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PETITION to change some of the rewards on Eye Gacha Event

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  • #16
    +1 to this


    • #17
      +1 to this Petition
      *Verifies I'm not a robot*
      Tasha Please Hear Us!


      • #18
        +1 to this we deserve better

        would giving us better makes you feel bitter like come on 1 year with you was tough for you guys and also for us it'll be a win-win situation, many people will be more interested if you change the rewards also you will earn more $$ so thumbs up for this post.


        • #19
          guys check out this post too, BabyKuri dug some good info about the memory box costumes
          The rewards are not compatible with the event title. Magic grade costumes ? Really ED ? What about the new players who solely relies in these kind of events ? I'm


          • #20
            Really +1 for this petition, hope they (ED) change their mind and start thinking about us T_T
            >> Why not helping some player <<
            ~ AlvElaine~
            Discord : ShadouDaisuke#1633


            • #21
              +1 vote from me
              Please let the DN Team hear the players' appeal. Remove the alpaca trash, and put at least epic weapon coupons for the last tiers.


              • #22
                +1 to having different colours for the costume. Like do you seriously want everyone running around with the exact same costume like the Nabob?


                • #23
                  +1 to this..

                  Tasha Dean Nest listen to the players before its too late.


                  • #24
                    +1 to this
                    Please make this "ANNIVERSARY" event worth it. I am still thinking if I should join this event as I'm really not satisfied with the rewards. Tier 10, 11 and 12 should have rings and epic weapon costume instead of converters which we can easily craft It feels unfair to think that its the "ANNIVERSARY" event but the last gacha event have better rewards. In my opinion it should be something special as I have been looking forward to this event since I started playing again.


                    • #25
                      +1 to this

                      I hope this thread will draw attention and will make an impact to the eye gacha event. Thanks for the effort of making this in behalf of us.


                      • #26
                        Previous gacha was way better than this one... Shame to consider this the "long awaited ANNIVERSARY event".


                        • #27
                          I think at lest make it +20 tier 1 L weapons. Also what is this " Revamp of Epic Weapon Coupons should be added too." so far I have coupons and when I try to use it, the weapons costume dose not show any stats any idea why?


                          • atom100
                            atom100 commented
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                            just buy it, the stats will show when it is your inventory, same with sheriff stats. i just bought them when i see your post, i wasn't suppose to use it yet.

                          • Skyros
                            Skyros commented
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                            T1 +20 Calypse is just greedy man. This is why we can't have nice things.

                            Also, if you buy the new Marching Band Weapons, they have the same stats as Sheriff.

                          • Jeugal
                            Jeugal commented
                            Editing a comment
                            T1 +20 Calypse is just downright spoonfeeding

                        • #28
                          +1 to this post, please let us also appreciate and celebrate your anniversary by having rewards that will satisfy the players.


                          • #29
                            +1 I giff my support along with unsang memes.Click image for larger version

Name:	lulmrm1.jpg
Views:	138
Size:	119.7 KB
ID:	145384
                            Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.


                            • #30
                              Or better make the memory box costume epic.

