[Intended for reading in DN Dark style]
*Use CTRL+F and search [...] for a quick jump to desired section. Eg. Introduction to Black Mara [IBM], CTRL+F, key in "IBM", and press Enter.
Table of contents:
1) Introduction to Black Mara [IBM]
2) Skill descriptions and comparisons [SDC]
3) Skill build, plates, additional skills [SPA]
4) Skill usage [SKU]
6) Party synergy [PTSG]
7) Credits [CDTS]
8) Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]
Why make a Black Mara? She's clearly an emo character because people don't create enough Black Maras, duh.
It can be a pain to learn how different skills are used, but it is very rewarding when you can control it well. This guide will help you shorten the time required to reach that point.
For team players, you can do your part as a Black Mara by producing more DPS with the same gears than you would on any other Sorceress class. Maximum value for gold!
For solo egoistic players, you can achieve the best DPS produced by a single class. With 2 debuff skills, i-frame skills & self HP regeneration, you are perfectly set for solo styles as well!
What? Why aren't there as many Black Maras as you would expect to see then?
Many reasons, but the biggest reason is that people don't like to step outside their comfort zone. Don't be one of them.
So you got a whole list of skills. Here's a quick introduction and cheat sheet for understanding your main skills;
Void Coil - Strongest individual skill. Used in both normal and transformed mode. Skill included in Contract combo.
Ripping - Required to start Contract combo (Class Mastery I), which is the strongest chain of skills you can use.
Cleaving - Strong skill with long cast time. Usually used in normal form only. Skill is included in Contract combo.
Black Strike - Strong skill when transformed. Not recommended for beginners.
Smoke Storm - When in normal form, usually used for bubble management (see Bubble Management section [BMGT] for more details). When transformed: Strong skill, long cast time. Can blink (tumble) out of skill, can cancel skill cast by using any other skill. 
We will also be looking at important skills for generic skill rotation:
Entomb - Used for enhancing damage during burst windows. Used best with Void Coil and Contract combo. More details under special skills section.
Insult - Main skill for gaining Contracts. Can only be used in air, or chained from using Wheeling Staff (Class Mastery III). Can be cancelled in mid-air with Air Blink/Turbulence. More details under special skills section.
900% *13 hits maximum, total skill damage 11,700%.
Class Mastery III boost to add 4 hits. Total skill damage 11,700% -> 15,300%
Fillers for gaining Contracts.
Ebony Spark - 1~3 hits. Skill damage 300% per hit. Long range.
Haze - 1 hit, +1 hit with left click. Skill damage 2860% per hit. Can be used for mobility due to short CD.
Turbulence - 2 hits. Skill damage 5430%. Used for cancelling skills, and positioning for Insult.
Black Mara - Transformation skill. Consumes 11 Energy (bubbles), skill damage 7900%. Forward transformation can link to Ebony Spark. Holding back key while transforming will create big AOE, useful for Dragon stage 25% (30 monster kills).
Inhale - Reverting skill. Long CD, reduces by 5 seconds per main skill that hits (Class Mastery II). Skill damage 6400%.
Additional utility skills:
Wraith Form - Invulnerable for 3 seconds. Can cancel by use of any skill. Recovers a total of 9 seconds CD off all skills, and 15% HP.
Deadly Smoke - Used for i-frame purposes only. Skill damage 8100%. More details in special skills section.
Buffs and debuff skill
Mana Flow - 10% CD reduction for all members who receive the buff. Please be considerate and always rebuff your members (and yourself) often.
Complete Darkness - Self buff, 20% Dark elemental attack. Important. Do not forget.
Meaningless- 20% elemental resistance reduction debuff. Important, but leave it to other classes such as Adept or Physician whenever possible.
This brief guide will cover Black Mara's game play in Rune Dragon Nest. The purpose of this guide is to educate aspiring Black Mara players to achieve it's full potential as a damage contributor in Rune Dragon Nest.
The author is a Black Mara player who has achieved the following DPS in Rune Dragon Hardcore:

I believe that's all the credibility I need.
The author is a Black Mara player who has achieved the following DPS in Rune Dragon Hardcore:
I believe that's all the credibility I need.
*Use CTRL+F and search [...] for a quick jump to desired section. Eg. Introduction to Black Mara [IBM], CTRL+F, key in "IBM", and press Enter.
Table of contents:
1) Introduction to Black Mara [IBM]
2) Skill descriptions and comparisons [SDC]
3) Skill build, plates, additional skills [SPA]
4) Skill usage [SKU]
4.1) Key combos
4.2) Special skills
4.3) Special windows
5) Bubble management [BMGT]4.3) Special windows
6) Party synergy [PTSG]
7) Credits [CDTS]
8) Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]
Why make a Black Mara? She's clearly an emo character because people don't create enough Black Maras, duh.
It can be a pain to learn how different skills are used, but it is very rewarding when you can control it well. This guide will help you shorten the time required to reach that point.
For team players, you can do your part as a Black Mara by producing more DPS with the same gears than you would on any other Sorceress class. Maximum value for gold!
For solo egoistic players, you can achieve the best DPS produced by a single class. With 2 debuff skills, i-frame skills & self HP regeneration, you are perfectly set for solo styles as well!
What? Why aren't there as many Black Maras as you would expect to see then?
Many reasons, but the biggest reason is that people don't like to step outside their comfort zone. Don't be one of them.
So you got a whole list of skills. Here's a quick introduction and cheat sheet for understanding your main skills;
Void Coil - Strongest individual skill. Used in both normal and transformed mode. Skill included in Contract combo.
Ripping - Required to start Contract combo (Class Mastery I), which is the strongest chain of skills you can use.
Cleaving - Strong skill with long cast time. Usually used in normal form only. Skill is included in Contract combo.
Black Strike - Strong skill when transformed. Not recommended for beginners.
Smoke Storm - When in normal form, usually used for bubble management (see Bubble Management section [BMGT] for more details). When transformed: Strong skill, long cast time. Can blink (tumble) out of skill, can cancel skill cast by using any other skill.
Cheat sheet
*Main skills' CD are reset upon transformation, so it is better to be looking at DPS/Cast and arrange your skills accordingly.
We will also be looking at important skills for generic skill rotation:
Entomb - Used for enhancing damage during burst windows. Used best with Void Coil and Contract combo. More details under special skills section.
Insult - Main skill for gaining Contracts. Can only be used in air, or chained from using Wheeling Staff (Class Mastery III). Can be cancelled in mid-air with Air Blink/Turbulence. More details under special skills section.
900% *13 hits maximum, total skill damage 11,700%.
Class Mastery III boost to add 4 hits. Total skill damage 11,700% -> 15,300%
Fillers for gaining Contracts.
Ebony Spark - 1~3 hits. Skill damage 300% per hit. Long range.
Haze - 1 hit, +1 hit with left click. Skill damage 2860% per hit. Can be used for mobility due to short CD.
Turbulence - 2 hits. Skill damage 5430%. Used for cancelling skills, and positioning for Insult.
Black Mara - Transformation skill. Consumes 11 Energy (bubbles), skill damage 7900%. Forward transformation can link to Ebony Spark. Holding back key while transforming will create big AOE, useful for Dragon stage 25% (30 monster kills).
Inhale - Reverting skill. Long CD, reduces by 5 seconds per main skill that hits (Class Mastery II). Skill damage 6400%.
Additional utility skills:
Wraith Form - Invulnerable for 3 seconds. Can cancel by use of any skill. Recovers a total of 9 seconds CD off all skills, and 15% HP.
Deadly Smoke - Used for i-frame purposes only. Skill damage 8100%. More details in special skills section.
Buffs and debuff skill
Mana Flow - 10% CD reduction for all members who receive the buff. Please be considerate and always rebuff your members (and yourself) often.
Complete Darkness - Self buff, 20% Dark elemental attack. Important. Do not forget.
Meaningless- 20% elemental resistance reduction debuff. Important, but leave it to other classes such as Adept or Physician whenever possible.