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My Conspiracy Theory

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  • My Conspiracy Theory

    Hi.. everyone, i want to share my opinion and my therory about skill balancing in this game.
    have you ever felt? like... skill balancing is never balace in this game? like some of class is strong and some are not that strong. then its keep changing buat its never balance. why its dat happen?

    so this is my theory.

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    i think that, they do that on purpose. why..? its cz they want u to buy "class change" item in the cash shop. if u want to have a "tier 1 DPS class" u've to change your job now. then after that. they'll change the DPS tier again and again. So "class change" item will be used more and more and more. Cz it's profit for them, That why it's never be balance.

    ok lets calm down now.
    first of all, i dont have any problem about skill balancing in this game, i just want to share my theory, so no need to take it to seriously and i'd love to hear your opinion as well. I know its not that easy to make all class balance, and also i do know that there is job roll (its ryt to call job roll?) like there is healer, tank, debuffer, and DPS. So my main point is on DPS class.

    and also, from the developer korea notes, (source : Devinitor Blog) they said it will be good class balancing first half of the next year. So its good to hear.

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    So what you guys think about class balancing?

  • #2
    Are you new to Dragon Nest in general? It's not unheard of that they boost weak classes to be extremely strong, which occurs in "cycles." Meanwhile some classes which are popular tend to remain strong which ensures that players continue to invest in said character.

    They have been doing this for years and there's nothing players can do about it.

    While I wouldn't outright claim that they are doing this for profit, this actually is a good way to profit from a business POV. Given that they are a free-to-play game, they will need to generate their revenue somehow. By boosting weak classes, players get to explore those classes again, while the company gains from cash shop purchases and other forms of investment in said character. It is a win-win situation in that sense.

    It sucks when your character begins its "waiting cycle" to be boosted again, which can be said of some of the classes now (DA, Crusader, Engineers, just to name a few). But again, nothing to do about it except wait and/or play other strong meta classes. However, the situation now seems better with "most" of the classes being near each other in DPS potential; so, it is safe to say that many of them are somewhat balanced now.
    Last edited by Xenocho; 01-05-2019, 02:08 AM.
    Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
    Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
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    • #3
      Its never ending cycle xD

      I Wish they actually looked at our suggestions & bug reports
      or let some people from some server to able to contact devs

      Flurry is being nerfed finally or atleast some huge revamp to it
      ML was nerfed previously and might have more nerfs on way
      Only thing they have to do is boost classes which are in very bad state

      and sorry for meme
      Follow my Page for Latest Info on DN and Datamine info


      • Rizqi Aditya
        Rizqi Aditya commented
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        agreed. unpopular class need to be noticed as well.

    • #4
      The Developer promised to "Balance All Class", just like Thanos.. not half of them, but all
      at least theres progress to achieve that objective, unlike some MMO that only give empty promises lol


      • #5
        It would be nearly impossible to achieve absolute balance, considering that there are way too many factors to account for. IMO, these kind of "balance cycle" is a reflection of public popularity and views of each classes. On last year, Devs had analyzed and released the number of classes used in raids/nests, which the data is most probably used in class balancing. So yeah, they are trying to close the gap and reduce the class popularity polarity by nerfing OP classes, and boost weak/less known classes. In a way, they generate incomes for their F2P games, and in a way balancing the game. So yes, your conspiracy theory is correct.

        About how well DN Devs do the balancing, see by yourself.
        "Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
        - Albert Einstein

        Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry


        • #6
          If that's your thinking how about spinoff who haven't seen the light for a while? They can't CJ.


          • Xenocho
            Xenocho commented
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            Spinoffs are one off. Because they cannot change class, players whom wish to invest in it because it is strong will definitely need start a new character; this means restarting all investment again and this equals more spending in cash shop or gold etc

        • #7
          the bandwagon squads coming..............
          Meme is a thing........ Ugly meme is another thing.....


          • #8
            wow conspiracy

