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ML or Barb? Dps comparison, buffs and etc.

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  • ML or Barb? Dps comparison, buffs and etc.

    I've been thinking myself to change my class to ML or to stay as a Barb, is there anything that separates the two different class? Is there a huge gap between their dps or damage? What are the best warrior class tho, ranking them from 1 - 4. I saw a thread that ML has been having a huge buff as well as barb too. Should I stick with my barb or nah?

    Edit: I am open for suggestion in some other warrior classes (Destro/Glad)
    Last edited by Kuen; 06-03-2018, 10:30 PM.

  • #2
    From 1 to 4?

    Poor Dark Avenger has fallen so far behind, that people forget this class even exist.

    Moonlord > Gladiator > Barbarian > Destroyer > > > Dark Avenger (if I wasn't so nice, I'd put two extra > there)

    ML is good, but only if you can afford to switch your entire setup from STR build to INT build.
    Last edited by NearLawlet; 06-03-2018, 10:35 PM.


    • #3
      Man didn't mean to hurt DA users but I do know DA exist , I didn't include that class for some reasons.

      1. You can't change your job from Barb to DA

      2. (IMO) It is not that good for PVP

      Well I can afford int jades and other stuffs to make my new ML geared. The only thing that is bragging me is that gacha event. The rewards makes me worried. Lel

      I don't know if a sword will be given to me or an axe. Cuz I won"t be able to change my job until the rewards are given. Do you know anything from the medea rewards are based of when they are being rewarded to a player?

      Thanks for the help. I had so many questions going trough my brain xD


      • NearLawlet
        NearLawlet commented
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        Based on the previous event, you will receive:
        1. Medea Weapon Package (containing main + secondary weapon)
        2. Medea Armor Package
        3. x7 Converter

        In Warrior case, the weapon is shaped like a sword, but it's only a template.

        You can use the Converter to transform that template into a weapon of your choice (Sword/Axe/Hammer), with two extra stats (e.g STR and AGI, STR and VIT etc)

      • NASALord
        NASALord commented
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        Just pick the weapon carefully . Most player too excited and pick the wrong one. The only way to correct it is calypse it and use weapon converter on nest point store.

    • #4

      Skills have faster cooldown
      Has Better AoE skills than Barbarian
      Good bubble production = better MBD spam and faster cooldown on X-slash
      Decent Damage

      Skills have slower cooldowns than ML, but makes up for the high damage output
      Has some Medium to Small AoE skills, Demolition Fist and Bone Crash requires close-up range and better aim on enemies, not good for raid / nests with boss that hits up at close range hard and unpredictable
      ML has better dps buff than Barbarian, but barbarians have better duration on their buff than ML, so in terms of short bursts of DPS, ML wins, in long term dps, barbarian wins the game
      Ultimate Circle Swing is the only Large Scale All-rounder AoE of the Barbarian Class, you can also add in Stomp since it has decent DPS
      Doesn't need much gearing to deal potential DPS, but is still 3rd on the dps ranking of all warrior classes except DA

      ML should have been 2nd on the list and gladiator on the 1st since because of their Final Attack which is mainly the Finisher of all odds, increased damage the less HP the enemy has, also the spam of all the slashes and such , with faster action speed, could deal better damage (Triple Slash, Front Shove, Evasion Slash are 3 main skills to spam of a gladiator, 2nd to that is to use hyper drive and FA as much as possible, also Line Drive)


      • Gerald
        Gerald commented
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        Barb has 2 versions of Ultimate CS the CS EX and the Overtaker, in short burst barb wins.
        Highlander>Ultimate Circle Swing >Stomp EX > Overtaker(UCS) > Enhanced whirlwind.. that rotation is around 6-7 secs and with my decent gears that burst dmg is enough to deal atleast 20b dmg enough for me to KOS vn hell s2 when solo
        Enhanced whirlwind has high dmg (around 3-4B) dmg with my gears full hits.
        I used to do VN HELL svc with my barb 6-7 mins run but I changed to back glad now (i used to be a gladiator) and now I cant do svc anymore due cause barb is alot stronger than glad in 4man nest (no idea about raids) but can solo vn hell 9-10mins.

        As for this thread.

        I suggest to go barb
        1. Has heal instant 30% (Havoc Howl)
        2. Tough. 10% dmg reduction passive and has access to flying swing +70% dmg reduction for 2-3 secs (vn hell s2 explotion is a joke when you use flying swing need proper timing though.)
        3. STR, when you change your mind you are free to go glad or destro.
        4. Gameplay is easier compared to ML. All you have to do is swing swing and swing.
        5. BURST
        6. easy 300% crit dmg

        1. Only have tumble as i-frame (Cylone axe and Havoc Howl has long i-frames but those are too important skills to be used as a dodging skill.)
        2. Crit dependent
        Last edited by Gerald; 06-06-2018, 01:58 AM.

    • #5

      Well, from experience. ML got buffed and nerfed from time to time. So maining ML is quite a pain because while you are enjoying your current main they think they should buff/ nerf it again so it's like the standard ML is going up and down most of the time, Literally. Kuen says the best idea regarding the option, though because STR is much easier to stack, I stick to barb. I can solo grind with it and yes, it got heal as destro does. So it is a great help for grinding.
      Last edited by iMhyzt; 06-04-2018, 06:50 PM. Reason: mislead information


      • #6
        From what I think i'll go for ML since gearing up is not a problem for me. Your opinions and knowledge gave me so much to fill up my brain so thanks guys.


        • Mr.Shovels
          Mr.Shovels commented
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          are you sure? you can check out some youtube videos of ML screaming and slashing their sword in mid-air while mysterious magical energy slashes after-images after every slash, its like harry potter but with more and worst screaming

        • Kuen
          Kuen commented
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          Yep, I can just turn off the sound xD.