I. Introduction
II. Skill build
III. Gameplay
IV. Gear
V. Other useful readings
VI. Acknowledgements
About me:
Hello everyone, this is zArAthena. Flurry is my favorite class. I main her ever since cap 80 when she get released in DN SEA, and still main her now. With her, I have a lot happy time while conquer RDN HC, IDN HC, and RuDN HC.
I am writing this guide to help flurry community. To help flurry player know and play there class better. To introduce and show DN players from other class what flurry are and what she can capable of. This topic also serve as discussing place for flurry community, if you have any information want to share, any question want to ask, feel free to post it here.
You can also reach me ingame through mail/pm to IGN: zArAthena. Server: HW/SW.
Thank you, hope this guide can help you somehow.
I. Introduction
Flurry is a melee DPS class, very agile and good damage dealer, in fact he is top tier DPS class now. Flurry is good all-around DPS class, she is strong is almost all situation, be it large boss or small boss, agile boss or slow boss. Her party buff (share with Sting breezer) is Harmonize which increase 15% movement and attack speed. Many people will love this buff.
Currently, Flurry is top tier DPS class, the same tier as: ML, BP, SS,... The awakening fix many of her problems and make her quite a great class to play.
She is quite easy to play now and newbie friendly. However to reach full DPS potential is still hard. Her playstyle resolve around using various skills to trigger [Vulnerable] debuff and use Spinning skewer whenever you see [Vulnerable] appear. Flurry has two main DPS skill: Rough Sweep (Instant) and Spinning skewer. How well flurry DPS is depend on how well you can use these two skills:
- Spinning skewer: must use every time you see [Vulnerable] appear, do not miss. If [Vulnerable] appear when deep pirece are available, you should use DP > Skewer, if DP on cd, you can just use skewer alone.
- Rough Sweep: deal tremendous damage and easy to trigger [Vulnerable]. You should control the movement patch well to always hit the boss, especially for final hit. You should never early end the movement with left click unless in some rare situation (the boss die soon, or enter iframe status soon).
- Rough Sweep Instant: always check Rushing blade cd and use RS Inst every time it off cd. Normally you will use combo RS -> RS Instant. However, because Rushing blade have much lower cd compare to Rough Sweep ( 10.5s vs 18s), you will need to squeeze out some RS Inst alone.
Key awakening points:
Here are key points about flurry awakening.
- 2 new active skill. They are not main dps skill, but still good to have. Evil punisher should cast before boss appear. Bifrost can use as filter skill when main skill on cd.
- [Awakening] Hornet tough: key change for flurry. Now we can get bubble much faster. Which mean we can use Skewer and Deep Pierce more. You should plate this with cd, and use it everytime it off cd.
- [Awakening] Scar maker: increase attack power (10% > 15%), buff duration, and range. Very nice skill to have.
- [Awakening] Spinning cut: not important because Spinning cut now is only filter skill. But still nice to have.
- [Awakening] Headbutt: useless and it even make you more trouble when want pushing stuff with headbutt. Don't learn.
Overall, flurry get nice awakening. Aside from [Awakening] Headbutt, others awakening skills are useful.
II. Skill build

Flurry awakening pretty tight on SP. My skill build mostly for PvE, especially for raid. If you need more SP for whatever purpose, you can lower 2 point from stab crew, 2 point or more from spinning swing.
Skill Explanations:
Lancea tree:
Get all utility skills: Counter spin, Flee, Aerial Evasion, Harmonize, Hornet touch, Swoop, max Physical Mastery, mental mastery and mind conquer.
Deep pierce is the skill for CM3, its damage on [Vulnerable] target is good now, and even better after the boost on next patch (Slayer patch). So need leveling it as much as possible.
After learn CM3, Deep Pierce
increase damage (x700%) and range.
At max level (lv 27), Deep Pierce board is 405%, so it will be 405*7 = 2835%
- When hit [Vulnerable] target, Deep Pierce dmg will triple and do not make [Vulnerable] disappear, so we can follow up by spinning skewer.
Deep Pierce on [Vulnerable] target have board 2835 * 3 = 8505%.
Combo Deep Pierce + Skewer on [Vulnerable] target will deal 8505% + 7950% = 16455%.
After learn CM3. Deep Pierce will change to 4 hits. 3 small hits have coef of 1 each. Last hit have coef 5. Make it Coef total for Deep Piece CM3 is 8. On [Vulnerable] target coef will become: 8 * 3 = 24.
Piercer tree:
Flurry route:
Shutter Bounce (Ex)
This skill gives 20% damage debuff (10s duration), So use it at the beginning of your combo. It also has decent damage (2219%) and low cd. If in your party already have other class with the same debuff type. You can ignore this skill, and priority other higher dps skill.
Stab Screw (Ex)
This skill gives -20% crit resist (15s duration), so use it at the beginning of dps combo as well. This skill hits multiple times, one of your main skills to trigger vulnerable status. The damage is good for a spammable skill (3306%)
Lollipop Chups
Similar to stab screw, this skill have good damage, many hits, and spammable. Good skill to trigger vulnerable status.
Has a short i-frame at the beginning of casting.
Spinning Swing
This skill is very strong by itself (8840%) and excellent at triggering vulnerable status. To maximize damage, left click 4 times then right click. However, total casting time is too long. So this skill become less priority in skill rotation.
Action speed plate for this skill is a MUST.
Fling Sky (Flurry's Ulti)
Not only induce Vulnerable status for 2.5 seconds (100%), this ulti actually quite strong now (10799%). Target get hit by this skill also get -5% def debuff.
Always follow up this skill by spinning skewer.
Spinning cut (Ex).
There is a huge change to this skill. And it become our main DPS skill.
Must get + 2 (level up plate + ring skill) and plate dmg/cd for this.
When using Spinning cut, it will charge through 3 stage, skill will release when you right click.
Stage 1: 1 hit 5384%
Stage 2: 2 hits 5384%
Stage 3: 3 hits 3589%. This happen if you not right click after 3s.
However the best part about Spinning cut is Enhanced Spinning Cut. It will deal double damage of stage 2. It has 2 hits, each hit is 10768%. Total board for Enhanced SC is 21536%, which pretty insane.
Be careful that Enhanced SC is not stage 2 charging. To get Enhanced SC you need right click at the right moment.
This is normal stage 2 right click. You will se a green slash.
This is Powered SC. You will see a red black slash.
Notice the dmg in 2 case. Normal Stage 2 right click is 14726246. Powered SC is 29452492, double the dmg of Stage 2 right click.
How to get that Enhance Spinning cut?
To get this skill, you need right click at the right moment. This is when the charging change from stage 1 to stage 2. It about 1.2s from when pressing the skill key. The time window for Enhance SC only 0.13s (credit to fourrier)
These are 3 ways to timing for this. Each have their own advantage and disadvantage. You can choose whatever method you comfortable with.
- Skill sound: good point is you can focus on boss and battle. But in some rare case, skill sound is not happen, and maybe hard to use in chaos situation.
- Skill animation: seeing the cross glowing. Less focus on boss like the sound way, but you still can watch both boss and skill at the same time. May hard to see in party/raid when many skill casting.
- Skill cd bar: this way depend on cd number on skill bar to right click. I find this way most accurate and easy to watch. But this way also have some fatal drawbacks. When focus on skill bar, you will less focus on boss, which is dangerous on hard raid/nest. And the timing will change a lot when have change in speed buff and cd skill reduction (mana flow, iron will stone speed buff,...)
Utility skills:
Erratic power.
This skill give 20% FD and 10% attack/movement speed buff
With EP on, if you use any Piercer skill, you will get 1 energy. When you reach 20 energy, Spinning Skewer become Enhanced Spinning Skewer -ESS(yellow icon). ESS will have the same damage as Spinning skewer on [Vulnerable], but do not require [Vulnerable]. So you can use ESS even on non-[Vulnerable] target. Moreover, any target get hit by ESS will get [Vulnerable] debuff (100%). So you can use Spinning Skewer one more time.
In short, when you see Energy reach 20 and your Spinning Skewer become ESS, just press the Spinning Skewer button 2 times.
Note: successful block by Hornet touch will gain 5 Energy.
Scar maker.
Create a red circle area. Step inside the circle will give 5s a buff which increase 10% attack. The buff will refresh itself when you stay inside the circle. The red circle has 15s duration. This skill have 5s cd, which make it permanent buff.
Always use DPS skill under scar maker buff. Try stay inside the red circle. If for whatever reason you move out, remember to move back inside the red circle or create a new red circle before use any DPS skill.
Will maker.
Similar mechanics like scar maker but for defensive purpose. It gives 30% damage reduction buff and heal heal a bit if you stand inside its AOE.
Must have. Good for mobility. You can either left or right click while using this skill, but most of the time we use right click for the leap. Can consider max it for less cd.
This skill can be fast triggered by tumble + spacebar. Personally, I use this skill by pressing: W > Shift > Spacebar > right click.
Rushing blade:
Max it to reduce cd for Rough sweep Ins.
SB route:
Serve as utility skill
Go down to fling fling. We need:
Hovering blade: still a good skill to trigger vulnerable status. But not important now.
Piercing spike: good for air time (to dodge stomp)
Fling fling: good for mobility. This skill can be use by pressing W + Shift while in the air.
TIP: you can combo Flag + fling fling to make a very long distance move: W > Shift > Spacebar > right click > Shift.
Flurry tree:
Max everything.
Spinning skewer:
This skill is flurry main DPS skill. So pay attention to it.
[Vulnerable] status/debuff: Spinning skewer will increase 2500% more damage (become 7950%) when hit target with [Vulnerable] status. Target under [Vulnerable] also get -5% defense debuff.
How to make target [Vulnerable]?
Hitting target by using any skill, you will have 5% chance to make that target [Vulnerable]. Notice that this 5% is per hit, so if you use multi-hit skill, you will have higher change to get [Vulnerable]. Moreover, anyskill will do, even lancea tree (deep pierce, headbutt, ...) or SB side skill (Hovering blade, Piercing Spike,...) can trigger [Vulnerable]
Good skill to get [Vulnerable]: Rough sweep, lolipop chups, stab screw, spinning swing.
Moreover, Fling sky and Enhanced Spinning Skewer (see below for more detail) will induce [Vulnerable] at 100% rate. So be ready to use Spinning skewer after using these two skills.
Enhanced Spinning Skewer. When energy reach 20, Spinning Skewer become Enhanced Spinning Skewer -ESS(yellow icon). ESS will have the same damage as Spinning skewer on [Vulnerable], but do not require [Vulnerable]. So you can use ESS even on non-[Vulnerable] target. Moreover, any target get hit by ESS will get [Vulnerable] debuff (100%). So you can use Spinning Skewer one more time. ESS do not share cd with SS
- Can get +1 neck for this skill.
- Can get +1 Skill Up plate
- Must have +dmg plate.
Rough Sweep:
This skill has good damage (8864%) and many hits to trigger weak points. Depend on situation, you can left click to trigger the final hits earlier (weaker than automatic trigger).
Rough Sweep Ins:
Damge is strong now (8284%). No long share cd with Ex version and with Rushing blade only has 10.5s cd at max level, we can spam RS Ins a lot.
- Can get +1 neck for this skill.
- Must have +dmg plate.
Flurry dps skill summary
III. Gameplay
On buff: harmonize, EP before battle
Open Scar maker before combo
Use Evil punisher.
Main combo: Shutter bounce (cancel after first hit)>Hornet touch (left click)> > (Enhanced) SC > Rough sweep Inst> Rough sweep> Filter skill (Lollipop chups,stab screw, Bi frost).
And use skewer when Vulnerability proc. Use Spinning swing when all above skill on cd.
Some note:
--Shutter bounce casting time is quite long and you may get hit while casting it. The debuff will apply after the first hit. You can immediately use skewer or hornet touch right after the first hit to cancel the rest animation and still apply debuff on boss. Can ignore this skill totally in nest and raid, because may have other class apply the same debuff.
-When Energy reach 20, press the button for Spinning Skewer 2 times, to use ESS > SS.
- Both Hornet touch and Spinning skewer can cancel any other skill on ground.
- Hornet touch (left click): just spam it everyone time it off cd. It give decent dmg 5 precious bubble
- Use Bifrost on [Vulnerable] give more dmg but not much, so can use Bifrost on non- [Vulnerable] target as you see fit .
IV. Gear
Key stat information for Flurry
Note: unlike other stat Crit damage based on your level, not monster. So if you want max crit dmg in Rune Dragon Nest HC, you will need 1,348,924)
General gear guideline:
- You should have enough hp to survive your content.
- As a str class, you need stack str as high as possible.
- Crit is important, however for now, it quite hard for casual to reach crit cap.
- Ele is good to invest when you use ECJ (which all decent gear flury should)
- FD and CTD come last.
Weapon and armor:
95L > RuDN L > 95 Unique> 95 Epic.
- The best gear now is 95L (Hero Calypse or Slayer). Noted that Hero Calypse can upgrade to tier 2, but no info about Slayer yet.
- Rune Legend set is still strong and can upgrade to Hero Caypse which don't cost much if your Rune item already at +12. Another strong point about Rune Legend set is that it can use server storage to transfer to another char in the same acc.
- 95 Unique gear (Hero Medea) can upgrade to tier 2 now. It strong and affordable for average player.
- For newbie/beginner, you can use 95 Epic (Hero Neris) which widely available and cheap.
Note: DO NOT use RDN L or IDN L Set anymore, it is obsolete already. I fail to understand why people still buy IDN HC svc, craft and enhance. These gear and weak and expensive, not worth the cost.
At cap 95, your gear can be upgrade from begin till end gear. New player can start with Epic 95 set. Enhance it to +20. Convert to Hero Medea Tier 1, then Medea tier 2. You also can convert + 20 Medea Tier 2 to +0 Hero Calypse Tier 1 and then Hero Calypse Tier 2 later on ( Future content). Enhancement cost for Hero Calypse is not much, you only need to farm material. In short, even if you are not rich, you can get end game gear by farming diligent.
- Best for now is (Refined) Genesis neck.
- More affordable option is skill neck Spinning Skewer + 1, max str type.
- Rune L neck STR is good too.
There are some options:
- (Refine) Genesis earring: very expensive. Good for people who lack FD and crit damage.
- Abyss earring: good overall
- Unique skill earring (+1 Spinning cut): cheap and powerful. Best choice if you can get ESC almost 100% and your Spinning cut have high % on skill detail of DPS meter.
- Another option can be Rune L earring with STR type.
- Best is dual (Refined) Genesis ring.
- Alternative option is dual skill ring: Spinning cut +1 and Rough sweep +1.
- Rune L ring with patk type is good also
Enhancement Plates:
- Must have 5 plates for maximize dps: Bear, Destruction, Fatal, Wind, Ultimate
- Choose the rest 3 plates from this 4: Health, Life, Iron wall, Tent.
- If you have 3 slot plate extension, can consider more option: Attack, Limitation, concentration.
3rd stat plate: there are 4 option: FD, crit, STR, PATK.
- FD is the best for those who can afford.
- Crit. So crit plate is also a good option in case you lack crit.
- CTD. Also good, but it quite expensive. Usually not worth the cost
- Usually debate is we should invest in STR or PATK to increse our damage. In cap 95, it become 1k STR vs 2700 PATK. 2700 PATK easily win even though 1k STR provide some CTD. So in most case I recommend people use 3rd stat PATK.
Skill Plates:
- Spinning Cut dmg/cd. Theoretically, cd plate offer higher dps, but it require using every time Spinning cut off cd. So in practice dmg plate may better. But if you are FD flurry, cd plate is the only choice due to diminishing return.
- Rough Sweep dmg.
- Spining Skewer dmg.
- Spinning Swing Action speed.
Talisman: pretty much the same with enhancement Plate
2nd Talisman:
- FD: Rare talisman 95 2nd FD provide a lot FD, however it is super rare.
- STR: best choice for most case.
- PATK: worse than STR. However, it is much cheaper. You can consider use it if STR is out of budget.
Depend on your gear, your jade choice be will different. With 95 gear, jade choice should be:
Defense jade:
Best choice obviously is L jade. However it is too rare and expensive. More realistic choice is Unique jade
- Helm: Variant jade
- Upper, lower, glove shoes: 95 Unique jade. There are 3 version: HP, CTD, PATK/MATK. Choose which suit your purpose. PATK/MATK give highest PATK. However, if you lack hp, can choose hp version. In a similar manner, can opt to use CTD version if you lack CTD.
Attack jade:
Once again, best is L jade. More realistic is Unique.
- Main weap: Use Unique ECJ 95. There are many version. You should only choose -15% ele + 1.5% atk or -13.5% ele. Additional stat can be 8300 atk or 4100 STR.
Can use 90L ECJ or 95 Epic ECJ too.
- Sub weap: Use Unique Attack jade 95. You can choose either 8.5% ele or 8.5% patk version. 90L ele jade also good.
95 Epic jade or 93 +15 epic jade also good option in case you cannot afford 95 Unique yet.
V. Other useful readings
1/ Detailed flurry skill coefs:
2/ Cap 90 gear:
VI. Acknowledgements
Special thanks to:
- fourrier
- Sieg - Freedom
- Revertible
- Fieree
Change log:
- 1/12/2015: replace 2 skill board damage table. Add some minor detail at Flurry tree and skill plate choice, mirror correct skill rotation.
- 3/12/2015: added Dark ECJ vs Pure Patk, in the following post.
- 29/1/2016: updated gear section and Dark ECJ vs Pure Patk section in the following post
- 12/06/2016: update with Flurry revamp.
- 30/09/2016: update skill build and item choice to cap 93.
- 26/05/2017: add about me, update some skill explain, skill build and newer gear in late cap 93
- 08/09/2017: change skill build to cap 95
I. Introduction
II. Skill build
III. Gameplay
IV. Gear
V. Other useful readings
VI. Acknowledgements
About me:
Hello everyone, this is zArAthena. Flurry is my favorite class. I main her ever since cap 80 when she get released in DN SEA, and still main her now. With her, I have a lot happy time while conquer RDN HC, IDN HC, and RuDN HC.
I am writing this guide to help flurry community. To help flurry player know and play there class better. To introduce and show DN players from other class what flurry are and what she can capable of. This topic also serve as discussing place for flurry community, if you have any information want to share, any question want to ask, feel free to post it here.
You can also reach me ingame through mail/pm to IGN: zArAthena. Server: HW/SW.
Thank you, hope this guide can help you somehow.

I. Introduction
Flurry is a melee DPS class, very agile and good damage dealer, in fact he is top tier DPS class now. Flurry is good all-around DPS class, she is strong is almost all situation, be it large boss or small boss, agile boss or slow boss. Her party buff (share with Sting breezer) is Harmonize which increase 15% movement and attack speed. Many people will love this buff.
Currently, Flurry is top tier DPS class, the same tier as: ML, BP, SS,... The awakening fix many of her problems and make her quite a great class to play.
She is quite easy to play now and newbie friendly. However to reach full DPS potential is still hard. Her playstyle resolve around using various skills to trigger [Vulnerable] debuff and use Spinning skewer whenever you see [Vulnerable] appear. Flurry has two main DPS skill: Rough Sweep (Instant) and Spinning skewer. How well flurry DPS is depend on how well you can use these two skills:
- Spinning skewer: must use every time you see [Vulnerable] appear, do not miss. If [Vulnerable] appear when deep pirece are available, you should use DP > Skewer, if DP on cd, you can just use skewer alone.
- Rough Sweep: deal tremendous damage and easy to trigger [Vulnerable]. You should control the movement patch well to always hit the boss, especially for final hit. You should never early end the movement with left click unless in some rare situation (the boss die soon, or enter iframe status soon).
- Rough Sweep Instant: always check Rushing blade cd and use RS Inst every time it off cd. Normally you will use combo RS -> RS Instant. However, because Rushing blade have much lower cd compare to Rough Sweep ( 10.5s vs 18s), you will need to squeeze out some RS Inst alone.
Key awakening points:
Here are key points about flurry awakening.
- 2 new active skill. They are not main dps skill, but still good to have. Evil punisher should cast before boss appear. Bifrost can use as filter skill when main skill on cd.
- [Awakening] Hornet tough: key change for flurry. Now we can get bubble much faster. Which mean we can use Skewer and Deep Pierce more. You should plate this with cd, and use it everytime it off cd.
- [Awakening] Scar maker: increase attack power (10% > 15%), buff duration, and range. Very nice skill to have.
- [Awakening] Spinning cut: not important because Spinning cut now is only filter skill. But still nice to have.
- [Awakening] Headbutt: useless and it even make you more trouble when want pushing stuff with headbutt. Don't learn.
Overall, flurry get nice awakening. Aside from [Awakening] Headbutt, others awakening skills are useful.
II. Skill build
Flurry awakening pretty tight on SP. My skill build mostly for PvE, especially for raid. If you need more SP for whatever purpose, you can lower 2 point from stab crew, 2 point or more from spinning swing.
Skill Explanations:
Lancea tree:
Get all utility skills: Counter spin, Flee, Aerial Evasion, Harmonize, Hornet touch, Swoop, max Physical Mastery, mental mastery and mind conquer.
Deep pierce is the skill for CM3, its damage on [Vulnerable] target is good now, and even better after the boost on next patch (Slayer patch). So need leveling it as much as possible.
After learn CM3, Deep Pierce

increase damage (x700%) and range.
At max level (lv 27), Deep Pierce board is 405%, so it will be 405*7 = 2835%
- When hit [Vulnerable] target, Deep Pierce dmg will triple and do not make [Vulnerable] disappear, so we can follow up by spinning skewer.
Deep Pierce on [Vulnerable] target have board 2835 * 3 = 8505%.
Combo Deep Pierce + Skewer on [Vulnerable] target will deal 8505% + 7950% = 16455%.
After learn CM3. Deep Pierce will change to 4 hits. 3 small hits have coef of 1 each. Last hit have coef 5. Make it Coef total for Deep Piece CM3 is 8. On [Vulnerable] target coef will become: 8 * 3 = 24.
Piercer tree:
Flurry route:
Shutter Bounce (Ex)
This skill gives 20% damage debuff (10s duration), So use it at the beginning of your combo. It also has decent damage (2219%) and low cd. If in your party already have other class with the same debuff type. You can ignore this skill, and priority other higher dps skill.
Stab Screw (Ex)
This skill gives -20% crit resist (15s duration), so use it at the beginning of dps combo as well. This skill hits multiple times, one of your main skills to trigger vulnerable status. The damage is good for a spammable skill (3306%)
Lollipop Chups
Similar to stab screw, this skill have good damage, many hits, and spammable. Good skill to trigger vulnerable status.
Has a short i-frame at the beginning of casting.
Spinning Swing
This skill is very strong by itself (8840%) and excellent at triggering vulnerable status. To maximize damage, left click 4 times then right click. However, total casting time is too long. So this skill become less priority in skill rotation.
Action speed plate for this skill is a MUST.
Fling Sky (Flurry's Ulti)
Not only induce Vulnerable status for 2.5 seconds (100%), this ulti actually quite strong now (10799%). Target get hit by this skill also get -5% def debuff.
Always follow up this skill by spinning skewer.
Spinning cut (Ex).
There is a huge change to this skill. And it become our main DPS skill.
Must get + 2 (level up plate + ring skill) and plate dmg/cd for this.
When using Spinning cut, it will charge through 3 stage, skill will release when you right click.
Stage 1: 1 hit 5384%
Stage 2: 2 hits 5384%
Stage 3: 3 hits 3589%. This happen if you not right click after 3s.
However the best part about Spinning cut is Enhanced Spinning Cut. It will deal double damage of stage 2. It has 2 hits, each hit is 10768%. Total board for Enhanced SC is 21536%, which pretty insane.
Be careful that Enhanced SC is not stage 2 charging. To get Enhanced SC you need right click at the right moment.
This is normal stage 2 right click. You will se a green slash.

This is Powered SC. You will see a red black slash.

Notice the dmg in 2 case. Normal Stage 2 right click is 14726246. Powered SC is 29452492, double the dmg of Stage 2 right click.
How to get that Enhance Spinning cut?
To get this skill, you need right click at the right moment. This is when the charging change from stage 1 to stage 2. It about 1.2s from when pressing the skill key. The time window for Enhance SC only 0.13s (credit to fourrier)
These are 3 ways to timing for this. Each have their own advantage and disadvantage. You can choose whatever method you comfortable with.
- Skill sound: good point is you can focus on boss and battle. But in some rare case, skill sound is not happen, and maybe hard to use in chaos situation.
- Skill animation: seeing the cross glowing. Less focus on boss like the sound way, but you still can watch both boss and skill at the same time. May hard to see in party/raid when many skill casting.
- Skill cd bar: this way depend on cd number on skill bar to right click. I find this way most accurate and easy to watch. But this way also have some fatal drawbacks. When focus on skill bar, you will less focus on boss, which is dangerous on hard raid/nest. And the timing will change a lot when have change in speed buff and cd skill reduction (mana flow, iron will stone speed buff,...)
Utility skills:
Erratic power.
This skill give 20% FD and 10% attack/movement speed buff
With EP on, if you use any Piercer skill, you will get 1 energy. When you reach 20 energy, Spinning Skewer become Enhanced Spinning Skewer -ESS(yellow icon). ESS will have the same damage as Spinning skewer on [Vulnerable], but do not require [Vulnerable]. So you can use ESS even on non-[Vulnerable] target. Moreover, any target get hit by ESS will get [Vulnerable] debuff (100%). So you can use Spinning Skewer one more time.
In short, when you see Energy reach 20 and your Spinning Skewer become ESS, just press the Spinning Skewer button 2 times.
Note: successful block by Hornet touch will gain 5 Energy.
Scar maker.
Create a red circle area. Step inside the circle will give 5s a buff which increase 10% attack. The buff will refresh itself when you stay inside the circle. The red circle has 15s duration. This skill have 5s cd, which make it permanent buff.
Always use DPS skill under scar maker buff. Try stay inside the red circle. If for whatever reason you move out, remember to move back inside the red circle or create a new red circle before use any DPS skill.
Will maker.
Similar mechanics like scar maker but for defensive purpose. It gives 30% damage reduction buff and heal heal a bit if you stand inside its AOE.
Must have. Good for mobility. You can either left or right click while using this skill, but most of the time we use right click for the leap. Can consider max it for less cd.
This skill can be fast triggered by tumble + spacebar. Personally, I use this skill by pressing: W > Shift > Spacebar > right click.
Rushing blade:
Max it to reduce cd for Rough sweep Ins.
SB route:
Serve as utility skill
Go down to fling fling. We need:
Hovering blade: still a good skill to trigger vulnerable status. But not important now.
Piercing spike: good for air time (to dodge stomp)
Fling fling: good for mobility. This skill can be use by pressing W + Shift while in the air.
TIP: you can combo Flag + fling fling to make a very long distance move: W > Shift > Spacebar > right click > Shift.
Flurry tree:
Max everything.
Spinning skewer:
This skill is flurry main DPS skill. So pay attention to it.
[Vulnerable] status/debuff: Spinning skewer will increase 2500% more damage (become 7950%) when hit target with [Vulnerable] status. Target under [Vulnerable] also get -5% defense debuff.
How to make target [Vulnerable]?
Hitting target by using any skill, you will have 5% chance to make that target [Vulnerable]. Notice that this 5% is per hit, so if you use multi-hit skill, you will have higher change to get [Vulnerable]. Moreover, anyskill will do, even lancea tree (deep pierce, headbutt, ...) or SB side skill (Hovering blade, Piercing Spike,...) can trigger [Vulnerable]
Good skill to get [Vulnerable]: Rough sweep, lolipop chups, stab screw, spinning swing.
Moreover, Fling sky and Enhanced Spinning Skewer (see below for more detail) will induce [Vulnerable] at 100% rate. So be ready to use Spinning skewer after using these two skills.
Enhanced Spinning Skewer. When energy reach 20, Spinning Skewer become Enhanced Spinning Skewer -ESS(yellow icon). ESS will have the same damage as Spinning skewer on [Vulnerable], but do not require [Vulnerable]. So you can use ESS even on non-[Vulnerable] target. Moreover, any target get hit by ESS will get [Vulnerable] debuff (100%). So you can use Spinning Skewer one more time. ESS do not share cd with SS
- Can get +1 neck for this skill.
- Can get +1 Skill Up plate
- Must have +dmg plate.
Rough Sweep:
This skill has good damage (8864%) and many hits to trigger weak points. Depend on situation, you can left click to trigger the final hits earlier (weaker than automatic trigger).
Rough Sweep Ins:
Damge is strong now (8284%). No long share cd with Ex version and with Rushing blade only has 10.5s cd at max level, we can spam RS Ins a lot.
- Can get +1 neck for this skill.
- Must have +dmg plate.
Flurry dps skill summary

III. Gameplay
On buff: harmonize, EP before battle
Open Scar maker before combo
Use Evil punisher.
Main combo: Shutter bounce (cancel after first hit)>Hornet touch (left click)> > (Enhanced) SC > Rough sweep Inst> Rough sweep> Filter skill (Lollipop chups,stab screw, Bi frost).
And use skewer when Vulnerability proc. Use Spinning swing when all above skill on cd.
Some note:
--Shutter bounce casting time is quite long and you may get hit while casting it. The debuff will apply after the first hit. You can immediately use skewer or hornet touch right after the first hit to cancel the rest animation and still apply debuff on boss. Can ignore this skill totally in nest and raid, because may have other class apply the same debuff.
-When Energy reach 20, press the button for Spinning Skewer 2 times, to use ESS > SS.
- Both Hornet touch and Spinning skewer can cancel any other skill on ground.
- Hornet touch (left click): just spam it everyone time it off cd. It give decent dmg 5 precious bubble
- Use Bifrost on [Vulnerable] give more dmg but not much, so can use Bifrost on non- [Vulnerable] target as you see fit .
IV. Gear
Key stat information for Flurry
Note: unlike other stat Crit damage based on your level, not monster. So if you want max crit dmg in Rune Dragon Nest HC, you will need 1,348,924)
General gear guideline:
- You should have enough hp to survive your content.
- As a str class, you need stack str as high as possible.
- Crit is important, however for now, it quite hard for casual to reach crit cap.
- Ele is good to invest when you use ECJ (which all decent gear flury should)
- FD and CTD come last.
Weapon and armor:
95L > RuDN L > 95 Unique> 95 Epic.
- The best gear now is 95L (Hero Calypse or Slayer). Noted that Hero Calypse can upgrade to tier 2, but no info about Slayer yet.
- Rune Legend set is still strong and can upgrade to Hero Caypse which don't cost much if your Rune item already at +12. Another strong point about Rune Legend set is that it can use server storage to transfer to another char in the same acc.
- 95 Unique gear (Hero Medea) can upgrade to tier 2 now. It strong and affordable for average player.
- For newbie/beginner, you can use 95 Epic (Hero Neris) which widely available and cheap.
Note: DO NOT use RDN L or IDN L Set anymore, it is obsolete already. I fail to understand why people still buy IDN HC svc, craft and enhance. These gear and weak and expensive, not worth the cost.
At cap 95, your gear can be upgrade from begin till end gear. New player can start with Epic 95 set. Enhance it to +20. Convert to Hero Medea Tier 1, then Medea tier 2. You also can convert + 20 Medea Tier 2 to +0 Hero Calypse Tier 1 and then Hero Calypse Tier 2 later on ( Future content). Enhancement cost for Hero Calypse is not much, you only need to farm material. In short, even if you are not rich, you can get end game gear by farming diligent.
- Best for now is (Refined) Genesis neck.
- More affordable option is skill neck Spinning Skewer + 1, max str type.
- Rune L neck STR is good too.
There are some options:
- (Refine) Genesis earring: very expensive. Good for people who lack FD and crit damage.
- Abyss earring: good overall
- Unique skill earring (+1 Spinning cut): cheap and powerful. Best choice if you can get ESC almost 100% and your Spinning cut have high % on skill detail of DPS meter.
- Another option can be Rune L earring with STR type.
- Best is dual (Refined) Genesis ring.
- Alternative option is dual skill ring: Spinning cut +1 and Rough sweep +1.
- Rune L ring with patk type is good also
Enhancement Plates:
- Must have 5 plates for maximize dps: Bear, Destruction, Fatal, Wind, Ultimate
- Choose the rest 3 plates from this 4: Health, Life, Iron wall, Tent.
- If you have 3 slot plate extension, can consider more option: Attack, Limitation, concentration.
3rd stat plate: there are 4 option: FD, crit, STR, PATK.
- FD is the best for those who can afford.
- Crit. So crit plate is also a good option in case you lack crit.
- CTD. Also good, but it quite expensive. Usually not worth the cost
- Usually debate is we should invest in STR or PATK to increse our damage. In cap 95, it become 1k STR vs 2700 PATK. 2700 PATK easily win even though 1k STR provide some CTD. So in most case I recommend people use 3rd stat PATK.
Skill Plates:
- Spinning Cut dmg/cd. Theoretically, cd plate offer higher dps, but it require using every time Spinning cut off cd. So in practice dmg plate may better. But if you are FD flurry, cd plate is the only choice due to diminishing return.
- Rough Sweep dmg.
- Spining Skewer dmg.
- Spinning Swing Action speed.
Talisman: pretty much the same with enhancement Plate
2nd Talisman:
- FD: Rare talisman 95 2nd FD provide a lot FD, however it is super rare.
- STR: best choice for most case.
- PATK: worse than STR. However, it is much cheaper. You can consider use it if STR is out of budget.
Depend on your gear, your jade choice be will different. With 95 gear, jade choice should be:
Defense jade:
Best choice obviously is L jade. However it is too rare and expensive. More realistic choice is Unique jade
- Helm: Variant jade
- Upper, lower, glove shoes: 95 Unique jade. There are 3 version: HP, CTD, PATK/MATK. Choose which suit your purpose. PATK/MATK give highest PATK. However, if you lack hp, can choose hp version. In a similar manner, can opt to use CTD version if you lack CTD.
Attack jade:
Once again, best is L jade. More realistic is Unique.
- Main weap: Use Unique ECJ 95. There are many version. You should only choose -15% ele + 1.5% atk or -13.5% ele. Additional stat can be 8300 atk or 4100 STR.
Can use 90L ECJ or 95 Epic ECJ too.
- Sub weap: Use Unique Attack jade 95. You can choose either 8.5% ele or 8.5% patk version. 90L ele jade also good.
95 Epic jade or 93 +15 epic jade also good option in case you cannot afford 95 Unique yet.
V. Other useful readings
1/ Detailed flurry skill coefs:
2/ Cap 90 gear:
VI. Acknowledgements
Special thanks to:
- fourrier
- Sieg - Freedom
- Revertible
- Fieree
Change log:
- 1/12/2015: replace 2 skill board damage table. Add some minor detail at Flurry tree and skill plate choice, mirror correct skill rotation.
- 3/12/2015: added Dark ECJ vs Pure Patk, in the following post.
- 29/1/2016: updated gear section and Dark ECJ vs Pure Patk section in the following post
- 12/06/2016: update with Flurry revamp.
- 30/09/2016: update skill build and item choice to cap 93.
- 26/05/2017: add about me, update some skill explain, skill build and newer gear in late cap 93
- 08/09/2017: change skill build to cap 95