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Cut off one head...

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  • Cut off one head...

    ...two more shall take its place.

    It appears ED's mass ban was all for naught, as bots have multiplied so much to the point they can even get ahold of ROB. And this is already the 3rd time in just this month.

  • #2
    wew such a mess


    • #3
      Mass Ban 1.0: Innocent masses got banned
      Mass Ban 2.0: Too cautions, seem like no effect.
      "Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
      - Albert Einstein

      Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry


      • #4
        dey sey ish a hooman nat le bot 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


        • #5
          There was someone who PMed the bringer, which he replied he was not a bot.

          Though, it could be a bot replying that. There, we should withhold judgement.
          Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
          Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
          Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


          • #6
            If you asked me, his IGN is a tad bit too random and messy, almost as if the player doesn't really care about his character.

            But yes, I stand corrected. I suppose there's no surefire way to confirm whether someone's truly bot or not.


            • 12ChopChop
              12ChopChop commented
              Editing a comment
              well we can just ask him some human questions that a bot is not programmed to answer... such as "do we live on earth or mars"

          • #7
            Banning IP's region does not matter, since u can use some programs to change your IP location. ( LOL ) The xincode is so weak, it can't even close the "sandiebox' I use this program to open two clients at the same, when i need to pass things to my seller.

            ED needs to develop an algorithm that blocks the bot hack whenever it starts So Ed needs to devolep a better antihack, one that search through all the process running whenever it starts. It really does not matter if the game is already opened, and they open the hack after. Just add a command line that makes the antihack scan the process every 5 minutes and thats all. I know it's possible. Many games have already done that. C'mon we are in 2018 lol I've been in the world of MMORPG games since i was 7 YO, i saw many games have issues with hacks, i've used a few myself, but in the end, most of the games could block the hack. Ed can't do that either they are too lazy, or they dont want to spend money to a devolop such a antihack. SO... we will just keep watching the boots farming gold, getting the ROB and screw those who need it for a whole week. I might start to use these bots hack too, since its okay to use lol ( irony )


            • BananaCredits
              BananaCredits commented
              Editing a comment
              Oh wow man are you sure you wanted to say things about using multiclient here?

            • Ragnár
              Ragnár commented
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              I'am just saying, hey ED there is some weak spots on ur antihack system. It does not block even sandiebox, a program sooooo basic lol They can either read my post and start to do something, or they can read my post and ban me for doing such a terrible thing, as multiclient. lol C'mon, seriously?

            • Xenocho
              Xenocho commented
              Editing a comment
              Posting this can get you banned. I'm not sure why you feel so proud of this. Goodbye.

          • #8
            Ever wonder why channel 4 is always full , I was able to got thru and looks like a ghost town. bots has evolved now they are now invisible. maybe they are the cause of these annoying lag.


            • #9
              Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-01-26 10-25-24 Fri.jpg
Views:	341
Size:	204.7 KB
ID:	119731Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-01-26 10-25-28 Fri.jpg
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ID:	119732Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-01-26 10-25-33 Fri.jpg
Views:	330
Size:	215.5 KB
ID:	119730Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-01-26 10-27-47 Fri.jpg
Views:	350
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ID:	119733Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-01-26 10-29-49 Fri.jpg
Views:	349
Size:	178.6 KB
ID:	119729

              10.00 AM GMT+8 - FRIDAY - 26 Jan 2018

              Found this at CH1 Saint Haven East Gate. XD

              did they go into the portal to leveling?
              I'm so sick of this fake love ....


              • #10
                All is can say is. Hail Hydra !

