So, I'm having difficulties as to what I should use for an average skill rotation. Some people said spam instant, others say triple orbs, instant, grav ball, then focus gravity. But I'm curious to know if there is an optimal way of doing cm rotations efficiently enough to be consistent dps, or am I more of a burst?
What to use when main skills are on CD?
What to use during FF?
Preferential item build?
Optimum hp and dmg for idn taking into account ele percent (of which I have 82% in town)?
Any tips or tricks to do faster castings of some skills?
Should I immediately cast switch in gravity well, or wait a second or two to get some tics in?
And what should my damage be at the end of, oh, let's say the new pkn nest if cm is used properly?
These are just a few, and I may think of more, but thank you very much for viewing and hopefully answering at least a couple of the aforementioned questions.
What to use when main skills are on CD?
What to use during FF?
Preferential item build?
Optimum hp and dmg for idn taking into account ele percent (of which I have 82% in town)?
Any tips or tricks to do faster castings of some skills?
Should I immediately cast switch in gravity well, or wait a second or two to get some tics in?
And what should my damage be at the end of, oh, let's say the new pkn nest if cm is used properly?
These are just a few, and I may think of more, but thank you very much for viewing and hopefully answering at least a couple of the aforementioned questions.
