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Automatic Detection and Manual Kicking Players

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  • Automatic Detection and Manual Kicking Players

    Hi another feature request!

    This is most problematic especially when you are clearing NESTS/Dungeons most of the time.

    PROBLEM: Some players either purposely AFK or not contributing to the gameplay in NESTS/DUNGEONS Only.

    Thus I've come out a fair solution to this problem.

    1. If player has been AFK/Not Contributing for a brief period of time(5 Mins), System WILL AUTO Disconnect them.
    2. If player consecutively repeat the offense within a day, system WILL STILL AUTO Disconnect them. However the difference is that the AFK timing to disconnect them has change(3 Mins).

    Also, the system will record the player ACCOUNT ID not IGN(Because they can repeat on other characters) the amount of times that account has repeated. If it exceeded more than 3 times, the whole account can't play any Nests/Dungeons within that particular day.

    1. The players in the party can vote how many in favor to kick that player who is AFK/Not Contributing OUT!
    However, I know some will be concern as in to abuse the system.
    (Example: Friends/Guilds who are close to each other and gang up and VOTE to "Sabotage" the player).

    So, to prevent abuse, if they MANUALLY VOTE, The AUTOMATIC DETECTION RULES in place checks for:
    1. Player is AFK
    2. Player is NOT CONTRIBUTING to the RUNS
    Thus if any of the conditions are not met, the system will DENY the requests of the PARTY members voting.

    Let's say if the party managed to MANUALLY KICK the player out:
    The player will receive a warning FIRST like:
    "Your party members has voted for you to be kicked out. REASON: Not Contributing"
    "Your party members has voted for you to be kicked out. REASON: Away"

    If is a SECOND time, the system will THEN KICK out the PLAYER.

    I know that some may feel that the system is unfair for those who these issues.

    1. If the player has an unusual or high PING/Latency the system will NOTE it.

    Even though the player moves the character. Sometimes in the OTHER PARTY members view, the player is still looked like AFK.

    So if the Party Decides to VOTE, a message will be throw back to the them saying:

    "The player is having a high or unusual latency issue"

    Thus, giving the PARTY MEMBERS a second thought first.


    I know some players REGRET the action they do, so after a MAYBE around 1hr. They can try to join a PARTY again.

    The difference is that if they join a party, there is a penalty:
    1. Lower EXP for the player
    2. ATK Power is lower

    Also if the player attempted to join a PARTY the PARTY LEADER will receive a warning first:
    "This player has been FLAGGED as AFK or Didn't contribute to dungeon/nests runs. Do you still wish to ACCEPT?"

    Thus, that PARTY LEADER can reject his PARTY INVITATION.

    So that's all I think and Sorry for my poor grammar.

    Any more ideas/feedback to add feel free to do so =)

    Thank you for reading if you managed to read all!
    Last edited by Gaming_Boy; 08-29-2017, 01:24 PM. Reason: Edited to make the system works for DUNGEONS/NESTS Only
    ~ Midnight Environment == PEACEFUL ~
    ~ Afternoon Environment ==
    ROWDY ~
    How I wish the world has a balance between the two!
    Oh wait... What is balance???

  • #2
    I am not sure about this, but as far as I know DUNGEONS & NESTS are using different ports & IP addresses from town's IP address.
    This might result to severe disconnections among servers and possibly may cause some server connection difficulties (in long term).
    Just to remind you most of SEA Players got problem with server stability (esp on PH), and you will suggest auto disconnections for AFK players.
    It sounds good to me, but in my opinion, this is a really bad idea especially the penalty part & the system message part.
    Nice idea by the way~ You might kill the devs for the codes they will put into this case. HAHA
    Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gaming_Boy View Post
      Hi another feature request!

      This is most problematic especially when you are clearing NESTS/Dungeons most of the time.

      PROBLEM: Some players either purposely AFK or not contributing to the gameplay.

      Thus I've come out a fair solution to this problem.
      1. If player has been AFK/Not Contributing for a brief period of time(5 Mins), System WILL AUTO Disconnect them.
      2. If player consecutively repeat the offense within a day, system WILL STILL AUTO Disconnect them. However the difference is that the AFK timing to disconnect them has change(3 Mins).

      Also, the system will record the player ACCOUNT ID not IGN(Because they can repeat on other characters) the amount of times that account has repeated. If it exceeded more than 3 times, the whole account can't play any Nests/Dungeons within that particular day.
      Greeting , you made big topic about some issues . I read carefully all.
      I agree with all the other first part i disagree .What town players do to you ? More of them are sellers , not even afk .

      And that part is out of logic - If it exceeded more than 3 times, the whole account can't play any Nests/Dungeons within that particular day
      So they stay on town even more? Not able enter to Dungeons/Nests?

      I run more of time while i playing and DC really rare.Even while in Nest less happen. Mostly DC of errors or my network suddenly stop ( happen but so rare) . So your ISSUE is poor network .
      AFK players and people in town don`t have a fault so please don`t judge them.
      You better change your internet provider.

      Thank you .


      • #4
        Greetings all, Thank you for your replies.

        Reply to Nimmienaticz:
        Now when I read that "
        You might kill the devs for the codes they will put into this case".
        Now when I think about it, Yes maybe it is too hard to implement =)
        Maybe I will one day simplify the system and rethink about it.

        Thank you for reading and providing your feedback.

        Reply to hellokitty:
        First off, sorry if the post looked like I am judging people. It was not meant to be in a negative way.

        Sorry if I made it looked misleading in my title(Now I understand it read like it applies to Town too). However, the
        AUTOMATIC SYSTEM does not apply to Town only to Nests/Dungeons.
        I understand it is also ridiculous to put in place in Town whereby AFK does not have any hindrance to the gameplay of other players.

        Also, "
        If it exceeded more than 3 times, the whole account can't play any Nests/Dungeons within that particular day." This penalty I will remove this idea too since it is a bit too harsh.

        Thank you for reading and providing your feedback.

        ~ Midnight Environment == PEACEFUL ~
        ~ Afternoon Environment ==
        ROWDY ~
        How I wish the world has a balance between the two!
        Oh wait... What is balance???


        • #5
          Originally posted by hellokitty View Post

          I So your ISSUE is poor network .
          AFK players and people in town don`t have a fault so please don`t judge them.
          You better change your internet provider.


          He did not said anything about himself being one of the people who has poor connectivity
          "AFK players and 'people' in town don't have a fault" so there are real live persons, literally humans inside the game? nice way of interpreting that weirdness in the game.

          players who are afk inside the game does not share a dime of lagging other players when they dont see each other in town, but it is still affected by the latency of everyone's internet connection, if a player approached an area inside the town in a channel full of players, if its crowded the player then loads up all the character info of those players, resulting in download of data from the game server to the player's computer, this is from "ingame" performances, which means it will only send information from the server, to all the player's game, this affects their internet connectivity at some point if its poor connection.

          dont assume that AFK players does not have a fault here just because you are one of them, lol


          • #6
            Originally posted by CLYMAX View Post

            He did not said anything about himself being one of the people who has poor connectivity
            "AFK players and 'people' in town don't have a fault" so there are real live persons, literally humans inside the game? nice way of interpreting that weirdness in the game.

            players who are afk inside the game does not share a dime of lagging other players when they dont see each other in town, but it is still affected by the latency of everyone's internet connection, if a player approached an area inside the town in a channel full of players, if its crowded the player then loads up all the character info of those players, resulting in download of data from the game server to the player's computer, this is from "ingame" performances, which means it will only send information from the server, to all the player's game, this affects their internet connectivity at some point if its poor connection.

            dont assume that AFK players does not have a fault here just because you are one of them, lol
            Greetings .

            He do mention it he keep DC when he run nests , but later he edit his topic. Don`t please judge my comment as you not see the original post before.

            "so there are real live persons, literally humans inside the game?" - What can they be a robots? Of course they humans . This an online game and is normal there have other people.

            Do you think so? i`m one of AFK players?
            No , sorry for dissapointed you but i`m not one of afk players . I have good connection and yes town when crowed ,
            loading a little .

            Mostly time when i`m on ,
            i`m on field or leveling new character.

            Don`t easily said what other people do when you don`t know them.

            Don`t put blame on others or put them a label is bad . I suggest you change ( edit ) your words about me
            or i will take it as personal insult or racism/discrimination.

            Thank you!
            Last edited by hellokitty; 08-30-2017, 04:27 AM.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Gaming_Boy View Post

              Also, the system will record the player ACCOUNT ID not IGN(Because they can repeat on other characters) the amount of times that account has repeated. If it exceeded more than 3 times, the whole account can't play any Nests/Dungeons within that particular day.

              Don't you find it a little bit ( read too much) harsh? For example, I go nest solo in party mode (maybe not so solo - 2nd acc/afking friend) but for some reason I afk (since I'm alone I can afk as much and as often I need ). And than what - I can't go any nest on any char?

              Originally posted by Gaming_Boy View Post
              MANUAL RULES
              1. The players in the party can vote how many in favor to kick that player who is AFK/Not Contributing OUT!
              However, I know some will be concern as in to abuse the system.
              (Example: Friends/Guilds who are close to each other and gang up and VOTE to "Sabotage" the player).

              So, to prevent abuse, if they MANUALLY VOTE, The AUTOMATIC DETECTION RULES in place checks for:
              1. Player is AFK
              2. Player is NOT CONTRIBUTING to the RUNS
              Thus if any of the conditions are not met, the system will DENY the requests of the PARTY members voting.
              I don't understand why you keep insisting on making this option automatic when you accept guilds' and friends' parties existence? And why for to vote if no matter how you vote system will deny the vote? Why it make automatic in the first place? I would prefer to have this kicking off feature optional which PL can enable/disable anytime.

              I understand that this feature is useful for pubs (hm, less people=> less loot, isn't it?) but if it is close friends/guildmates/2nd acc piloting run such autokick will be an unfair disaster! I don't know the situation in pubs since I don't go with them but I believe that everyone has right to put real life circumstances on higher priority than DN. And again I don't know the situation in pubs, still I agree that some people do afk by purpose and don't respect others' party members time. But if it is friends run I personally (and my friends) don't see any problems with giving to someone time (s)he needs, until (s)he is autokicked no matter me and others voting for member to stay.

              So my suggestion is to make this feature optional

              P.S. Where all svc clients? This suggestion is the svc killer
              "Work hard if you want to live"
              — Argenta
              "Luckily you have me... We can go all dungeons if you want "
              — Comrade


              • #8
                Originally posted by Velerlis View Post
                - snip -

                P.S. Where all svc clients? This suggestion is the svc killer
                You nailed it. You honestly nailed it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
                It is fun to do Service Runs. (w/ or w/out pay are both fun as long as they don't cross to much on the line, i mean "abuse")
                Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.


                • #9
                  Heya fellas, resident Game Design intern here. I'm from Planet Ludens-Erde 6 where every citizen plays games as a form of employment. Don't ask where we get our games tho! Haha.

                  I notice your lack of knowledge to the quote button, but hey. Allow me to cancel out my own derailing tendencies, and let's get right into it!
                  Disclaimer: Can't be bothered reading the other posts.

                  First up:

                  Originally posted by Gaming_Boy View Post
                  PROBLEM: Some players either purposely AFK or not contributing to the gameplay in NESTS/DUNGEONS Only.
                  There exists a system where, as the party leader, you can kick players with an "Away" status with a press of a button.

                  Originally posted by Gaming_Boy View Post

                  1. If player has been AFK/Not Contributing for a brief period of time(5 Mins), System WILL AUTO Disconnect them.
                  2. If player consecutively repeat the offense within a day, system WILL STILL AUTO Disconnect them. However the difference is that the AFK timing to disconnect them has change(3 Mins).
                  Boosting has been a part of the MMO culture. There's no denying that due to how apparent and widespread this activity is. There's essentially nothing wrong with that, and what gets wasted is the booster's time and effort unless an equivalent exchange is established.
                  Additionally, ED has to develop a new code from scratch that records every player movement from start to finish. It'll take time and money, but imo it's nowhere near cost effective if they DID implement this system as it still requires a ton of manual labor, which gives a set of expectations to publishers like hiring more GMs, buying more drives to archive all player action data for at least a month (which won't matter if you're a multi-million dollar company like Blizzard). It looks good for players, but not to publishers.

                  "Not contributing" becomes subjective, thanks to boosting. And with that, context is now involved when it comes to player behavior.

                  Originally posted by Gaming_Boy View Post
                  MANUAL RULES
                  1. The players in the party can vote how many in favor to kick that player who is AFK/Not Contributing OUT!
                  However, I know some will be concern as in to abuse the system.
                  (Example: Friends/Guilds who are close to each other and gang up and VOTE to "Sabotage" the player).
                  A democratic vote a la CS:GO. But when will the vote take place? Mid-battle? After everyone is dead? After a battle is finished? Due to the complicated nature of every Nest mechanics especially Dragon Raids, I highly doubt this one will last.

                  If I were the suspect, I would AFK in many ways: Make a contribution at first and then go AFK afterwards but still comply with the mechs, initially contribute but mess with the mechs, or not move at all from the beginning of the map. All of them would incite drama, and this democratic method will only add more noise than silence in the community given its highly subjective nature, plus the last way is easily solved by pressing the Kick button once the "Away" status kicks in.

                  Player still moving but is still AFK'ing? The line now blurs, thanks to context. With the automated system in place, the system will indiscriminately flag anyone "not contributing" enough. That alone affects everyone, as gold farming opportunities like Boosting services will be heavily discouraged with it.

                  So what if drama ensues? Well... Wouldn't that be discouraging to new players if they see the community constantly on fire? I thought this game is for everyone. Not everyone knows about popcorn nor are interested in seeing drama. You'd know the community is so bad if people have to silence World Chat messages entirely.

                  Originally posted by Gaming_Boy View Post
                  So, to prevent abuse, if they MANUALLY VOTE, The AUTOMATIC DETECTION RULES in place checks for:
                  1. Player is AFK
                  2. Player is NOT CONTRIBUTING to the RUNS
                  Context. Pass.

                  Originally posted by Gaming_Boy View Post

                  ///The entire penalty system///
                  Overkill af. It would tickle the whales, but will cripple the ones at the lower echelon. Why would a lowly player even bother griefing in dungeons, let alone be accepted in Nests and Dragon raids for being underqualified (according to Party/Raid leader's requirements)?
                  Leave all sanctions to the GMs and Moderators once the Monitoring code is in place, if ever. They know how to properly judge one's sins more than machines.

                  I'm supposed to joke on this one at first, but the bad design decisions here are too hard to ignore.
                  Last edited by box; 08-30-2017, 07:51 AM. Reason: idk my name jeff and my captcha says Calle Budget

                  Join us at the (unofficial) DN SEA Discord Server:

                  [We have GM Ares now for some reason]

                  Discord: お尻魔法使い#0001 (subject to change so have my ID: 208782729565700107)


                  • #10
                    Nice suggestion , but you think ed will honestly code a system like this?
                    what makes you think this will even be implemented when simple things such as bug fixes is already so darn hard or takes so long to get fixed.

                    They appeared, gleaming and victorious. Our Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds,the ceremonial Naga drums. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. They were not stoic and silent. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.
                    When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by divine blades.The drums,the Empire, fell silent forever.


                    • Velerlis
                      Velerlis commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Shhh, this forum thread is for players to ask not to receive. But it is a secret, so shhh c: