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General Discussion/Q&A Thread for Academics
Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
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General info on Adept CM III (Napalm Bomb)
On casting Napalm Bomb alone
- CM III increases Napalm Bomb's damage by 200%
Coefficient changes
- Total: 1.0 to 3.0 board damage, 5 hits total
- Per hit: 0.2 to 0.6 board damage each hit, 5 hits total
Damage changes
- Lv 6. 279% to 837%
- Lv 11. 429% to 1,287% (53.76% increase)
- Lv 16. 579% to 1,737% (34.97% increase)
- Lv 21. 730% to 2,190% (26.08% increase)
- Lv 27. 895% to 2,685% (22.60% increase)
How to use it
- Throw it slightly infront of the desired target. The grenade fire moves forward (away from thrown direction).
- Efficient for pushing obstacles if aimed correctly
Pairing Napalm Bomb with Magma Wave
- Casting Magma Wave on an area hit by Napalm Bomb will trigger an explosion, similar to ignite (refer to Figure 1 below)
- Explosion damage is based on Napalm Bomb
Coefficient of explosion
- Total: 3.0 board damage, 1 hit total
Damage of explosion
- Lv 6. 837%
- Lv 11. 1,287% (53.76% increase)
- Lv 16. 1,737% (34.97% increase)
- Lv 21. 2,190% (26.08% increase)
- Lv 27. 2,685% (22.60% increase)
Total damage of Napalm Bomb and explosion
- Lv 6. 1,674%
- Lv 11. 2,574% (53.76% increase)
- Lv 16. 3,474% (34.97% increase)
- Lv 21. 4,380% (26.08% increase)
- Lv 27. 5,370% (22.60% increase)
How to use it
- Napalm Bomb leaves an invisible mark (napalm?) on the ground. The area lasts 9 seconds from the impact of grenade (when grenade explodes after thrown). Any amount of time until 9 seconds, the Napalm Grenade explosion can be triggered.
- Magma Wave MUST HIT the area hit by Napalm Bomb to trigger the explosion
- It is possible to apply 2 marks on the ground and ignite them simultaneously with one Magma Wave, dealing up to additional 2,685% on an extra hit (refer to Figure 2). However this requires you to cast Napalm Bomb back to back and ignite immediately.
Personal opinion on skill and is it worth maxing?
- Yes, as Adept would not require to learn Force Out if relying on Napalm Bomb for pushing, so the SP can be spent on Napalm Bomb
- Yes, the damage is quite decent and this skill can serve as filler as Adept do run out of skills sometimes
- Yes, there is no urgency to follow up this skill with Magma Wave due to the 9s duration
- It depends, requires very high SP investment to deal high damage. However, there are not many things Adept can spend SP on (refer to Figure 3 below)
- It depends, from my experience I do not require much input from Mind Conquer in raids so I do not need to put much SP into it
- It depends, for the time being there is no mech requiring lock of boss with Bubble Bubble, so it's safe not to learn it
Figure 1. The appearance of the explosion of Napalm Bomb when ignited by Magma Wave
Figure 2. Double explosion of Napalm Bomb when cast back to back followed by Magma Wave
Figure 3. One way to put SP to learn this skill at decent levels to support general use.Last edited by Xenocho; 09-13-2017, 08:02 AM.Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);
Elemental flair has their iframe completely removed. Additionally, the SA is extremely low.Last edited by RaizzanX; 09-13-2017, 11:38 AM.
nope, air shot is a cannon skill and you can't cast any cannon skill while using MM so...
Originally posted by Xenocho View PostHi all, I was doing some testing for GM's CM III and did some MM test prior to that. I hope you will find this info useful.
1. What surprised me was that the MM variants of the tower skills had different board damage. I could not find any mathematical correlation between the numbers, so I'm unsure where these numbers came from.
2. It is a hassle to turn MM off and use the CM3. However, it appears to be quite worth it, given that GM has not many burst skills.
3 The damage of skills look better than before (compared to my previous analysis post-Awakening). However, I'm not sure if this is enough to make GM more useful.
4. While the new CM III gives GM a stronger damage output, can the player keep up with the level of multi tasking?
Feel free to ask me any question about Engineers btw. Now that I've finally got them to 95, I should be able to answer any question about it
Thank you and have a great day.
about physician anyone know how much damage force out increase at certain level?
did it stack with disease ex plague effect??
i planning maax force out.is it worth?
Originally posted by Fenrir View Posthello..
about physician anyone know how much damage force out increase at certain level?
did it stack with disease ex plague effect??
i planning maax force out.is it worth?
https://dnskillsim.herokuapp.com/sea...-0-00-----0--0Hello Sir! Please free to mention me or send me a private message if you need any assistance! I will try my best to help you to the best that I can!
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Originally posted by Intuition View PostHi can you give me a pvp skill build for SS. Im confuse should I max all alfredo skill and sacrifices the duck and tower build?
Please refer to this post (click me) for the updated skill build. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Last edited by Xenocho; 12-19-2017, 03:40 AM.Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);
just want to clarify, because i haven't tried the skill.. in like forever xD
does tower recall resets the tower summon duration?“Great Music, it said, and Great Poetry would like quieten Modern Youth down and make Modern Youth more Civilized. Civilized my syphilised yarbles.”
Im almost pretty sure that its the best tower line up but like you play Engineer since forever i want to be sure already... The best tower line up is 1 chain 3 gatling rights? And what about skill plates, im using Chain CD, Big mecha Dmg, Gatling CD and Mecha Duck CD, also this is my skill build1 Photo
For tower-wise, if you can keep the towers on the boss on all times, 3 gatling and 1 chainsaw is the best, but the damage difference is around 4.5% to 6% versus other setups. CST is the only major contributor to DPS.
For skill plates, my personal preference is CST CD, BMB CD, Mecha Bomb CD, Demolition CD. I do not use Mecha Duck off CD when I have 4 ducks on the field so there's no use for a CD plate. Whereas for GGT, in most of the current nest, you rarely get to set up 3 GGT properly, so I would summon all towers and slowly replace the first 2 with GGT. However, summon removals are aplenty, and GM itself can deal quite a lot of damage, so GGT overall has lower priority. BMB is always used off CD, so it is better than a damage plate, especially due to diminishing returns from FD. I chose Mecha Bomb CD as personal preference.
As for skill build, is this a hybrid PVE/PVP build? Gravity Grenade is a poor skill, even with the awakening effect. You will barely have time to use it as a filler skill. I would also opt to take Chemical Grenade maxed to ensure maximum uptime on elemental resist debuff, especially since GM is a constant-DPS char with towers constantly hitting. If there is a chance in that 5s downtime most of your skills are ready but no ele debuff is present, would you wait or use your skills anyway?
I don't advocate spending SP on TD due to SP constraints, especially since going for the Demolition build, which has extra SP consumption from the SS tree.
I see. Well of course i dont use GGT then wait CD and wait CD again to get the 3, i summon all towers then slowly i replace the first 2 with GGT like you just said. Its a PVE skill build, im not sure what you saw about gravity grenade on my skill build but its just at lvl 1 for the CM II. I feel TD useful for me thats why i got it, I dont worry that much about Chemical Grenade lvl 5 cause of the parties line up with my guildmates, too rarely when im with my GM and theres no any other ele debuff so no big deal, in my personal case, thats why xDLast edited by Adhelaida; 10-09-2017, 10:25 PM.
Oh, sorry my mistake. I forgot that they have changed it to Gravity Grenade, ignore that comment of mine.
Based on the reasons you provided, seems okay, but most skills can be dodged. I've never faced situations where I survived because of TD. In the past when TD was much higher % pre R, it was worth it. I don't even learn Alfredo as a GM since its not useful at all. The only situation where Alfredo was useful was during RDN, where provoking the S2 boss with Alfredo Stomp helps in one of the mech.
Would you say a Napalm Bomb CD skill plate will be worth it to trigger the 2 explosions easier?
In my opinion, not worth it. While it is better to cast Napalm Bomb prior to Magma Wave, having a CD plate forces you to spam it off CD to ensure double explosions most of the time. In doing so you may be missing out on casting more important skills such as Magma Wall, Ice Beam, Elemental Flair, all of which should take priority over Magma Wave.
The plates I use on Adept are Icicle Expression DMG, Ice Beam CD, Magma Punch CD and Magma Wave DMG. Magma Wave DMG > CD due to it not being used off CD always due to skill priorities paired with bubble availability.