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public service basics

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  • public service basics

    since essence-of-new-sun event is coming to an end in 10 days,

    my sub chars are no way near what i've anticipated, using only simple methods like dq's or testing grounds for collecting essences.
    so i decided that i wanna buy services from pubs for higher level nest that i cannot clear alone

    now, as a noob in this subject, i just wanna know:

    a) is there any simple way of telling if the seller is legit? kinda a rule-of-thumb if you will -- if yes, then what is it?
    b) the proper payment regulations - should i pay first or after the service?
    c) as a client, am i obligated to help with the mechanics in the run?
    d) any precautionary tips?

    any helpful answers will be appreciated, TYiA

  • #2
    a) Just based on the frequency of the seller finding client I guess. If no one complained about the frequent servicer then it's fine most of the time.
    b) Pay first of course, I usually get clients then go in garden and ask for payment there, they can pay per run or full (if they ask for more than 1 runs) if they want to.
    c) Depends on the nest and the servicer, I recall a troll client in VN Hell service pushing the seeds in stage 1 towards the center just to fck the run up.
    d) Common sense, make sure you have it.


    • #3
      1. Find a Servicing Guy that holds up dear to his/her clients. He/She will never let her clients down, or able to refund your payments before the run if there is an emergency.
      2. You pay first but make sure that he holds #1.
      3. In order to do a little faster run, better help him via Buff or doing mechs. Being a ghost for 6-8 minutes are so boring btw.
      4. Find bigger names. Refer to is popularity, or if he is recommended by your friend.

      ** ps. i do cheap-to-free svc for my guild **
      Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.


      • Mr.Shovels
        Mr.Shovels commented
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        can i get your IGN so i can buy service from you sometimes?

      • Nimmienaticz
        Nimmienaticz commented
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        i send u pm. :3

    • #4
      • Checking the character's gear is a #1 priority of a customer for service runs, if you don't know their name, then it is your right to be suspicious, especially if they tell you that they are famous or they are pro, they are being arrogant, this is to tell they are begging for you to be fooled by them, all service runs should be fast, and they can do it properly, ofc if you have already paid while the nest is in progress and you are currently running with the party, then you have no choice but to wait if the service provider is legit.
      • you cannot pay after a service, this is because for the service provider to avoid consuming their limit runs, they leave right after they have killed the boss, this is to ensure that they won't use up their limit run, so paying up first is a must, cannot be changed. but if they are begging for you to pay up, and are actually pressuring you to pay up fast because they've got no time bla bla bla and you are suspicious at them already from the start because of their gear and other things, then leave the party, it is not worth it if you will be scammed by a geared player with no skills at all in playing the game.
      • you are obligated if you feel you are, the Service provider should be doing all the work from themselves, if they need help from other players, then that is not really service run, that's just a regular party, and that player is just trying to take advantage of you guys in a party, Service provider should not ask for your help, especially in a 4 man nest, but in 8man nest such as Rune Dragon Nest normal, then getting all the help would make the run faster, but if you do not know the mechanics of the stages in a nest, feel free to turn into a ghost
      • DO NOT ENTERTAIN NON-GEARED PLAYERS! if they are telling you to pay up, because they are with the Service provider, you are being scammed, these are one of these scums method of scamming, you should avoid any communications with no-gear players and are just standing there waiting for you to trade them, carefully look at your trading window, you might have traded with the wrong person, ofc not all of them would actually give you back the gold, always pay up to the Service Provider, always inspect, save their name, and then trade, make sure its them, not a poser.
        ALWAYS CHECK THEIR GEAR! as i have said, always check the service provider's gear, if its not so strong, and you know you are running hardcore or 8man normal nest, and they only have like +10 or below t1 calypse, and not atleast t2 +10 calypse or t1 +20 calypse then they are a joke, they should atleast have good accessories such as genesis accessories, level 95 unique accessories, and unique lvl95 jades on their gear, if not, only gears, with no promising costumes with good stats, or cash shop accessory set like cold sadynth accessory set, project no.495 or something similar or higher grade, then they are too weak for that particular nest:
        • 4man Rudn : Minimum t1+20 Calypse gear, with lvl95 unique acce / lvl93 rune dragon accessory, minimum of 4 unique attack dragon jades equipped on both weapon type and rings, etc.
        • 8man Rudn : High End gear, could come with a partner with also same par gear status for faster run, T2 + 20 Calypse w/ lvl95 legend jades on weapons and rings, or full set of unique dragon jades, with epic costume and epic weapon costume, with good set of accessories, in a famous guild etc etc.
      It will all depend on your hunch, if your gut tells you so, follow your gut feeling


      • #5
        a) is there any simple way of telling if the seller is legit? kinda a rule-of-thumb if you will -- if yes, then what is it?
        - Always check their gear. It would be good if they are full set Calypse with T1 +20 or T2 ones, with unique jades/+15 93 ones. There are also some sellers who have their reputation already in selling, some gets shouted as scammer(some are legit scamming, some just disconnected/something happened. There are lotsa stupid clients around who can't wait and assume things).
        b) the proper payment regulations - should i pay first or after the service?
        -It's a practice that client pays up first. If they allow them to pay after the run most likely they will be scammed out by some pubs so as precautionary measure they get the payment first. On cases where the servicer needs to go, discontinue the run, or maybe you get disconnected even before the run they should refund you.
        -There's also the thing where servicers leave just before the clear notif so that they can do more runs by not limiting themselves. It would be hard to track clients once they leave the party
        c) as a client, am i obligated to help with the mechanics in the run?
        -No, you're not obligated but it will be nice if you buff your servicer before you turn into ghost or something. Depending on servicer, some appreciate debuffs/buffs during the run (e.g. loli's dispenser, your class have debuff that the servicer class don't have) and some prefer you stay dead (e.g. 8 man RuDN norm, s2 can kill them if the client doesn't even know how to catch the ball and the mech got triggered).
        d) any precautionary tips?

        -When paying up, it's better that you're the one who initiate the trade to the service seller to ensure you're trading the right person. To avoid clicking random people for trade, open party tab then right click on the servicers' name tab to get the dropdown menu then select "Trade". You can use it too in inspection to be sure that the same geared person infront of you is the one in your party. Click image for larger version  Name:	 Views:	1 Size:	271.8 KB ID:	134566

        - If the servicer initiates the trade, make sure the IGN is the same as the one you're buying from.
        -Always take note of the servicer's IGN. If something happens (e.g. you disconnect or that person disconnect or smthing) you can check it by pm.
        -When you doubt the servicer, better go to another one. There's lotsa servicers out there, some even lowballing just to get the client.
        -Trade no one else in the party but the service provider. In case of two servicers, they will usually tell the client whom to pay although most of the time it's the party leader servicer.
        -Be suspicious if the service is cheap and the servicer's gear is questionable.
        -Better pay up after the party is filled up.

        I'm also one of those who sell services related to this event although I'd say mine's boredom/mood swing driven. Can do several runs in a day but it's not always continuous. Lately I do VN Hell more since servicers for RuDN are basically everywhere and LBN kinda hard to get clients.
        Last edited by SadisticEin; 05-05-2018, 12:26 AM.


        • Mr.Shovels
          Mr.Shovels commented
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          can i take up on your service runs anytime soon before the event ends? is it alright for me to know your IGN or the character's IGN you are using most of the time? some already got their subs geared same as their main so i was assuming it would be the same for you.

        • SadisticEin
          SadisticEin commented
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          Sure, just drop a pm or mail. Most of the time I'm just using my main, not really fond of using subs cause the feels when playing are different xD gearing them the same as main is no joke too
          IGN: Eiennohi

      • #6
        how about the pickings? does the servicer will still get some items?


        • Mr.Shovels
          Mr.Shovels commented
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          my sniper has atleast 900k+ attack power, yet it is literally difficult for me to solo 4man rudn.

          this is to actually prove that sniper really needs a revamp...

          and also, attack power isn't the only factors to consider when doing services, to deal full damage, you are required to have atleast 75% elemental attack, 270% above crit dmg, and atleast 70% critical chance, regardless of any class you are using

        • thelittlerookie1
          thelittlerookie1 commented
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          what class got hdps for now?

        • Mr.Shovels
          Mr.Shovels commented
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          for me, there is no such thing as "hdps" only "top dps" so i dont really like seeing questions such as "which job is hdps?" "LFM> N>HDPS" and such.

          top dps right now is flurry