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Help me guys!!

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  • Help me guys!!

    I think there are so many stuffs currently we don't know.

    To improve DN, I think our first step have to be making a list of bugs need to be fixed.

    Honestly, currently there are so many stuffs we couldn't get even if you guys already complained so many times...

    So, first of all, please let me know every bugs you experinced. You can write comment or reply to share the bugs.

    I'll list up all of the issues and discuss about it during our team meeting.

    Eydentity Games is currently focusing on direct communication with users as Game Manager especially for Dragon Nest.

    But, for now, it is hard to collect all the spreaded complaints and suggestions at once for me (Because I'm newly involved and I am the only G/CM in our team)

    I really hope to improve DN but just one GM's working is not enough to make the great goal.

    So, please help me guys and please understand if I reply late. I'm in Korea and you know, time difference is very complicated.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Not really a bug, but you seem very eager to respond so I was wondering if you could tell us about the event rewards for Professor K Patch - Events and Promotions. No one received their rewards for completing this event and it wouldn't be that big a deal but one of the rewards was a dance we've never had before so many people including myself were looking forward to it.

    Even just saying you guy's couldn't keep track of everyone's clears would be better than ignoring it, and if that is the case should we just not bother with your future events if we never get the rewards for them?

    I would also like to say props to you for being up at 3:00 am and for trying to make dn better, I'm sure just seeing you today a lot of people are feeling better already.
    Last edited by Bishoujou; 01-20-2017, 11:40 AM.


    • Dean
      Dean commented
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      For now, I'm not able to share the result 'cause I have to collect all issues as much as I can and discuss about them during our meeting. I'll share the updates after we finish meeting. :l

  • #3
    You can start here:

    Pounding is usually good at rounding up bugs, so check out his thread,
    TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


    • #4
      Thank you Dean for your efforts. It's refreshing to get some communication after being ignored for so long.

      I'm going to list some concerns the community has in terms of how the game is.
      1. We still can't sell EC items in the market! I think this was one of the biggest concerns we had with nexon. Everyone hated this. In other servers they can sell almost anything in the market. Right now if I spend 400 dollars and I don't get the full set I need that's too bad. I'll never get it again. It's frustrating and causes people to quit.
      2. The lack of gold in the server. I think many people are frustrated with the costs of enhancing legendary items. The costs of them are tailored towards other servers who have a lot more gold than we do. This leads to frustration from players who are working very hard but get very little in return. If there was a way to increase our gold in the server by a small bit, (not too much) I think it would make people a lot happier than the current economy we have now.
      3. Lack of communication especially through tickets. The ticket system is broken. Every time I have sent a ticket I have had a terrible reply with my ticket closed. Never has my problem been fixed. The iona spirit I made a ticket a month and a half ago and I still haven't received my working one!
      4. Events with better rewards! In Sea dragon nest they recently had an event that gave out fusion cubes! Why our rewards so bad in comparison?
      Thank you for all the work dean! Things are looking better with you already!
      Last edited by apple1407; 01-20-2017, 01:47 PM.


      • Dean
        Dean commented
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        I see. So users need more ways to acquire more gold, event reward improvement, and other companny kind issues.

        For this time the obly thing I can promise you is, I'll report all the users' concern and that will be accepted if the ideas are not too bad.

    • #5
      Well, not really bug related but here's some suggestions on the challenge in Dragon Nest. One subject that has been talked about often around here and elsewhere is the difficulty of the game. I personally really enjoy the game, but I think Nests and Dungeons could use an additional difficulty level to cater to players that are more skilled and/or have more than above average gear. I know there's the raid which is a step up from the 4 man nests, but I think the 4 man nests could use a boost when it comes to enemy health and damage values along with small mechanical adjustments/additions that provide a challenge and thrill to dedicated players who have been playing Dragon Nest for a long time. Difficulty at the lower end is okay, but the higher end is lacking something which is why I suggest adding another level to current content to provide a bigger range of difficulty levels. The only thing is I'm not really sure what the rewards would be.

      There's also the issue of "outdated" nest content. Nests like Returned Manticore, Returned Archbishop, Returned Desert Dragon, and Daidalos have been left behind and haven't really kept up with the increased power players have gotten at the base level. Adjusting them to be on the same level as 93 Nests with rewards that are more relevant to the current cap would be a good idea I think since it would provide more variety at the end game. Combine this with the previous suggestion of adding another difficulty level to 4 Man Nests.

      Another problem that has been around ever since level 90 cap started is lower level dungeons being too easy and lacking challenge with the removal of Abyss difficulty. I know several people who were turned off by the game before they even reached the cap because the game was too boring at low levels because everything including dungeon bosses died extremely quickly. The current difficulty levels could stay but adding Abyss difficulty would be good for new and old players that want an optional challenge when going through the leveling process. This is also an issue with the current endgame level 93 dungeons where the bosses die far too quickly even on the highest level. My suggestion would be adding another level like how there were Chaos dungeons in previous caps and make it so daily quests can still be completed on either Abyss or Chaos but give bonus rewards for players that complete them all on Chaos.

      Might be asking too much, but thought I'd just throw this out there.
      Last edited by Tortellini; 01-20-2017, 01:34 PM.


      • Dean
        Dean commented
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        So to grab users' interests, we should bring more new contnts including additional difficulty and ballencing of dungeons.
        I understand what you are saying and I'll talk about it during our meeting. And as soon as possible, I will bring you the result.

      • Tortellini
        Tortellini commented
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        Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to this.

        Yes that's what I mean. It's fine to have content with easier difficulty levels to cater to new or somewhat experienced players, but for players that have played the game for a long time and/or have obtained strong equipment there should be something beyond Normal and Hardcore so that they continue to stay and play the game instead of losing interest. Retooling nests that already exist to have adjusted mechanics that are harder or more complex, more punishing attacks, and more enemy HP values could keep those players in the game. A new difficulty level with those additions and changes would be a good way to do that.

    • #6
      all of the new level 93 quest titles are in korean when you get them from the NPC, but in english in the quest window o=
      Ice Witch: Nimue | Parade | Ice Witch Guide
      Defensio: Botamochi | Defensio Guide
      Discord: vara#2664
      recent costumes list


      • vara
        vara commented
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        yeah, all the new ones for the two new dungeons. when you talk to an npc and it has the quest select option, the text is in korean

      • vara
        vara commented
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        here is an example!

      • Dean
        Dean commented
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        Hmm currently, we are checking our scripts and fixing scripts we find. Fixed strings will be applied on the day of next update. And if you have more, please send me screenshots

    • #7
      Hi Dean, I know I'm not alone in this situation and it's probably been mentioned in the other thread, but I've sent in a ticket for my different accounts with broken Iona spirits just to have Cherry Credits close them saying they forwarded the problem, but I have not received a fix and it doesn't look they're going to compensate any of us involved. Still broken upon this patch as well.

      Also, a suggestion: help the economy by removing server storage and ec server storage fees. I know I myself would play a lot more if I could actually move my gear around without having to send what little gold I have to all my characters. Thank you, and welcome!


      • Dean
        Dean commented
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        I'll send them to my team mates directly and talk about it on monday. Lona Spirits and storage one.

    • #8
      I don't think I'm exactly qualified to be saying much of anything, seeing as I had a similar role to yours back when the game was being run under Nexon (and utterly failed at it, if you were to ask anyone else). Though you seem to have much more influence with the developers at large, so perhaps things will work out for you and the game in general.

      The general mood of the North American server is that the community here has felt largely neglected ever since our version has launched. Much of it is due to how Nexon handled the game during the early years, though some issues still persist to this day, the sort of issues that make the community question the long-term health of our server. Some people here have already mentioned them already, but I'll go over them again.

      1) The NA economy. NA in general has low amounts of gold circulating in the economy compared to other versions, thanks to L-grade equipment being a huge gold sink. On the other hand, we have tons of enhancing and crafting materials flooding the market too, lowering their value. This has resulted in an economy where some players are literally creating massive amounts of alternate characters to plant/harvest Apples of Life (which can be sold at vendors for 32 gold each every 5 days per character) in order to make gold, because nothing else is worth it for their time. It's the sort of thing that would be highly discouraging to new players, and this behavior is only observed on the NA servers.

      2) Our market has no real variety in it. There's only a handful of items we can actually sell in the first place. Speaking as a player that also has access to kDN, the big thing I've noticed across both versions is that while it appears that kDN has a similar amount of gold circulating in the economy, the kDN market seems FAR healthier simply because kDN players have the ability to freely trade everything in the marketplace. Since they can trade cash items in the marketplace, they essentially get new items to trade every month, and people who open pandora boxes/dragon eggs there can sell whatever they get if they have no use for it. In North America, since we can't trade rare dragon egg items, we're left with a situation where most people who decide to gamble on eggs at all end up with incomplete accessory sets and useless extra copies, and we only get new items to trade in our economy every 3 months on average (essentially whenever we get a level cap increase, or a new nest/raid is released). It's really an incredibly toxic environment.

      I want to say that even now, there are many players in the community that are highly reluctant to even recommend the game to potential new players. Our community is jaded from enduring years of a similar content release pattern each year, followed by us having to deal with issues that only really exist in our version. Nexon tried hard to break it in their final year of service (allowing skill reset scrolls to be bought using in-game currency, which ALSO happens to contribute to our gold sink issues), but it hasn't really been enough.

      Maybe some small suggestions to start us off.

      1) Reduce the fee to use server storage from 5 -> 1 gold. This doesn't really do anything but punish newer players for creating alternate characters, in a game that now outright assumes that you're using alternate characters.

      2) Reduce the fee for buying skill reset scrolls from 600 -> 200 gold, the same as it is in kDN. (Actually kDN's price may be even lower, but I'm too lazy to check.) Again, the current 600 gold price doesn't really do anything but punish new players and sink tons of gold out of the economy, and the huge price also leads to an environment where people are fearful of actually experimenting with different builds.

      3) Slash the enhancement cost of our L-grade equipment by 25%. The current prices sink way too much gold out of the economy as is, and quite frankly they're also a pretty big reason as to why some people may be tempted to buy gold from third parties.
      Last edited by SaitoHikari; 01-20-2017, 09:46 PM.


      • apple1407
        apple1407 commented
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        There either needs to be a cut or an increase of gold in our server. Because the prices were not made with our economy in mind. No one is asking for free LGRADES. Reducing the average cost from 50k per piece to 30k is reasonable.

      • Dean
        Dean commented
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        I see... there are so much wasting gold for nothing in DN system... I agree. I also think this should be changed.

      • SaitoHikari
        SaitoHikari commented
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        Yeah, 75% is kind of a bit overboard, but the cost really should be toned down a bit. 25-30% does seem more reasonable, especially now that I know they're server storageable.

        The core problem is that people can save for weeks and result in no progress at all with the way enhancement RNG works. And the sense of progression being so heavily tied to RNG scares a lot of people in the game.

    • #9
      Ticket answering is a big problem right now. Very little percentage of tickets (if any) are actually resolved. NEXON has lots of problems before the transfer but there ticket answering service was honestly nothing sort of being very well done. The Iona spirit problem was there for almost 2 months now and everyone I know says their tickets are all closed without any resolution. I have my own ticket for other thing and they said they have forwarded it but I honestly don't expect anything just because of how bad it had been so far.
      If you guys can sort this out and tickets are resolved this would be a lot better of an experience for everyone, make DN great again.
      Why do I stand up? To look down on you!


      • Dean
        Dean commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks alot. We are feeling the lack of communication now and I'll do my best to handle it. For ticket stuffs, I'll talk about it seriously with my team mates.

    • #10
      I agree with Benji

      Two of my friends quit the game because their important tickets got closed. Mind you they were extremely easy fixes to. One of my friends missed out on the highly sought after abyss earrings. The other one couldn't buy the cute halloween costume.

      I already quit as well but did so in reasons that too many people have said already.

      I also want this game to do well

      uhh idk any bugs


      • #11
        ALL EC items being sellable like other servers.

        Better ways to make gold.

        And most importantly get them to answer tickets. Ive sent in about 5 tickets now and every single one of them gets delayed 3 weeks and closed with no response.

        Not to mention the fact that they posted on main website to send ticket on iona spirit and when I sent my ticket it got closed. Supposed to be fixed 2 month ago but still no response.

        Glad to get communication for the first time but theres a lot of things that need fixing and to be put in game.


        • Dean
          Dean commented
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          Ya maybe if we make able to sell EC items, it can be a way to acquire gold. I'll discuss about it with my team mates on Monday.

      • #12
        Not sure if this has been address yet, but Pyromancer awakening skill Flame burst only has a 50% chance or something hitting enemies. I'm not sure why this is the case, but some of my pyromancer friends say that this is also an issue. Will there be a fix to this?
        Discord ID: Bubzie#2895

        *Noticed* -Yaya


        • #13
          plEASE for the love of god make all old costumes and all future costumes tradeable.
          Please make all wing tail decal tradeable on marketplace like in KR. I have been so patiently waiting since 50 cap, that NA will implement tradeable costumes and accessories.
          We are the only DN server in existence that doesn't have tradeable green grade/monthly costumes ಠ_ಠ)


          • OneMysteriousGuy
            OneMysteriousGuy commented
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            A lot if cash player rage quit because of these none trad-able NX items. IN a business perspective your losing money, + 1 to this idea.

          • EnSama
            EnSama commented
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            +1 to this idea since RNG hates me and I would love to buy wings, tails and decals off the marketplace ^-^

        • #14
          Make all EC items tradeable. Now i know this ones going the be the hardest one to convince your team of because they are under the assumption that people spend more $ when they have to buy things themselves instead of the chance of it being the MP but here is the arguement you should point out.
          1. People leave the game when they find out that EC items are not tradeable this is a difficult thing to measure without giving out surveys of players and their experiences but believe me people DO leave because of that.
          2. You need to understand your market theres a reason why some MMO's are successful in NA and not in other country's and vice versa thats because games are structured based on the predominate culture of an given country. So let me remind you. We do NOT like the system of cash shop items not being tradeable in game. Now i understand that you've tested and concluded that by limiting cash shop items to only being acquired by purchasing eggs/ real money the buyer will more often than not purchase more than they usually do which is correct when you're talking about whales however, Overall game health is a bigger issue people leave games when they realize they will NEVER have the same items as someone with a wallet. Now i'm not going to sit here and market this whole game for you unless you're willing to hire me of course but here's something you guys missed.
          When someone sees an AD for this game they might research a little bit like all MMO players do and realize this is a really neat game they might even like the wings a character has or that COOL sword someone was using. Then what happens is they get in game and play for awhile and realize none of those wings are accessable anymore and guess what if you even want any decent looking stuff you're going to have to cough up real $$ obtain them. Now believe me people WANT to spend money on an MMO that's what most of them are for however, when the REQUIREMENT to obtain that item IS to spend $$ it discourages LOTS of players it has a psychological backfire that's been noted by many "successful" NA game companies which is why you NEVER see systems like this in place here in the NA market. Notice i said this only applies to NA specifically because every region has their own culture / things they respond to psychologically . It takes no genius to know that this game has a high turnover rate (meaning people play for awhile then they quit.... forever). Cash shop is a huge issue believe it or not as it discouraged all of my personal friends from playing why? because its the illusion of a P2W game. Don't get me wrong this game is in-fact P2W but it's not specifically built into the cash shop side of the game it simply does not provide any return in the cash you put into it. Jellys are the only sellable good worth selling and even then spending 50$ and spending it in jellys gives you close to nothing. Nobody likes playing a P2W game in NA that's a given. But when you have a system that limits cash shop items as untradeable only if you buy it with real $ that scares new players away completely as its an obvious sign of a p2w game.
          There's many more issues however i don't feel like bringing them up i simply wanted to point out one in particular that i know is elusive to you guys that you might miss ater down your new business plan so thanks and cheers


          • mofi
            mofi commented
            Editing a comment
            I would love to trade EC items to my friends who cannot afford it. In fact... I would love to just GIFT items with EC, at least ...

        • #15

          preface: its super awesome to see a GM so active in the forums and truly listening oto the players, a much refreshing sight indeed!

          ^^^Like boywonders post i will post the other side of the coin which i actually experienced today. It sounds as hes speaking for more of the free to play players, I generally would be what he refers to as a whale someone whom will drop a lot of money for those items.

          Biggest issue i have is how trade limited costumes are like most of the other people on here. Even as a whale this problem is just as grating on me as others. I spent 500$ today on dragon eggs, something in which i dont particularly mind doing for games here and there. I was going for the new full set of Cold costumes. I managed to pulled 11 of these costumes but not a single tail. So i wasnt able to complete my set at all. Now i understand there is rng and all of that and a large portion of it is stuck to gamblers luck even that im okay with. But i woouldnt be nearly as mad at spending that much money if i had the ability to trade someone else who pulled a tail or two but was missing other set pieces for the tail im missing, As it stands now, im out a cosmetic skill, out a ton of stats, out a gear set up etc. All i have are 9 useless items that i cant even server storage trade, sell or trade so they literally are pointless. I have 6 cold mirage decals, SIX of them i can only use 1 if i were able to sell those for gold at least id get something out of them better yet id much prefer to be able to trade a full set of the other 3 items in order to get the item im missing.

          tldr: im a whale, spent 500$ today on eggs, got 11 set pieces among many other decent items, only 2 of which are tradable. I missed out on completing my full cold mirage set because i never got a tail however i got 9 duplicate cold mirage set pieces. Would like a system in place via npc or something that at the very least i could exchange multiple duplicate items i have for a different set piece that im missing of the same set. i.e trade 3 cold mirage pieces for the 1 tail im missing. Or allow all costumes to be tradable via warranty or just originally able to put on marketplace so i could feasibly make a trade for the tail im missing to finish my set,

          example:all of the dead items in my costume tab currently form today id love to sell or trade for the one tail i didnt end up pulling. I got two warranties even so i could trade 2 pieces for one if i could use warrantys to do it! wont mention the 2k jellies gotten that are non tradable as well or other various items.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	dnforums.PNG
Views:	327
Size:	282.1 KB
ID:	48341
          Last edited by siraldric; 01-21-2017, 03:41 AM.


          • mofi
            mofi commented
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            In some other games, this "gacha" issue is fixed by this: When you spend a certain amount, you are guaranteed a certain item, or an item of your choice. For example, if you spend at least 200$ on dragon egg, you are guaranteed whichever item on the list of attainable you want - like the tail. It's a great idea, I think.

          • Revoked
            Revoked commented
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            I know how you feel. I wish I could trade you one of my tails for your wings. I'm currently at 2 necklaces, 2 decals, 3 tails, 0 wings. I've bought probably 500-600 eggs so far and I just got VIP on 4 characters in hopes to get them from daily eggs since they can be transferred via server storage.