Limiting Fatigue system was bad as this game is a grinding MMORPG game. I'm saddened that ED decided to limit our fatigue so we cant permanently farm slayer which led to a lot of cons and almost none of pros, not slayer-wise system. ED, this is not some mobile game or facebook game that limiting FTG at all is good.
Wake up ED, your game is already dying. Giving out FTG Potions does not solve our problem here, we try not to pay to your system but we have to as this game boosting us if we decided to pay TONS of money just to reach end game content and raid dragon's nest. It is unfair to those who can't pay to the game for them to be boosted just to reach end-game content. A lot of your system has to be address aswell, those costumes that gives OP Stats at all, what the hell is that for? Ever heard of transmog in WoW? You could've used a system like that for those "costumes" instead of costume with good-looking fashion that is a 2nd required-equipment.
Getting back to the topic, FTG Limitation affected memory fragment farming, Daily Quest, NEEDS 9 MONTHS just to farm 600 CUBES
If they're limiting the FTG for just slayer mode, they should've limited the 90 slayer nests to 2 or 3 times per day instead of fatigue limitation so it won't affect other farming stuffs. I mean THERE are still OTHER WAYS. Also, new players would have a hard time to catch up old cap players or pre-limiting FTG system. They would have a hard time farming a lot of stuffs and make gold, new players are going to have slow pace.
Dear ED, you want to make the game alive right and hopes not to die right? Well, this wrong move might actually root to having quit the game. This is a new era of darkness to DN
Credits to: BabyYuri for calculations :v