of ED.
              Trust me, I've been playing DNSEA since 24 cap.

              Also, THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE which is why they implement a temporary ban. Why ?
              - FM doesn't consume FTG = Unli run
              - You can acquire worth several days or week (depends on many times you run it) worth of materials (DJ & Dust)
              - We're talking about character progression here (They can acquire L-jades faster than you)

              As for the bugged classes that deal unusual high damage/unli skill/etc. It is their least concern. Why ?
              - Because PVP are for fun only and doesn't help your character progression. Your items won't help you in PVP (unless you do non-compensation pvp)
              Yeah I know, that's still bug abusing. Why ED?

              As for mods and bots.
              I don't use mods and bots are out of my field.
              As long as they won't affect my gameplay experience.

            • HoiPotato
              HoiPotato commented
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              "Also, THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE which is why they implement a temporary ban. Why ?"
              I'm against the punishment here, no one knew " we're not supposed to do FM" , im talking about most of the playerbase, or we would get banned. They had to punish the people for their mistake. Why now? What about the people who deserved it because of their actions.

              "As for the bugged classes that deal unusual high damage/unli skill/etc. It is their least concern. Why ?"
              Oh, it works for PVE as well. It is used for svc.

              "As for mods and bots.
              I don't use mods and bots are out of my field.
              As long as they won't affect my gameplay experience"
              Have you check how messed up the trading house is? Pages of items clearly gained by bots, HGGs, Essences, stamps (previously) which made those items not worth selling if u are farming them urself. We have to check every week that the ROB holder is not a bot, otherwise for that week no ROB buffs.

            • Kimchi
              Kimchi commented
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              As for mods and bots.
              I don't use mods and bots are out of my field.
              As long as they won't affect my gameplay experience.

              lmao why two face reply? people who abuse this to get powder more easily doesn't affect you too? you probably can get more free carry if they advance faster then you. IT DOESN'T affect your gameplay anyway

              Also, THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE which is why they implement a temporary ban. Why ?
              - FM doesn't consume FTG = Unli run
              - You can acquire worth several days or week (depends on many times you run it) worth of materials (DJ & Dust)
              - We're talking about character progression here (They can acquire L-jades faster than you)

              please dude, have you even done fm itself? it have like 6-7 worth of stage and you have to clear ''higher'' floor in order to gain MORE advantage(in this sense) aka more powder and it take a longer time to clear as there more stage so what if it doesn't consume? it consume WAY more time then normal nest, probably at least 2x worth of time. but the problem this bug only probably last 1 day and PROBABLY no one can farm like hell lots of powder and it seem like you don't know what you talking, since when DJ drop in fm?

              temporary ban is more than good enough, considering the case though i don't see why they don't do reroll server instead it do a win-win situation.

              I admit that I overlooked the part "Users who played Fission Maze 2 to 19 times > 7 days ban"
              That sounds ridiculous even for me.

              But that doesn't changed the fact that other people took the opportunity and abused it.

              Guilty or not guilty is just typical thing of ED.
              Trust me, I've been playing DNSEA since 24 cap.

              typical thing of ED? dn sea has been with cc since beginning and only changed after ed took over like 2/3year ago , if this is still under cc and they did this , it will be more understandable, do you not know that ED OVERLOOKED more important issue then this? sally/sniper damage plate bug abuse, pet mod bug abuse, bot, gold selling etc etc and i don't see you have to mention you play since cap 24, alot of people still play since cap 24 lol you are not special.

              please dont just assume that MOST people took opportunity, as ED stated as long it more than 2 time > ban Alot of time people easily surpass 2 run why? 1 run for weekly, 2nd run for helping friends/guildmates simple.

              i understand you don't side ED.

              They could honestly handle this much much much more better, I believe that's why it trigger alot more people this time(not because of the ban) but how they fix this issue TOTALLY different. There's so many and much more thing that should've been banned but nope lol, those people are still lurking around inside dn.

          • #10
            Is anyone facing a bug with shooting star? I can cast my skills but no damage or effect seems to occur... Like summon alfredo and nothing shows up, same for ducks etc. No attack skill does damage either.


            • #11
              ED did the right thing banning all the abusers lol. It's very well known that fission maze doesn't not drop jades nor jade powder or any rewards for that matter. If you hover your mouse over jades or jade powder you will not see Fission Maze as a location to obtain them, also when you go into the fission maze portal, it doesn't display any rewards whatsoever so the argument for new players is invalid as well. ALL game companies assume you read their terms and policies when you sign up so ED didn't need to issue any warning, when a warning was already issued the very first day you made your account. Every single banned person deserved it, those FM servicers and even those "helping" their friends deserved it, don't abuse game breaking bugs like this. It's not even the end of the week, you can clear FM anytime before Saturday 9am, what's the rush? couldn't you guys wait a day or two to let ED fix the bug? or even wait for some sort of announcement on their part? All you bug abusers are worried about the ban, I'd be more worried about the inventory wipe for all characters. ED cleaned yall out, Good Job ED.


              • atom100
                atom100 commented
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                Even they know it's a bug still exploit it , why? because of ED previous actions, bug abusers got away with it.

                Inventory wipe is too harsh punishment. Let this ban be a warning for future bug exploiter.
                Last edited by atom100; 03-18-2020, 10:45 PM.

              • Kimchi
                Kimchi commented
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                bullshit, mino patch suppose to have something like this it changed the fm reward or something other then weekly reward. As far as sea patch goes, sea patch always get mix patch aka sometime we get stuff early and sometime late AND dont tell me '' read patch note '' because as past cases THERE are alot of thing that we gotten or changed in game but patch note didnt stated lol. And you can't escape chest selection so what happen to people who done fm before patch and done it again after patch?( may be helping friends or guild mate) therefore the count will be 2, then ban? lol stupid logic. Please don't assume people time schedule, not everyday people are free, sometime people clear early BECAUSE they know they cannot clear before reset lmao not everyone like you, no life can play everyday. Also there is no telling when ED will fix the bug you idiot, seeing past case(example sniper plate bug abuse) they only fixed it AFTER 2 week . so you mean we SUPPOSE to wait from maybe 1day to 2 week at least ? that mean we will miss at very least 2 week worth of fm reward lol.

            • #12
              Everyone can see this is an injustice act by EYEDENTITY towards DNSEA player.

              "- Appeals will not be entertained and the above sanction is final."


              You put innocent people in despair. You know karma will get back to you.


              • EternalCat
                EternalCat commented
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                Not sure about the rate. We always go for floor 11 and 12 for nests and there was like 1 L jade appear once in a while.

              • atom100
                atom100 commented
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                I never encounter it at floor 10 in nest, much less in 8 I usually do when solo. And FM is at least 1 floor harder than ordinary nest.

              • EternalCat
                EternalCat commented
                Editing a comment
                Same here. Never got any L jade regardless of those high floors. But my guildies got 2 L in f11 nests yesterday.
                Guess RnGesus is not siding to me .-.

            • #13
              where are those idiot who think banning all ''abusers'' is great idea etc.
              even ED think is unfair, and some of you here be like ''hahah they deserve this deserve that' how about fuck you?

              disclaimer : of course i not supporting abuse of bug or anything and if some people are clearly abusing it like example maybe more than 10 run etc etc HOWEVER some people are just UNLUCKY to caught in the amount of run that is ban-able by ED aka 2 run onward.


              • Mr.Shovels
                Mr.Shovels commented
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                You should watch your language, being rude won't change a thing on what happened, people have their own perspectives and opinions that no one should judge base on their own beliefs of what really happened, maybe they think people are just lying about helping a friend, or maybe their judgement is being clouded because a lot of these Abusers have been on this game ever since.

                You should best think and understand the current situation before you say anything, ED has overlooked this and its their fault for banning some particular accounts who are used by players who only wants to really help those people in need, especially their guild members.

            • #14
              Ok People. Let this be a warning to all Players for the future that wants to exploits bugs in-game.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	download (6).jpg
Views:	193
Size:	8.7 KB
ID:	168139

              PS: Enjoy your sanctions.

