Comparing Super Armor Breaker Skills compared to other job 1st job Warrior skills is the worst in all scenario's
Drop kick FOR example it doesn't have that 100% SAB a class its basically used to counter but it doesn't work 100% of the time compared to other class.
Heavy Slash could use some Super Armor for tanking skills like Triple Slash either any version. tanking the 1st hit would be nice and SAB break the Triple Slash or Front Shove
Wake Attack could use a better Super Armor but in all honestly this skill doesn't cast sometimes due to a bug your character just stands FOR THE LOVE OF GOD its been AGES still no fix with all the new class you need basically change how warriors do a wake attack either redesign like an extra movement. MIRROR Cancels Wake attack mirrors should t hit on the floor
TUMBLE on the ground its basically cancerous if it lags and everybody hates a rolling warrior tumble while standing is cool to run or evade but when your on the floor with POISON NOVA TUMBLE IS COMPLETELE USELESS . Mirror Cancels Tumble Mirrors should not hit on the floor.
Side Kick Animation 50% seriously this plate should not be even needed its a design flaw and should already be implemented without a plate same goes to ALL CLASS not just warriors.
Circle Break Lvl 6 vs lvl 1 circle break Animation could add a diversity on how to use circle break . a lvl 1 circle break animation lvl 6 should just jump on spot higher .
Add instances that socker kick can be used
LONG LASTING FOREVER Cyclone BUG when hitting enemy at the wall in a straight line just goes thru BASICALLY change the animation of the skill. Like Cyclone with Jumping Mid Air move.
WHY remove the DASH kick Moonblade Dance combo?
Side Dodge Can be Used Mid Air let me side dodge on flat on the floor with poison nova if your not planning on changing it.
Finishing Attack Can be used mid Air but less damage to cut animation like JC for Paladin
Infinity Edge Physicall and MAgical damage reduce buff will be still be on for 10 secs if infinity edge animations are cancelled .